What is sin?
Thought word deed or omission against Gods law
What was the first sin by Adam and Eve called?
Original Sin
How does original sin affect us now?
death ignorance pain and suffering
what is the weakness left from orginal sin?
What 3 conditions are necessary to make a mortal sin mortal?
- 1. Know its wrong
- 2. premeditate
- 3. just do it
whats the difference between sin of comission and omission?
- Commision- Doing something bad
- Omission- not doing what you should
How can a catholic recover from mortal sin?
penance and true sorrow
What is everyones primary vocation?
Difference between Chist temptation and our temptation?
- Christ-external
- Ours-internal and external
What should self esteem be based upon?
How much God loves us
What is ment by the Golden rule?
treat others how you want to be treated
What are the 2 greatest commandments?
Love the Lord your God and love your neighbors as yourself
how are the 10 commandments divided?
- 1-3 with God
- 4-10 with others
10 cammandments
- 1. Do not worship false Gods
- 2. Do not say the Lords name in vain
- 3. Keep Holy the sabbath day
- 4. Respect you mother and father
- 5. Do not kill
- 6. Do not commit adultry
- 7. Do not steal
- 8. Do not bare false witness against your neighbor
- 9. Do not covet your neighbors wife
- 10. Do not covent your neighbors goods
What is grace?
free gift of God, helps do good and avoid evil
What is the next level after the commandments?
What is Sanctifying grace? actual grace?
- Sanctifying- Children of God and heirs of heaven
- Actual- Conversion grace
Theological virtues
Faith hope charity
Cardinal virtues
Prudence, fortitude, justice, temprance- hinge virtues
stages in Gospel Development
7 Sacraments
Baptism, Eucharist, Penance, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders, Anointing of the sick
7 Capital Sins
- Pride
- Lust
- Anger
- Greed
- Glutony
- Envy
- Sloth
Name the fist 5 books of the bible
Genisus, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronamy
What are these books called by the Catholics and Jewish people?
- Catholics- Pentauch
- Jewish- Torah
4 ideas for a spiritual game plan
- Morning Offering
- Holy Mass
- Confession
- Rosery
What is the holy rosery?
Compendium of life of Christ
Word of God made flesh
Immaculate conception
Mary concieved with out sin
Hypostatic Union
Union of God-Man in Christ
1. Latria
2. Hyperdulia
3. Dulia
- 1. Adoration, God alone
- 2. High Veneration, Mary alone
- 3. Lower veneration, Angels and Saint
Giving a creature a power that belongs to God alone
Sin of Dispair
Giving up all hope
How is Jesus's life a role model for us?
showed prayer is number one
Formal meetings of the Church
Difference between dry martyr and martyr
- Dry martyr- Doesnt shed blood but suffers
- Martyr- Sheds blood for Christ
What Century had the most Martyrs?
What is needed to share in the life of the Trinity?
Sanctifying Grace
When does Holiness begin?
Spiritual Direction
seeking advice to live out our life in God
4 triths from the book of Genesis
- One God
- He made all things
- Created Adam and Eve
- Saw all was good
What passage of Genesis shows the first promise of a redeemer?
What were the gifts of the Magi? and what did they symbolize?
- Gold-King
- Frank.-Divinity
- Mhur- Death
Lifting up of our hearts and minds to God
What was Jesus's mission?
Save us from sins
When were the Gospels Completed?
100 A.D
Denying truths of faith
St. Thomas Aquinas
Greatest Catholic Theologian
Denying the whole faith
Where was Jesus born?
What evangelist knew Jesus Personaly?
St. John and Matthew
Wjat is our greatest Catholic treasure?
Sacred truth that we are called to believe
How many books are in the O.T.? N.T.?
Never fully understood
What language did Jesus speak?
Who wrote the very first Gospel?
stories that teach a moral lesson
How did Jesus refer to God?
Who was the physician amoung the evangelist?
St. Luke
Why is Mary the new Eve?
She said Yes to God
What was the first christian symbol?
What does the Church teach about predestion?
everyone is predestined to go to Heaven
"Destroy this body and in 3 days I will raise it up" refers to
Did jesus ever condemn a sinner?
Is gambling always a sin?
"eucharist" means
Does venial sin break our relationship with God?
What pope began Vatican Council II?
Pope John XXIII
How do councis recieve their name?
where they are held
Holy Trinity
3 divine persons in one God
Are Christians and Jews polytheists?
No. Monothesisit
How did Mary become our mother?
at the foot of the cross
Mary's Parents
Ann and Joachim
How is the Blessed Mother a model for our lives?
- Taught us how to pray
- Do Gods will over ours
- How to treat our neighbor
Mary's Perpetual Virginity
She was a virgin before during and after the Birth of Christ
Mary visited Elizabeth
Gabriel asked Mary to be the mother of Christ
What is ment by "brothers" and "sisters"?
What did our Blessed Mother say about the Rosery at Fatima?
Pray the Rosery Daily
Difference between Mortal sin and Venial sin
- M.S- Turns you away from God
- V.S- Only slightly ruins relationship
What did Our Lady of Fatima say about hell?
More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh
Callong down of evil
2 sins against virtue of hope
Despare and presumtion
Wipes away many sins
3 Evagelical Councils
Poverty, Chastity, Obedience
Will Mysteries be understood in heaven?
Origin of all Heresy
How did God comunitcate with Saint Joseph?
what is the "matter" in sacraments?
What is being used to bring about the sacrament
is Jesus more divine than human?
Joyous Mysteries
- Annunciation
- Visitation
- Nativty
- Presentation in the Temple
- Finding in the Temple
Luminous Mysteries
- Baptism
- Wedding at Cana
- Proclamation of the Kingdom
- Transfiguration
- Institution of the Eucharist
Sorrowful Mysteries
- Agony in the garden
- Scourging at the pillar
- Crowning of thorns
- Carrying of the cross
- Crucifixion
Glorious Mysteries
- Resurrection
- Ascention
- Desent of the Holy Spirt
- Assumption
- Crowning