ATI DC-8 Limits II

  1. DC-8-62 limited to normal landing flaps of _____
  2. Runway slope limits
    +/- 2%
  3. Altitude limits for takeoff and landing
    -1000 to 8500 ft
  4. Max altitude
    42,000 ft
  5. Max demonstrated crosswind (-62)
    Landing with aileron unpowered and lateral control spoilers available
    • 34 kts
    • 34 kts
    • 34 kts
  6. Max demonstrated crosswind (-70)
    Landing with aileron unpowered and lateral control spoilers available
    • 30 kts
    • 30 kts
    • 10 kts
  7. Max operating speed Vmo (sea level) and Mmo
  8. Maneuvering speed
    (sea level and above 35,000 ft)
    • -62, -72
    • 260/.79

    • -71
    • 257/.79

    • -73
    • 262/.80
  9. If overspeed warning occurs below Mach ____, deactivate the system and operate at a speed below _____.
    • .82
    • 340/.82
  10. If the wing slot disagreement light remains ON after flap retraction, the aircraft may be operated to a max speed of _______ and/or Mach _____.
    If the aircraft is operated with a slot or slots open at speeds above _____, a complete inspection of slots must be made.

  11. Wing landing light max speeds
  12. Altimeter Limits - non RVSM
    Altimeter/Field elevation difference - within 75 ft
  13. Altimeter Limits - RVSM
    • Altimeter/Field elevation difference - within 75 ft
    • Primary altimeter differences (any altitude) - within 200 ft of each other

    NOTE: All aircraft require 2 altitude reporting sources and DADC must be operational prior to entry into RVSM airspace.
  14. Do not use recirc fans while using _________.
    ground ACM
  15. When operating only recirc fans on the -62, _____________.
    2 fans must be operated
  16. Do not turn on a Recirc Fan unless ____________________, except when _____________.
    • 2 or more generators are operating in parellel
    • External Power
  17. NASI Pneumatic Flow Control System

    For cockpit temp control, the temp diverter valve must be actuated operating on the ______only.
    RH flow control system
  18. NASI Pneumatic Flow Control System

    Do not initiate use of cabin ram air with cabin pressure above ______.
    1.0 PSI
  19. NASI Pneumatic Flow Control System

    Never exceed delivery duct temp of _______.
    100* C
  20. NASI ACM

    Max duct temp
    100* C
  21. NASI ACM

    Max compressor temp
    175* C
  22. NASI ACM

    Max turbine temp
    100* C
  23. NASI ACM

    Max altitude for dispatch with one Flow Control Valve inop
    25,000 ft
  24. NASI ACM

    If ACM's are not OFF below _____, max cabin differential pressure may be unattainable
    4* C RAT
  25. NASI Flight Deck Floor Heat

    Cockpit floor heat should not be used whenever OAT is above ______.
    11* C, 50* F
  26. Air Conditioning System Limitations - 70 Series

    Max altitude dispatch with one pack inop:
    25,000 ft
  27. Max cabin differential available from auto control
    8.77 PSID
  28. Cabin pressure safety relief valve begins to open at _____ and fully open at _____.
    • 8.81 PSID
    • 9.18 PSID
  29. For unpressurized flight the _______ must not be used and the ______ must be operative.
    Forward cargo compartment

    Radio Rack Blower
  30. If the Radio Rack Blower fails during upressurized flight and a Cabin Press Diff of ___PSI cannot be maintained, turn OFF the _____, ______, and ______.

    weather radar, ATC transponder, HF radios
  31. The Autopilot must not be operated while on _______ or _________.
    manual aileron or rudder control
  32. Max speed for autopilot operation
  33. On aircraft equipped with a pitot cutoff switch, prior to placing the switch to the off position:
    disengage autopilot and DO NOT re-engage the autopilot until the pitot cutoff switch is returned to the ON position.
  34. Minimum altitude with autopilot engaged

    En route:
    600 ft AGL
  35. Minimum altitude with autopilot engaged

    Non-precision approches:
    50 ft below MDA but not less than 600 AGL
  36. Minimum altitude with autopilot engaged

    Coupled approaches
    70 ft AGL
  37. Do not use approach coupler for ____________
    back course approaches on any localizer
  38. Prior to entering RVSM airspace, ______ and ______ must be operational.

    • DADC
    • NOTE: if DADC fails altitude hold function will be lost.
  39. CSD Oil temp rise
    0*-11* C

    17* C
  40. CSD Outlet Oil temp
    20*-132* C

    146* C
  41. AC Load Meter normal ground ops
  42. Normal Batt volts
    26 +/- 4
  43. Ignition Inverter

    • 70-150 (60)
    • 105-125 (70)
  44. Generator overload ratings
    • 1.5 for 5 min
    • over 1.5 for 5 sec
  45. Do not ______ or _______ with main cargo door unlatched
    tow or taxi
  46. The Main Cargo Door may be opened to the ____ degree or ____ degree position with max wind velocity of ____ kts (steady)
    86, 166

    40 kts
  47. If wind velocities from ____ to _____ anticipated, the main cargo door may be opened to the ____ position if airplane parked with wind direction against right side.
    40-65 kts

    86 degree
  48. Emergency exit lights must be _____ for all flight ops
  49. Photoluminescent Aisle Path Marking System

    The pilot must verify that the system is ______ prior to flight.
    fully charged
  50. Photoluminescent Aisle Path Marking System

    Max length of night flight ops without recharging the system
    NOTE: flight duration not limited if _________
    6.5 hours

    overhead ceiling lighting is operated in the "ON" and "BRIGHT" or "HIGH" setting.
  51. No cargo or baggage may be carried in the lower cargo compartments if the ______ on the CDU is not illuminated.
    "SYS OK" light
  52. Airplane must lande within ______ following discharge of lower cargo compartment suppression system (COMBI only).
    180 minutes
  53. Aileron and Rudder power must be _____for all takeoffs.
  54. Stall warning must be _____ for all flight ops.
  55. If PTC malfunctions inflight, place switch to _____, pull the CB's and observe following speed limits:

  56. Max altitude with PTC inop (except all-cargo config)
    39,000 ft
  57. Fuel dum chute operation speed range:
    • 167 kts
    • 260 kts, .75M
  58. Max flap setting for dump chute ops
    • 23/25
    • Landing gear up or down
  59. Prior to retracting fuel dump chute after dumping, dump chutes must be place in the _____ position for ______.
    • Drain
    • 5 min
  60. Fuel dump actuator limits
    70 sec on, 5 min off
  61. Hydraulic system pressure

    System Relief
    2800-3300 PSI

    3300-3500 PSI
  62. Max Hydraulic Temp
    82* C
  63. Engine anti-ice ground warm-up
    80% N2 for 20 seconds, repeat every 10 min
  64. Engine anti-ice ground warm-up
    Min power setting is 24% N1 when anti-ice turned on
  65. Place windshield heat to FULL POWER during descent from cruise altitude when _____
    OAT is below ISA standard day temp
  66. Max speed with windshield heat inop

    Center Pane:

    Side Pane:
    260 kts below 10,000 ft

    285 kts below 10,000 ft
  67. Max speed for cracked center or side windshield.

    Affected window must be ______.
    235 kts below 10,000 ft

  68. Minimum desired pneumatic manifold temp during deicing:
    190* C
  69. Minimum pneumatc manifold air pressure for Rain Removal
    15 PSI
  70. Rain Removal system must not be turned on while pneumatic system is being supplied with High pressure and High Temp air above _____ from a ground pneumatic source.
    200* F
  71. Max tire ground speed
    195 kts (225 mph)
  72. Max brake wear limit
    1/2 inch
  73. Walk-Around O2 bottle pressure
    1620 PSI +/- 35 PSI, for +/- 10 degrees deviation from 70* F (4 cubic ft)
  74. Manifold Air Temp

    182* C

    214* - 242* C

    258* C
  75. Manifold Pressure, CFM-56

    12.5 PSI

    38 PSI

    53 PSI
  76. Manifold Pressure, JT3D

    12.5 PSI

    38 PSI

    48 PSI
  77. Max N1, JT3D
  78. Max N2, JT3D
  79. Max N1, CFM-56
  80. Max N2, CFM-56
  81. Oil Temp limits, CFM-56


    Max, (____ permitted for ____ minutes)
    5* C

    135* C, (145* C permitted for 10 minutes)
  82. Oil Temp limits, JT3D


    Max, (____ permitted for ____ minutes)

    132* C, (143* C permitted for 15 minutes)
  83. Max oil consumption (70 series)
    .4 gallons/hr
  84. Max oil consumption (60 series)
    • 1.6 quarts/hr (no external oil leakage).
    • Max oile consumption is 2 quarts/hr
  85. Engine starter limits, CFM-56

    Max starter engagement speed inflight
    20% N2
  86. Engine starter limits, CFM-56

    Max consecutive start attempts allowed
  87. Engine starter limits, CFM-56

    Required cooling period between start attempts
    30 seconds
  88. Engine starter limits, CFM-56

    Starter duty limits
    3 attempts/5 min on, then 10 min off

    After 2 cycles: 30 min off
  89. Engine starter limits, JT3D

    N2 starter disengagement speed


  90. Engine starter limits, JT3D

    N1 starter disengagement speed


  91. Engine starter limits, JT3D

    Starter duty cycles
    1 min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 5 min off

    Motoring only: 2 min on, 5 min off

    NOTE: if starting or motoring sequence interrupted, starter button must not be pressed again until N2 indicates zero.
  92. Thrust Reverser restrictions

    After touchdown do not use power settings beyond reverse detent until ________
    nose wheel is on the ground
  93. Thrust Reverser restrictions

    Wing flaps _______ for all in-flight reverser ops
    must be completely retracted
  94. Except in an emergency, all reverse levers should be at reverse idle detent or forward idle at speeds below ______
    60 kts
  95. RVSM min equipment list
    Autopilot (DADC must also be operational for altitude/pitch hold)

    Transponders (requires TWO separate sources of altitude information)

    Altimeters - BOTH altimeters must be operative in External and Self-Sensing Mode

    Altitude Alert System

  96. Altimeter allowance/differences for RVSM
    Altimeter/field elevation differences within 75 ft

    Primary altimeter differences (at any altitude) within 200 ft of each other
Card Set
ATI DC-8 Limits II
DC-8 "unshaded" limitations for ATI