
  1. Database
    Organized collection of related information
  2. Table
    Vertical columns and horizontal rows where information is stored
  3. Record
    • Rows
    • Information about one person, place or things
  4. Field
    • Columns
    • Smallest unit of information
  5. Data Type
    • Defines the type of data the field will contain
    • Makes sure the right type of data is entered
  6. Field Property
    • Defines a field
    • Each field has set properties
  7. Primary Key
    • A field that uniquely identifies each record
    • Requirements ‡ key data must be unique, field cannot be empty, data in the field rarely changes
  8. Lookup Field
    • Proves a list of values
    • Makes entering data simple and accurate
    • Two types: Lookup List Lookup Field and Value List Lookup Field
  9. Subdatasheet
    • Data table nested in a another data table
    • Contains data related or joined to the table where it resides
  10. Format Property
    • Specify the way numbers, dates, times, and text in a field are displayed and printed
    • Changes the way data is displayed, not stored
    • Custom or predefined formats
  11. Default Value Property
    • Specify a value when a new record is created
    • Used when most of the entries in a field will be the same for the entire table
    • Saves time when entering data
  12. Validation Rule
    • Control the data that can be entered in a field
    • Checks are done automatically
    • Default message appears if invalid data is entered or you can create your own message
  13. Expression
    • Formula consisting of symbols
    • Produces a single value
    • Created by combining identifiers, operators and values
  14. Find and Replace
    • Quickly finds information
    • Automatically replaces value with new information
    • Find and Replace Command
  15. Sort
    • Rearranges the order of the records
    • Helps you find information quickly
    • Can sort by single or multiple fields
  16. Filter
    • Restriction on records
    • Filter results caNOT be saves, but filter criteria CAN be saved
  17. Forms
    • Database object used to display records onscreen
    • Based on underlying tables
    • Can include design control elements such as descriptive text, titles and labels, lines, boxes and pictures
    • Can use calculations
  18. Controls
    • Display information, perform actions or enhance the design of a form or report
    • Text controls ‡ information from the record source
    • Label controls ‡ descriptive labels
    • Bound or unbound
  19. Relationship
    • Establishes the association between common fields in two tables
    • Related fields MUST be the same data type and contain the same kind of information
    • Can have different field names
    • Special exceptions for the AutoNumber data type
  20. Join
    • Association between a field in one table or query and a field in another table or query (Must have at least one common field and fields must be the same data type)
    • Used to bring information from different tables together
    • Make relational databases so powerful
    • Inner join, Outer join, Unequal join
  21. Report
    • Professional-appearing output
    • Generated from tables or queries
    • Includes groups and summary information
    • Can create formatted labels, report titles, headings, design styles, layouts and graphics
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