The squamous suture connects which two bones?
A. Frontal and parietal C. Temporal and sphenoid
B. Parietal and temporal D. Sphenoid and frontal
The mastoid sinuses are found in which bone?
A. Frontal C. Parietal
B. Sphenoid D. Temporal
The skull bone that articulates with the first cervical
vertebrae is the:
A. Occipital C. Ethmoid
B. Sphenoid D. None of the above
A meatus can be described as:
A. A large bony prominence C. A tubelike opening
or channel
B. A shallow groove D. A raised, rough area
Separation of the nasal and cranial cavities is achieved
by the:
A. Cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone
B. Sella turcica of the sphenoid bone
C. Foramen magnum of the occipital bone
D. Palatine process of the maxilla
Which of the following is NOT a bone of the orbit?
A. Ethmoid C. Lacrimal
B. Nasal D. Frontal
True or False
The sphenoid is a bone of the face.
True or False
A specialized adaptation of
the infant skull is called a fontanel
True or False
The cheek is shaped by the zygomatic, or malar, bone.
True or False
The hyoid is one of several bones that do not articulate
with any other bones.
True or False
The hyoid is one of several bones that do not articulate
with any other bones.
First seven pairs of ribs
that attach directly to the sternum
A. Body
B. False ribs
C. Floating ribs
D. Manubrium
E. True ribs
F. Xiphoid process
G. Costal cartilage
Eleventh and twelfth ribs, which have no attachment to
the sternum
A. Body
B. False ribs
C. Floating ribs
D. Manubrium
E. True ribs
F. Xiphoid process
G. Costal cartilage
Middle part of the sternum
A. Body
B. False ribs
C. Floating ribs
D. Manubrium
E. True ribs
F. Xiphoid process
G. Costal cartilage
Most superior part of the sternum
A. Body
B. False ribs
C. Floating ribs
D. Manubrium
E. True ribs
F. Xiphoid process
G. Costal cartilage
The blunt, cartilaginous, lower tip of the sternum
A. Body
B. False ribs
C. Floating ribs
D. Manubrium
E. True ribs
F. Xiphoid process
G. Costal cartilage
The five pairs of ribs that do not attach directly to the sternum
A. Body
B. False ribs
C. Floating ribs
D. Manubrium
E. True ribs
F. Xiphoid process
G. Costal cartilage
Tissue that attaches ribs directly or indirectly to the sternum
A. Body
B. False ribs
C. Floating ribs
D. Manubrium
E. True ribs
F. Xiphoid process
G. Costal cartilage
Which of the following in NOT part of the shoulder
A. Clavicle C. Scapula
B. Sternum D. None of the above
The coronoid fossa is a:
A. Depression on the thumb C. Region on the spine
B. Projection of the ulna D. Depression on the humerus
The arm socket is the:
A. Coronoid fossa C. Coracoid process
B. Olecranon fossa D. Glenoid cavity
True or False
The two bones that form the framework of the forearm are
the radius and ulna.
True or False
The wrist is composed of small bones called metacarpals.
True or False
The medial forearm bone in the anatomical position is the ulna
True or False
The most evident carpal bone is the triquetrum.
Which of the following is NOT one of the bones of the pelvic girdle?
A. Ilium C. Ischium
B. Acetabulum D. Pubis
The greater trochanter is a bony landmark of the:
A. Femur C. Pubis
B. Tibia D. Ramus
During childbirth, the infant passes through an imaginary
plane called the:
A. Pelvic outlet C. Pelvic brim
B. Symphysis pubis D. Ilium
Which of the following is NOT a tarsal bone?
A. Talus C. Scaphoid
B. Cuneiform D. Navicular
True or False
The largest coxal bone is the ischium.
True or False
The most distal portion of the fibula is composed of a bony landmark called the medial malleolus.
True or False
The longitudinal arch refers to a structure within the pelvic inlet.
True or False
Each toe contains three phalanges.