Flight Medic

  1. Boyle's Law
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    When T is constant the V is inversely proportional to the P
  2. Charles's Law
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    • When P is constant the V is proportional to the T
    • -Test Tip: Charles -> Centigrade
  3. Gay-Lussac's Law
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    When V is constant the P is proportional to T
  4. Dalton's Law
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    The total P of a gas mixture is the sum of the individual or partial pressures of all gases in the mixture
  5. Henry's Law
    • -solubility of a gas in a liquid at a particular temperature is proportional to the pressure of that gas above the liquid.
    • -causes bends in scuba diving during ascent.

    Test Tip: Henry->Heineken
  6. Grahm's Law
    • -gases go from a higher P or concentration to a region of lower P or concentration.
    • -example is simple diffusion
  7. Hypoxia
    -decrease in tissue oxygen or an oxygen supply inadequate to meet tissue needs
  8. Hypoxemia
    -a decrease in arterial blood oxygen tension
  9. Hypercapnia
    -an increased amount of CO2 in blood
  10. Four stages of hypoxia
    • 1) indifferent stage
    • 2) compensatory stage
    • 3) disturbance stage
    • 4) critical stage
  11. Indifferent stage
    • Sea level-10,000 ft
    • -in this stage the body reacts with increased heart rate and ventilation

    Night vision loss occurs at 5000 ft
  12. Compensatory Stage
    • 10,000-15,000 ft
    • -increased B/P, heart rate,depth and rate of respiration.
    • -efficency and performance of tasks requiring mental alertness becomes impaired
  13. Disturbance Stage
    • 15,000-20,000 ft
    • -characterized by dizziness, sleepiness, tunnel vision, and cyanosis
    • -thinking becomes slow and muscle coordination decreases
  14. Critical Stage
    • 20,000-30,000 ft
    • -marked mental confusion and incapacitation followed by unconsciousness usually within a few minutes
  15. Hypoxic Hypoxia
    -deficency in alveolar oxygen exchange
  16. Hypemic Hypoxia
    -reduction in the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood
  17. Stagnant Hypoxia
    -occurs when conditions exist that result in the reduced total cardiac output
  18. Hystolic Hypoxia
    -occurs when metabolic disorders or poisoning of the cytochrome oxidase enzyme system results in the cells inability to use molecular oxygen
  19. Temp change with altitude
    Climb 100m=drop 10C
  20. Value of "One standard atmosphere"
    • -760 torr
    • -14.7 psi
    • -101.3 kPa
  21. Calculation of FiO2 at different Barometric Pressures
    • (PB1 x FiO21) / PB2 = FiO22
    • -where PB is the barometric pressure
  22. MSL
    -mean sea level refers to elevation above sea level
  23. AGL
    -above ground level refers to elevation above ground directly below aircraft
  24. Emergency locator transmitter "ELT" frequency
    121.5 Hz
  25. Effective PerformanceTime
    -the amount of time you are able to perform useful flying duties in an environment of inadequate O2
  26. Time of Useful Consciousness
    refers to the amount of time from the point of exposure to an oxygen-deficient environment to the point deliberate function is lost
  27. Barotitis Media
    • -refered to as ear block resulrs from failure of the middle ear space to ventilate when going from low to high pressure
    • -Descent
  28. Barosinusitis
    • -sinus block caused by acute or chronic inflammation
    • -Ascent
  29. Barodontalgia
    • -toothache caused by exposure to changing barometric pressures
    • -Ascent
  30. Barobariatrauma
    • -caused by a large/sudden release of nitrogen from adipose tissue of the body upon decompression
    • -replace the nitrogen with oxygen
    • -Test tip: Barobariatrauma -> Pre-oxygenate first
Card Set
Flight Medic
Flight Medic Air Physiology