
  1. hydrocodone bitartrate with acetaminophen
    • Brand Name: Lortab
    • Therapeutic Class: analgesic combination (opioid)
    • MOA: hydrocodone: opioid receptor agonist, acetaminophen: analgesic MOA unknown
  2. levothyroxine
    • Brand Name: Synthroid
    • Therapeutic Class: thyroid product
  3. lisinopril
    • Brand Names: Prinivil, Zestril
    • Therapeutic Class: angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor
    • MOA: ACE-I (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor)
  4. alprazolam
    • Brand Name: Xanax
    • Therapeutic Class: benzodiazepine
    • MOA: binds to receptors in the central nervous system (CNS)
  5. metformin
    • Brand Name: Glucophage
    • Therapeutic Class: antidiabetic agent
    • MOA: main effect believed to inhibition of hepatic gluconeogenesis
  6. furosemide
    • Brand Name: Lasix
    • Therapeutic Class: diuretic (loop)
    • MOA: "loop diuretic": blocks sodium and chloride re-absorption from kidney tubules
  7. omeprazole
    • Brand Name: Prilosec
    • Therapeutic Class: proton pump inhibitor
    • MOA: PPI
  8. simvastatin
    • Brand Name: Zocor
    • Therapeutic Class: antilipemic agent
    • MOA: inhibits HMG Coenzyme A and upregulates hepatic LDL receptors
  9. atorvastatin
    • Brand Name: Lipitor
    • Therapeutic Class: antilipemic agent
    • MOA: inhibits HMG Coenzyme A and upregulates hepatic LDL receptors
  10. amlodipine besylate
    • Brand Name: Norvasc
    • Therapeutic Class: calcium channel blocker
    • MOA: dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker
  11. albuterol sulfate (salbutamol)
    • Brand Names: Proventil HFA, Proair HFA, Ventolin HFA
    • Therapeutic Class: beta2 agonist
    • MOA: beta-2 receptor agonist
  12. zolpidem
    • Brand Name: Ambien
    • Therapeutic Class: hypnotic
    • MOA: agonist of benzodiazepine GABA-A subunit
  13. citalopram
    • Brand Name: Celexa
    • Therapeutic Class: antidepressant
    • MOA: SSRI
  14. hydrochlorothiazide
    • Brand Name: Microzide
    • Therapeutic Class: diuretic
    • MOA: diuretic effect: blocks re-absorption of sodium and chloride from renal tubules, antihypertensive effect: unknown
  15. gabapentin
    • Brand Name: Neurontin
    • Therapeutic Class: anticonvulsant
    • MOA: unknown
  16. ranitidine
    • Brand Name: Zantac
    • Therapeutic Class: histamine H2 antagonist
    • MOA: histamine-2 (H2) antagonist
  17. tramadol
    • Brand Name: Ultram
    • Therapeutic Class: analgesic (opioid)
    • MOA: binds to opioid receptor and also inhibits reuptake of norepinephrine (NE) and 5-HT
  18. aspirin, enteric-coated
    • Brand Name: Bayer, St. Joseph
    • Therapeutic Class: antiplatlet agent
    • MOA: irreversible inhibitor of cyclo-oxygenase enzymes 1and 2
  19. potassium chloride (oral)
    • Brand Name: K Dur
    • Therapeutic Class: electrolyte supplement
    • MOA: potassium supplement
  20. clonazepam
    • Brand Name: Klonopin
    • Therapeutic Class: benzodiazepine
    • MOA: believed to enhance GABA activity
  21. warfarin
    • Brand Name: Coumadin
    • Therapeutic Class: anticoagulant
    • MOA: vitamin K epoxide reductase inhibitor (inhibitor factos II, VII, IX, and X)
  22. montelukast
    • Brand Name: Singulair
    • Therapeutic Class: leukotiene receptor antagonist
    • MOA: leukotriene receptor antagonist
  23. metoprolol tartrate
    • Brand Name: Lopressor
    • Therapeutic Class: beta blocker
    • MOA: beta-1 receptor blocker
  24. cyclobenzaprine
    • Brand Name: Flexeril
    • Therapeutic Class: skeletal muscle relaxant
    • MOA: reduces motor activity in brain stem
  25. quetiapine
    • Brand Name: Seroquel
    • Therapeutic Class: antipsychotic agent
    • MOA: serotonin (5HT), dopamie (DA), histamine and alpha receptor blockers
  26. clopidogrel
    • Brand Name: Plavix
    • Therapeutic Class: antiplatelet agent
    • MOA: platelet adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptor antagonist
  27. oxycodone
    • Brand Name: OxyContin
    • Therapeutic Class: analgesic opioid
    • MOA: opioid receptor agonist
  28. trazodone
    • Brand Name: Desyrel
    • Therapeutic Class: antidepressant
    • MOA: unknown, believed to increase serotonin levels
  29. carvedilol
    • Brand Name: Coreg, Coreg CR
    • Therapeutic Class: beta blocker with alpha-blocking activity
    • MOA: non-selective beta receptor blocker
  30. lovastatin
    • Brand Name: Mevacor
    • Therapeutic Class: antilipemic agent
    • MOA: inhibits HMG Coenzyme A and upregulates hepatic LDL receptors
  31. sertraline
    • Brand Name: Zoloft
    • Therapeutic Class: antidepressant
    • MOA: SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor)
  32. duloxetine
    • Brand Name: Cymbalta
    • Therapeutic Class: antidepressant
    • MOA: SSNRI (selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor)
  33. oxycodone with acetaminophen
    • Brand Name: Percocet
    • Therapeutic Class: analgesic (opioid)
    • MOA: oxycodone: opioid receptor agonist, acetaminophen: analgesic MOA unknown
  34. fluticasone with salmeterol
    • Brand Name: Advair
    • Therapeutic Class: beta2 agnoist
    • MOA: fluticasone: inhibits phospholipase, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes (mediators of inflammation), salmeterol: beta-2 receptor agonist
  35. insulin glargine (rdna origin)
    • Brand Name: Lantus
    • Therapeutic class: insulin (long-acting)
    • MOA: synthetic insulin
  36. metoprolol succinate
    • Brand Name: Toprol-XL
    • Therapeutic Class: 24:24 beta adrenergic blocking agent
    • MOA: beta-1 receptor blocker
  37. azithromycin
    • Brand Names: Zithromax, Zmax
    • Therapeutic Class: antibiotic
    • MOA: inhibits microbial protein synthesis
  38. fluoxetine
    • Brand Name: Prozac
    • Therapeutic Class: antidepressant
    • MOA: SSRI
  39. venlafaxine
    • Brand Name: Effexor (XR)
    • Therapeutic Class: antidepressant
    • MOA: potentiate activity of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine
  40. atenolol
    • Brand Name: Tenormin
    • Therapeutic Class: antianginal
    • MOA: beta-1 receptor blocker
  41. amitriptyline
    • Brand Name: Elavil
    • Therapeutic Class: antidepressant
    • MOA: increases 5HT and NE levels (prevents reuptake)
  42. iprotropium with albuterol
    • Brand Name: Combivent
    • Therapeutic Class: anticholinergic agent
    • MOA: ipratropium: anticholinergic (blocks activity at muscarinic smooth muscle receptor) albuterol: beta-2 receptor agonist (results in bronchial smooth muscle relaxation)
  43. bupropion
    • Brand Name: Wellbutrin (SR, XL)
    • Therapeutic Class: antidepressant
    • MOA: inhibits dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) uptake
  44. esomeprazole
    • Brand Name: Nexium
    • Therapeutic Class: proton pump inhibitor
    • MOA: PPI
  45. lorazepam
    • Brand Name: Ativan
    • Therapeutic Class: benzodiazepine
    • MOA: binds to receptors in the central nervous system (CNS)
  46. fenofibrate
    • Brand Name: TriCor
    • Therapeutic Class: antilipemic agent
    • MOA: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) alpha agonist
  47. escitalopram
    • Brand Name: Lexapro
    • Therapeutic Class: antidepressant
    • MOA: SSRI
  48. fluticasone (nasal)
    • Brand Name: Flonase
    • Therapeutic Class: corticosteroid
    • MOA: glucocorticoid receptor agonist
  49. prednisone
    • Brand Name: Prednisone
    • Therapeutic Class: corticosteroid
    • MOA: inhibits phospholipase, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes (mediators of inflammation)
  50. divalproex
    • Brand Name: Depakote (ER)
    • Therapeutic Class: anticonvulsant
    • MOA: unknown...may increase brain GABA levels
  51. clonidine
    • Brand Name: Catapres
    • Therapeutic Class: alpha2-adrenergic agonist
    • MOA: alpha-2 receptor agonist
  52. diltiazem
    • Brand Name: Cardizem (CD)
    • Therapeutic Class: antiarrhythmic agent
    • MOA: non-DHP CCB
  53. carisoprodol
    • Brand Name: Soma
    • Therapeutic Class: skeletal muscle relaxant
    • MOA: unknown, works centrally to produce muscle relaxation
  54. risperidone
    • Brand Name: Risperdal
    • Therapeutic Class: antimanic agent
    • MOA: unknown, affects serotonin (5HT) and dopamine (DA) receptors
  55. meloxicam
    • Brand Name: Mobic
    • Therapeutic Class: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
    • MOA: ?
  56. tolterodine
    • Brand Name: Detrol (LA)
    • Therapeutic Class: anticholinergic agent
    • MOA: muscarinic receptor antagonist
  57. topiramate
    • Brand Name: Topamax
    • Therapeutic Class: anticonvulsant
    • MOA: unknown, believed to potentiate effects of GABA
  58. ibuprofen
    • Brand Name: Motrin
    • Therapeutic Class: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
    • MOA: ?
  59. amoxicillin
    • Brand Name: Amoxil
    • Therapeutic Class: antibiotic
    • MOA: inhibits cell wall synthesis of mucopeptide
  60. naproxen
    • Brand Name: Naprosyn
    • Therapeutic Class: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
    • MOA: ?
  61. lisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide
    • Brand name: Zestoretic and Prinizide
    • Therapeutic Class: angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor
    • MOA: ACE-I
  62. metoclopramide
    • Brand name: Reglan
    • Therapeutic Class: antiemetic
    • MOA: antiemetic: inhibits DA (dopamine) receptor, which increase vomiting threshold, GI motility stimulant: cholinergic activity becomes greater than that of dopamine, which increase smooth muscle response to ACg (acetylcholine) and causes GI motility
  63. sulfamethazole with trimethoprim
    • Brand name: Bactrim
    • Therapeutic class: antibiotic
    • MOA: sulfamethazole: inhibits production of dihydrofolic acid, which kills bacteria, trimethoprim: interferes with the production of folic acid. Again, bacteriocida
  64. pioglitazone
    • Brand name: Actos
    • Therapeutic Class: antidiabetic agent
    • MOA: peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) gamma agonist
  65. aripiprazole
    • Brand name: Abilify
    • Therapeutic Class: antipsychotic agent
    • MOA: partial DA and 5HT receptor agonist
  66. alendronate
    • Brand name: Fosamax
    • Therapeutic Class: biphosphonate derivative
    • MOA: osteoclast inhibitor
  67. tiotropium
    • Brand name: Spiriva
    • Therapeutic Class: anticholinergic agent
    • MOA: causes airway smooth muscle relaxation
  68. tamsulosin
    • Brand name: Flomax
    • Therapeutic Class: alpha blocker
    • MOA: alpha-1 receptor antagonist
  69. pregabalin
    • Brand name: Lyrica
    • Therapeutic Class: analgesic
    • MOA: unknown, may bind to alpha(2)-delta receptors in the CNS
  70. glyburide
    • Brand names: Micronase and DiaBeta
    • Therapeutic Class: antidiabetic agent
    • MOA: sulfonylurea. increases pancreatic insulin release
  71. donepezil
    • Brand name: Aricept
    • Therapeutic class: acetylcholinesterase
    • MOA: acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (AChE-I)
  72. rosuvastatin
    • Brand name: Crestor
    • Therapeutic Class: antilipemic agent
    • MOA: inhibits HMG Coenzyme A and upregulates hepatic LDL receptors
  73. propoxyphen with acetaminophen
    • Brand name: Darvocet
    • Therapeutic Class: analgesic combination (opioid)
    • MOA: acetaminophen: analgesic effect unknown, propoxyphene: binds to opioid receptor (like codeine, hydrocodone)
  74. diazepam
    • Brand name: Valium
    • Therapeutic Class: benzodiazepine
    • MOA: binds to receptors in the central nervous system (CNS)
  75. spironolactone
    • Brand name: Aldactone
    • Therapeutic class: diuretic (potassium-sparing)
    • MOA: aldosterone antagonist at the distal convoluted renal tubule
  76. pantoprazole
    • Brand name: Protonix
    • Therapeutic Class: proton pump inhibitor
    • MOA: PPI
  77. lamotrigine
    • Brand names: Lamictal and Lamictal XR
    • Therapeutic Class: anticonvulsant
    • MOA: unknown, may block neuronal sodium channels
  78. levalbuterol
    • Brand name: Xopenex
    • Therapeutic Class: beta 2 agonist
    • MOA: beta-2 receptor agonist (results in bronchial smooth muscle relaxation)
  79. glipizide
    • Brand name: Glucotrol
    • Therapeutic Class: antidiabetic agent
    • MOA: sulfonylurea, increase pancreatic insulin secretion
  80. fexofenadine
    • Brand name: Allegra
    • Therapeutic Class: histimine H1 antagonist
    • MOA: allergy related ?
  81. pravastatin
    • Brand Name: Pravachol
    • Therapeutic Class: antilipemic agent
    • MOA: inhibits HMG Coenzyme A and upregulates hepatic LDL receptors
  82. estrogens (conjugated)
    • Brand Name: Premarin
    • Therapeutic Class: estrogen derivative
    • MOA; estrogen receptor agonist
  83. isosorbide mononitrate
    • Brand Name: Imdur
    • Therapeutic Class: vasodilator
    • MOA: organic nitrate, which causes arterial and venous dilation
  84. ciprofloxacin
    • Brand Name: Cipro (XR)
    • Therapeutic Class: antibiotic
    • MOA: inhibits bacterial DNA synthesis
  85. triamterene with hydrocholorthiazide
    • Brand Name: Dyazide
    • Therapeutic Class: diuretic (potassium sparring)
    • MOA: triamterene: inhibits the re-absorption of sodium in exchange for potassium and hydrogen ions in the renal tubule, HCTZ: inhibits sodium and chlorine re-asborption at the distal renal tubule
  86. promethazine
    • Brand Name: Phenergan
    • Therapeutic Class: antiemetic
    • MOA: H-1 receptor blocker
  87. allopurinol
    • Brand Name: Zyloprim
    • Therapeutic Class: xanthine oxidase inhibitor
    • MOA: decreases uric acid production
  88. nitroglycerin (sublingual and injectable)
    • Brand Name: Nitrostat
    • Therapeutic Class: vasodilator
    • MOA: increases release of nitric oxide, resulting in vasodilation/relaxation of vascular smooth muscle
  89. lansoprazole
    • Brand Name: Prevacid
    • Therapeutic Class: proton pump inhibitor
    • MOA: PPI
  90. paraoxetine
    • Brand Name: Paxil
    • Therapeutic Class: antidepressant
    • MOA: SSRI
  91. doxycycline
    • Brand Name: Vibramycin
    • Therapeutic Class: antibiotic
    • MOA: inhibits bacterial protein synthesis
  92. amphetamine and dextroamphetamine salts
    • Brand Name: Adderall
    • Therapeutic Class: stimulant
    • MOA: sympathetic amine with effects similar to epinephrine
  93. insulin aspart (rdna origin)
    • Brand Name: Novolog
    • Therapeutic Class: insulin, rapid acting
    • MOA: synthetic insulin supplement
  94. memantine
    • Brand Name: Namenda
    • Therapeutic Class: N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist
    • MOA: NMDA receptor antagonist (n-methyl-D-aspartate)
  95. fentanyl, transdermal
    • Brand Name: Duragesic
    • Therapeutic Class: analgesic (opioid)
    • MOA: opioid receptor agonist
  96. mirtazapine
    • Brand Name: Remeron
    • Therapeutic Class: antidepressant
    • MOA: increases central NE and 5HT (serotonin) activity
  97. ezetimibe
    • Brand Name: Zetia
    • Therapeutic Class: antilipemic agent
    • MOA: cholesterol absorption inhibitor (CAI)
  98. celecoxib
    • Brand Name: Celebrex
    • Therapeutic Class: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)
    • MOA: cyclo-oxygenase 2 inhbitor
  99. hydroxyzine
    • Brand Name: Atarax
    • Therapeutic Class: antiemetic
    • MOA: H1 receptor blocker
  100. valsartan
    • Brand Name: Diovan
    • Therapeutic Class: angiotensin II receptor blocker
    • MOA: angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB)
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