Comm Studies Final!

  1. General Purpose
    • Based on two brain model
    • Knowledge, affect, attitude
  2. Types of informative speeches
    • Instructional, Expository like - lectures and descriptive speeches
    • Aimed to change knowledge
  3. Persuasive speeches
    • Aimed to change attitudes
    • Speaking is aimed at adherence
  4. Ethos
  5. Pathos
  6. Logos
  7. Hybrid Purposes
    • Goal is to actuate
    • Aim is retention, fidelity, and adherence
  8. Actuate
    Exchange of knowledge and attitude
  9. 5 parts of Monnoas Motivated sequence are
    Attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, and call to satisfaction
  10. Selecting Topic and Purpose
    • Does the audience have an interest in the topic?
    • Does the speaker have more knowledge of the topic than the audience?
    • Is the topic appropriate to the constraints of the situation?
  11. Parallelism
    Divisions must share commonality beyond their status as a division
  12. Balance
    Divisions should be roughly balanced in the amount of material to be covered under each
  13. Time Order
    Points are presented chronologically
  14. Topic Order
    Points are presented topically
  15. Time/Time
    • Appropriate for teaching a single specific skill.
    • Ex. Baking a cake
  16. Topic/Time
    Appropriate when teaching more than one specific skill
  17. Topic/Topic
    Teaching a general skill
  18. Time/Topic
    • Appropriate when one is teaching a general skill that takes place over a long period of time
    • Ex. Finding a job
  19. Communication
    a transactional process where by 2 or more individuals exchange information through the assignment of meaning. Something we do with people not to people
  20. Transaction
    requires mutual influence
  21. Process
    • Takes place over time. 
    • Is an activity not an outcome
  22. Information
    Characteristic of the mind not of objects
  23. Subjective World of Thoughts
    Inside your head
  24. Objective World of Thoughts
    Speaking and writing which = communication
  25. Encoding
    Process of assigning behaviors to the information
  26. Decoding
    Process of assigning information to the behaviors
  27. Objectifying Process
    You use what is in the brain to make another understand
  28. Subjective Process
    You get to choose what information to keep or take away with you
  29. Rhetorical Arguments
    Arguments based on general opinions
  30. Argument
    A collection of statements intended as a whole in which one statement supports another
  31. Support Implications
    The characteristic feature of an argument
  32. Clain
    Arguments organized around a central statement. This is a proposition, (the position on your topic)
  33. Assertions
    Generally accepted belief of principle, more of a specific statement
  34. Argument Pyramid
    Clain then reasons then assertions
  35. Toulmin Model of Arumentation
    • Simple model involving 4 points of Toulim:
    • Claim - Point of the argument
    • Grounds - Reason offered in support of the claim
    • Warrant - A statement which justifies using the grounds as support for the claim
    • Backing - Specific statements in support of the warrant
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Comm Studies Final!
Comm Studies