NFHS Football Signals

  1. What is the signal for Ready For Play?
  2. What is the signal for Start Clock?
  3. What is the signal for Timeout?
  4. What is the signal for TV Timeout?
  5. What is the signal for Touchdown?
  6. What is the signal for Safety?
  7. What is the signal for Dead Ball / Touchback? (2 signals)
  8. What is the signal for First Down?
  9. What is the signal for Loss of Down?
  10. What is the signal for Incomplete Pass?
  11. What is the signal for Legal touching of forward pass or scrimmage kick?
  12. What is the signal for Inadvertent Whistle?
  13. What is the signal for disregard flag?
  14. What is the signal for end of period?
  15. What is the signal for Sideline Warning?
  16. What is the signal for first touching or Illegal touching?
  17. What is the signal for Encroachment?
  18. What is the signal for false start / illegal formation?
  19. What is the signal for illegal motion illegal shift? (2 answers?)
  20. What is the signal for delay of game?
  21. What is the signal for substitution infraction?
  22. What is the signal for failure to wear required equipment?
  23. What is the signal for Illegal Helmet contact / targeting?
  24. What is the signal for Illegal Horse Collar Tackle?
  25. What is the signal for Unsportsmanlike Conduct?
  26. What is the signal for Illegal Participation?
  27. What is the signal for Sideline Interference?
  28. What is the signal for running into or roughing?
  29. What is the signal for Illegal Batting / Kicking?
  30. What is the signal for Invalid Fair Catch?
  31. What is the signal for Pass Interference?
  32. What is the signal for Kick Catch Interference?
  33. What is the signal for Roughing The Passer?
  34. What is the signal for Illegal Forward Pass?
  35. What is the signal for Intentional Grounding?
  36. What is the signal for Ineligible Downfield
  37. What is the signal for Personal Foul?
  38. What is the signal for Clipping?
  39. What is the signal for Blocking Below the Waist?
  40. What is the signal for Chop Block?
  41. What is the signal for Holding?
  42. What is the signal for Illegal use of Hands?
  43. What is the signal for Illegal Block?
  44. What is the signal for Helping Runner?
  45. What is the signal for Interlocked Block?
  46. What is the signal for Face Mask Penalty?
  47. What is the signal for Disqualification?
  48. What is the signal for Blindside Block?
Card Set
NFHS Football Signals
NFHS Football Signals