- Superficial
- Origin: Superior nuchal line, spines of C7-T12
- Insertion: Acromion, spine of scapula
- Function: Elevate, retract, depress scapula. Rotate superiorly the glenoid fossa
- Nerve: spinal accessory n. XI (Note: NOT part of ventral rami)
- Blood: superficial branch of transverse cervical a.
Latissimus dorsi
- Superficial
- Origin: Spines of T7-T12, thoracolumbar fascia, iliac crest
- Insertion: intertubercular groove of humeru
- sFunction: extends, abducts, rotates humerus (e.g. climbing/swimming)
- N: thoracodorsal n. (branch from brachial plexus from ventral rami)
- Blood: thoracodorsal a.
Levator scapulae
- Superficial
- Origin: Transverse processes C1-C4
- Insert: superior angle and medial border of scapula
- Funct: elevate scapula and inferior rotation of glenoid fossa
- N: dorsal scapular n.
- Blood: deep branch of transverse cervical a.
Rhomboid minor
- Superficial
- Origin: nuchal lig. and spines of C7-T1
- Ins: medial border of scapula @ root of spine of scapulaFunct: retract scapula, inferior rotation ofglenoid fossa
- N: dorsal scapular n.
- A: deep branch of transverse cervical a.
Rhomboid Major
- Superficial
- Origin: Spines T2-T5
- Insert: medial border inferior to root of spine of scapulaFunct: retract scapula and inferior rotation of glenoid fossa
- N: dorsal scapular n.
- Blood: deep branch of transverse cervical a.
Serratus posterior superior
- Intermediate
- O: nuchal lig, spines C7-T3
- I: ribs 2-4
- Funct: elevate ribs
- n: ventral rami of spinal nerve (intercostal n.)
Serratus posterior inferior
- Intermediate
- O: Spines T11-L2
- I: Ribs 8-12
- Funct: depress ribs
- N: ventral rami of spinal n (intercostal n.)
Splenius capitus
- Deep: Superficial - spinotransversales
- O: nuchal lig, spines C7-T4
- I: mastoid prs. and superior nuchal line
- Funct: extend head, rotate head
- n: dorsal rami of spinal nerve
Splenius cervicus
- Deep: Superficial - spinotransversales
- O: Spines T3-T6
- I: Transverse prs. C1-C3
- Funct: extend neck, rotate head
- n: dorsal rami of spinal nerve
Erector spinae - iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis
- Intermediate group
- O: tendon from iliac crest, sacrum and lumbar spines
- I: ribs, tranverse prs., spinous prs., head
- Funmct: extend spine and head
- N: dorsal rami
Transversospinalis - semispinalis, multifidus, rotatores
- Deep: Deep
- O: transverse prs. of vertebrae
- I: spines of superior vertebrae (run superiorly, semi - 4-6 segments, mult 2-4 segments, rot 1-2 segments)
- Funct: extend head and vertebral column, rotate trunk, and stabilize vertebral column
- N - dorsal rami
- Deep: Deep ("between spines")
- O: spines of vertebrae
- I: spines of adjacent vertebrae
- Funct: stabilize and extend vertebral column
- N: dorsal rami
- Deep: Deep ("between transverse prs")
- O: transverse prs.
- I: vertically adjacent transverse prs.
- Funct: stabilize vertically, lateral flexion
- N: dorsal rami
Levatores costarum
- Deep: Deep ("elevate rib")
- O: transverse prs. C7-T11
- I: subjacent ribs
- Funct: elevate ribs
- N: dorsal rami
Rectus capitus posterior minor
- Deep: Suboccipital
- O: posterior tubercle C1
- I: medial inferior nuchal line
- Funct: Posture
Rectus capitus posterior mjaor
- Deep: Suboccipital
- O: Spine C2
- I: lateral part of inferior nuchal line
- Funct: posture
Obliquus Capitus inferior
- Deep: Suboccipital
- O: Spine C2
- I: Transverse prs. C1
- Funct: posture