Biology 160

  1. What is biology?
    the science of the study of life
  2. What do biologists study?
    • -biosphere
    • -ecosystem
    • -community
    • -populations
    • -organisms
    • -organs, organ systems
    • -tissues
    • -organelles (cells)
    • -biological chemicals
  3. What is the Heirarchy of Biological Organization?
    • -biosphere
    • -ecosystem
    • -community
    • -populations
    • -organisms
    • -organs, organ systems
    • -tissues
    • -organelles (cells)
    • -biological chemicals
  4. Why are cells so important?
    organisms are made of cells

    (see Cell Theory)
  5. What are the two general types of cells?
    • 1) Eukaryotic
    • 2) Prokaryotic
  6. What is special about a eukaryotic cell?
    Its DNA is inside a membrane (nucleus)
  7. What is special about a prokaryotic cell?
    Its DNA is NOT in a membrane
  8. What are the types of organisms?
    3 Domains of Life:

    • -bacteria
    • -archaea
    • -eukarya
  9. What are the central theories of biology?
    • 1) Cell Theory
    • 2) Evolution by Natural Selection
  10. What is Cell Theory?
    • 1) All organisms are made up of cells.
    • 2) Cells must form from other cells.
  11. What is Evolution by Natural Selection?
    populations change over time -- become better adapted to the environment = evolve
  12. How are theories developed?
    using the Scientific Method
  13. What is the Scientific Method?
    looking at the world rationally
  14. What are the steps of the Scientific Method?
    • 1) Observation
    • 2) Question
    • 3) Hypothesize
    • 4) Experiment
    • 5) Analyze Data
    • 6) Draw Conclusions
  15. Scientific Theory is:
    • 1) Explanation of the natural world
    • 2) Based on the testable hypothesis
    • 3) Supported by reproducable observations
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Biology 160
Notes from Bisc 160