Le tournage
(shooting) filming
le scénariste
the screenwriter
une adaptation
an adaptation
le producteur
the producer
le metteur en scène
the director
le rôle principal
the main role
l'acteur principal
The main actor
la vedette/la star
The star
la figuration
(The figuration) Other actors/crew
le plateau
Work behind the camera
l'équipe de réalisation
Film crew
person in charge of Props
le maquilleur/le coiffeur
Hair dresser, makeup artist
les électriciens
le preneur de son
(The placer of sound) Sound artist
Operator (of camera)
le découpage technique
the shooting script
Le mixeur de son
the sound mixer
les bandes sonores
le bruitage
sound effects
les effets sonores
sound effects
les effets spéciaux/trucages
special effects
les transitions
La séquence
The collection of takes which make up a film
La scène
a part of the plot
La plan-séquence
A single take without a montage (a single shot), in which is very difficult to accomplish
La prèmiere scène
The first scene
le plan général
An open scene which shows all the decorations and characters (if even) with only a fraction being important
Le plan d'ensemble
The scene shows a person head and foot as part of the decor. A wide scene that shows alot of decor.
le plan moyen
Presents conversations; actor takes up most of the shots, but still part of the decor
le plan américain
A scene in which the actor takes up most of the shot, with half the thighs in picture. Generally used to show confrontational scenes.
le plan rapproché
A shot with mid chest level and up, acteur takes up most of the shot.
le plan subjectif
first person
le gros plan
The face takes up the entire shot.
le très gros plan
Like the gros plan, but zooms into varius features of the face.
La plongée
The camera above the head, gives the feeling of superiority over the one being filmed. Looking down
La contre-plongée
Looking up, gives the superiority to the other.
Les mouvements de la caméra
The movements of camera
Le travelling
When the camera is filming in a vehicle like fashion. following, and or moving on it's own over distance
Le panoramique
The movement is static, but can move side to side to view the are from a single placement.
La trajectoire
a combination of Travelling and panoramic
La prise de vue avec steadycam
first person (cloverfield,paranormal activity)
Le champ/Le contre-champ
Conversational transitions which watch who is talking; changing to gros plan to whoever is speaking.
Le fondu enchaîné
the first screen fades out as the next one is playing in the background.
le fondu au noir
The screen fades too black, represents the passage of time
le jump cut
a jump cut, one scene is chained into another one without a real transition.
Le volet
The screen is split too show multiple scenes at once.
Le décor
decorations, background, setting
les accessoires
Les personnages
Le jeu des acteurs
Les costumes
The clothing worn by the actors during their scenes
Le hors-champ
(out field) a place which exists only on film. (Narnia, Middle Earth)
La profondeur de champ
Putting the visual emphasis on certain objects by distorting/losing focus on objects in front of/behind the object of concern. (Tunnel Vision?)
La cadrage
The framing, what is in the picture when, where and why.
La comédie musicale
Musical Comedy
Le film d'aventure
Le film fantastique
Fantasy, Horror. Unrealistic films
Le film noir
Detective films, similar to cop films, but mysteries.
Le film de science-fiction
Science fiction
Le policier
Police movies, hero movies,
La grande guerre
- The great war
- July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918
Second guerre mondiale
- Second world war
- September 1st, 1939-September 2, 1945
la prestidigitation
"de souche"
une toile de fond
a backdrop
une actualité
a fact/news(paper)
un enlévement
an abduction
winner, vanquisher
un bonimenteur
smooth talker
Des frères Lumière
(le metteur en scéne)
- December 28, 1895
- Auguste and Louis Lumiere
Le voyage dans la lune
(le metteur en scéne)
- 1920's
- New and unusual/experimental ideas
Le cinéma du samedi soir
Entertainment films ~1920's
Un chien andalou
(le metteur en scéne)
Retour en arrière
Back to back, flash back
playwright, dramatist
théâtre filmé
theater film
"compagnon de route"
fellow traveler (~hitchhiker)
Qualité Française
French adaptions of literary works,
Nouvelle Vague
Films which oppossed the old way of filming, and modernized films.
Sans Toit ni loi
1985, Agnes Varda
Cinema du look
- 1980's Style over substance
- (Diva),(Amelie)
Jean-Jacques Beineix, 1981
Au Revoir les Enfants
Louis Malle, 1987
La Haine
Mathieu Kassovitz, 1995
Ma Vie en rose
Alain Berliner, 1997
La Fabuleux Destin d'amelie Poulain
Jean-pierre Jeunet, 2001
La Nouvelle Vague
Rejection of literary pieces, experiments with short films, new ideas.
Surrealist Movement
(Un chien Andalou) Shocking imagery,