Cell Transport

  1. What types of materials must go into cells?
    Ocygen, Water, Nitrogen, Glucose, Amino Acids, Iron, Vitamins, Lipids, Acids, Glycerol, Calcium, Sodium, Chloride, Salt, Potassium, Fatty Acids
  2. What types of materials must come out of your cells?
    Waste, Carbon Dioxide, Water, Sodium, Potassium, Urea (makes urine)
  3. Which organ systems aid higher animals in transporting materials throughout the body?
    Circulatory, Respitory, Digestion, Lymph, Nervous
  4. Selectively Permeable
    Only certain Materials can go through the cell membrane.
  5. Maintains Homeostasis
    So that cells inside environment and outside environment are both stable or in balance.
  6. Can water move through the membrane easily?
    Moves very easily, trough pores called aquapores.
  7. Can small molecules move through the membrane easily?
    Yes, they move easily through the lipid bilayer.
  8. Can charged particles like ions move through the cell membrane easily?
    They don't move through easily, but they can get through special channels.
  9. Can solutes and particles that the cell must have to survive get through the membrane easily?
    the cell has special ways of getting all needed materials into our wastes out of the cell.
  10. Passive Transport
    A natural form of particle movement fueled by the heat contained in molecules. PASSIVE TRANSPORT DOES NOT REQUIRE ATP ENERGY!
  11. Concentration
    The amount of solute particles in a given area.
  12. Diffusion
    Movement of molecules from an area of high concentration, to an area of low concentration.
  13. Dynamic Equilibrium
    No gradient- balance between 2 concentrations.
  14. Osmosis
    Movement of water into/out of a cell due to a concentration gradient.
  15. Hypertonic
    • Cell shrinks.
    • Water moves OUT of cell.
  16. Hypotonic
    • Cell expands.
    • Water moves INTO cell.
  17. Isotonic
    • Water moves BOTH IN AND OUT of cell.
    • Cell stays the same size.
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Cell Transport