Sets how long the shell can be inactive before bash automatically exits. Added to .bashrc file and format is (without quotes) "[Answer]=5" for 5 seconds.
You can create your own _________ _________ to provide shortcuts in your work as long as a name its name is not being used.
Environment Variables
Example: you work in directory /stuff/otherStuff/files, you can set the variable:
S=/stuff/otherStuff/files ; export S
To go to the directory type cd $S, to run a program called shit type $S/shit
Tab completion: If the text you type begins with regular characters, the shell completes the text with a _________, _____, or _______ ______.
command, alias, or function name.
This variable sets the directories that are searched for commands you use and you can permanently add them.
To add a directory called /shit add:
PATH=$PATH:/shit ; export PATH
B) Username
C) Hostname
D) Alias
To add a directory called /shit add:
PATH=$PATH:/shit ; export PATH
Tab Completion: If the text you type begins with a dollar sign ($), the shell completes the text with a variable from the _________ ______
current shell.
Tab Completion: If the text you type begins with a tilde (~), the shell completes the text with a _______.
~username indicates the home directory of the named user.
Tab Completion: If the text you type begins with an @ sign, the shell completes the text with a ________ taken from the /___/____ file.
hostname, /etc/hosts
Shell Configuration: What does the /etc/profile bash configuration file configure?
Sets up user environment information for every user and is executed when you first log in. File provides values for your path and sets environment variables.
Also gathers shell settings from config. files in the /etc/profile.d directory.
Shell Configuration: What does the /etc/bashrc bash file configure?
Executed for every user who runs the bash shell, each time a bash shell is opened. Sets the default prompt, may add alias(es).
Values can be overriden by a user's ~/.bashrc file
Shell Configuration: What does the ~/.bash_profile file configure?
Used by each user to enter information that is specific to their use of the shell. Executed only once (upon user login). Sets a few environment variables and excecutes the user's .bashrc file.
A good place to add environment variables b/c they are inherited by future shells.
Shell Configuration: What does the ~/.bashrc file configure?
Contains the information that is specific to your bash shells. Read when you log in and each time you open a new bash shell.
Best location to add aliases so that your shell picks them up.
Shell Configuration: What does the ~/.bash_logout configure?
Executes each time you log out (exit last bash shell). By default, it clears your screen.
To change the /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc files you must be the ____ user.
____ can change information in the $HOME/.bash_profile, $HOME/.bashrc, and $HOME/.bash_logout files in their own home directories
Creating and using aliases: The command $ alias p='pwd ; ls -CF' creates and alias, how is it run and what does it do?
Typing p at the bash prompt will run the command and it lists the present working directory and lists its contents in column form.
Creating and using aliases: How do you check which aliases are set?
At the bash command prompt type alias, to remove an alias type unalias
How do you check the PATH?
type echo $PATH
How would you use the help command?
Type help [command]. This only works in bash.
Many commands include a --help option and some simply use a -h option.
What is the info command used for?
It is another tool for displaying information about commands from the shell.
info command can move among a hierarchy of nodes to find information about commands and other items. Not all commands have information avail. in the info database.
history command line: What do the arrow keys do and what is the function name?
The function name is step and the up and down arrow keys step through each command line in your history (Ctrl+P and Ctrl+N do the same)
history command line: What does Ctrl+R do and what is the function name?
The function name is Reverse incremental search and allows you to enter a search string to do a reverse search.
As you type the string, a matching command line appears that you can run or edit.
history command line: What does Ctrl+S do and what is the function name?
The function name is Forward incremental search and allows you to enter a search string to do a forward search.
history command line: What does Alt+P do and what is the function name?
The function name is Reverse search and this allows you to enter a string to do a reverse search.
Type a string and press Enter to see the most recent command line that includes the string.
history command line: What does Alt+N do and what is the function name?
The function name is Forward search and it allows you to enter a string to do a forward search.
Manual Page Sections: Fill in blanks
SectionNameDescription. 1 ____ commands Can be run by regular users
2 ____ Calls Programming functions used within an app. to make calls to the kernel
3 C ____ _____ Programming functions that provide interfaces to specific programming libraries.
4 ____ and Special files File system nodes that represent hardware devices or software devices.
5 File ____ and Conventions Types of files or specific configuration files.
6 Games Games on the system
7 Misc Overview of topics such as protocols, file systems, character set standards, etc.
8 _____ Administration tools and _____ Commands that require root or other administrative privileges to use
1. User
2. System
3. Library functions
4. Devices
5. Format
8. System, Daemons
Manual Page Sections: Describe what the following commands do:
man -k passwd
man passwd
man 5 passwd
man -k passwd searches the name and summary sections of all man pages installed on the system
man passwd displays the section 1 page.
man 5 passwd calls up section 5 of the passwd manual page.