Day 9

  1. What are the 5 traits that determine a valid cache?
    • Report ID/Version
    • Template ID/Version
    • Filter ID/Version
    • Security Filter (if any)
    • Prompt Answers (if any)
  2. What are the 2 Grouping options for Level Metrics?
    What are the 4 Filtering options for Level Metrics?
    • Standard - means aggregates will be broken out by target
    • None - means only one combined value will appear accross all data

    • Standard - removes filtered out rows from aggregate
    • Absolute - includes filtered out rows for aggregate
    • Ignore - completely disregards any fitering for aggregate metrics
    • None - special case, allows you to specify fact table
  3. What are the 5 Types of Pass-through functions?
    • ApplySimple (used on metrics, filters, and attribute forms)
    • ApplyAgg
    • ApplyOLAP
    • ApplyComparison
    • ApplyLogic
  4. What are the 4 types of Custom Group Banding?
    • Band Size (Percent/Rank)
    • Band Count (Num Equal Bands)
    • Banding Points (Custom Sizes)
    • Band for Each
  5. What are the 3 ways of defining a Derived Element?
    • List
    • Filter
    • Calculation
Card Set
Day 9
Day 9