An internal hordeola is caused by what?
Inflammation and infection of a meibomian gland, with abcess formation in that gland
An external hordeola is caused by what?
Inflammation and infection of the glands of Moll or Zeis, with abscess formation in those glands
What is the treatment for hordeolum?
- a) Warm compresses several times a day for 48 hours
- b) Topical abx if secondary infection develops
- c) I&D if indicated
What is a chalazion?
Relatively painless, indurated lesion deep from palpebral margin, often secondary to a chronic inflammation of an internal hordeolum of the meibomian gland. Insidious onset, minimal irritation, can be pruritic and erythematous. Tx: warm compress, refer to optho for elective excision.
Why would an entropion form?
Secondary to scar tissue or a spasm of the obicularis oculi muscles
Why would an ectropion form?
Secondary to advanced age, trauma, infection, or palsy of facial nerve.
Treatment for entropion and ectropion?
Presentation of viral conjunctivitis
Acute onset of unilateral or bilateral erythema of the conjunctiva, copious watery discharge, and ipsilateral tender preauricular lymphadenopathy
Tx of viral conjunctivitis
Eye lavage with normal saline twice a day for 7-14 days; vasocontrictor-antihistamine drops might help; opthalmic sulfonamide drops may prevent secondary bacterial infection but not routinely prescribed.
Natural history of bacterial conjunctivitis (common pathogens), why is it treated?
Self-limiting, but secondary keratitis can develop
Natural history of bacterial conjunctivitis caused by Chlamydia or gonorrhea (rare)
Severe conjunctivitis and keratitis with development of permanent visual impairment
Tx for bacterial conjunctivitis (for common and rare pathogens)?
- common: topical abx
- rare: may also require systemic antibiotics
What causes a pinguecula?
Chronic actinic exposure, repeated trauma, and dry and windy conditions
What is a pterygium?
Slowly growing thickening of the bulbar conjunctiva, highly vascular, triangular mass grows from nasal side toward cornea
What does papilledema look like?
The disc appears swollen, and the margins are blurred, with an obliteration of the vessels
What is the most common cause of sensorineural hearing loss and what is its treatment?
Presbycusis, may or may not be helped by hearing aids
Treatment for Meniere's disease?
Diuretics and salt restriction (due to distention of endolymphatic comaprtment of inner ear), surgery if sx progress
Drugs that might cause hearing loss
NECKS: neomycin, ethacrynic acid, chloramphenicol, kanamycin, streptomycin
Bullae on otoscopic exam of otitis media suggest what?
Mycoplasmal infection
Inadequate tx of OM may lead to?
Treatment for an acute attack of vertigo? mild vertigo? Severe vertigo? Chronic vertigo?
- Acute: diazepam, maybe bed rest
- Mild: Meclizine, cyclizine, dimenhydrinate
- Severe: scopolamine
- Chronic: moving about
Treatment of barotrauma
after removal of offending agent: decongestants, autoinflation, myringotomy
Most common type of skin cancer?
basal cell
Treatment of apthous ulcers
non-specific; symptomatic tx: topical steroids, anti-inflammatories
A lateral soft-tissue neck radiograph reveals a thumb-like projection (the classic thumb sign) in a patient who presents with abrupt onset of high fever, difficulty swallowing, sore throat and drooling. What is the dx?
Most common site of epistaxis
Kiesselbach's plexus on the anterior aspect of the nose
Posterior epistaxis source
Woodruff's plexus
Epistaxis patient: if there is blood in the posterior pharynx, where is the source of bleeding?
Woodruff's plexus, posterior
Polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine should be given to patients with what disease and why?
Sickle cell, they are functionally asplenic, and therefore require the vaccine to prevent invasive disease
AFP is a tumor marker for which cancer?
Recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma
CEA is a tumor marker for which cancer?
Recurrence of colon carcinoma
CA 19-9 is a tumor marker for which cancer?
recurrence of pancreatic carcinoma
CA-125 is a tumor marker for which cancer?
recurrence of ovarian cancer
A grade III/VI diastolic murmur heard best at the apex without radiation
Mitral stenosis. Grade 3- heard all over precordium
Grade IV/VI systolic ejection murmur heard best at the base with radiation to the left clavicle
Pulmonic stenosis, grade 4 is loud with palpable thrill
Grade II/VI systolic murmur heard best at the apex preceded by a click and without radiation
Mitral valve prolapse, grade 2 is soft
Grade IV/VI systolic murmur heard best at apex with radiation to the L axilla
Mitral regurgitation, grade 4 is loud with palpable thrill
What is TIPS?
Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt: placement of stent in order to shunt blood away from the portal vein into the hepatic vein to bypass liver parenchyma.
What is the main complication of TIPS?
Encephalopathy from the accumulation of toxic substances in the brain since the liver no longer acts as a filter
What is Budd-Chiari syndrome?
Thrombosis of the hepatic vein (not a common complications of TIPS)
Limitation of lumbar flexibility and tight hamstring muscles
Reduced lumbar lordosis and sacral kyphosis
Lumbar muscle spasm, positive straight leg test
Herniated disc
Which lab abnormalities characterize acute adrenal insufficiency?
Hyponatremia and hyperkalemia, eosinophilia and lymphocytosis, hypoglycemia
Gonococcal conjunctivits tx, no corneal involvement, with corneal involvement
- none: single 1g IM dose of ceftriaxone
- with: 5 days of IM ceftriaxone
CxR associations:
indistinct heart border looking like "ground glass"
irregular opacities ranging from reticular pattern to nodular pattern
calcification of the hilar nodes with an "eggshell" pattern
Patchy fibrosis
- indistinct heart border looking like "ground glass": asbestosis
- irregular opacities ranging from reticular pattern to nodular pattern: coal miner
- calcification of the hilar nodes with an "eggshell" pattern: silicosis
- Patchy fibrosis: farmer's lung, from spores produces hypersensitivity pneumonitis
In which disease is the following present: anti-endomysial antibodies
celiac sprue
In which disease is the following present: anti-mitochondrial antibodies
hypothyroid disease and other autoimmune processes
In which dz is the following present: anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies
In which disease is the following present: anti-phospholipid antibodies
Tx for enterbiasis
pinworms- Mebendazole (Vermox)
Granulomas and inflammation of alveoli, small bronchi and small blood vessels
inflammation and destruction of the structural components of the bronchial wall
increased permeability of the alveolar-capillary membrane and diffuse alveolar damage
edema of the airways with eosinophils, neutrophils, and lymphocytes
Outpatient treatment of CAP
doxycycline, macrolides like azithromycin or clarithromycin, and fluoroquinolones
What is the gold standard test for the evaluation of patients with malabsorption of the intestine?
Stool fecal fat
Fever, pharyngitis, "sandpaper rash" over face, neck, trunk, and extremities
Scarlet fever
Round of oval maculopapular lesions that begin on the neck or face and spread to the extremities
High fever with few symptoms, followed by appearance of a macular rash over the trunk and neck
generally asymptomatic, red papules on the face that coalesce to give a "slapped cheek" appearance
erythema infectiosum (Fifth Disease)
typical cause of kernicterus in a newborn
ABO/Rh incompatibility
which drug causes teeth discoloration in infants?
What sign is positive when the supine patient notes pain with flexion of the hip against resistance?
What sign is positive when the patient experiences abrupt cessation of deep breathing with palpation of the gallbladder?
Murphy's sign
What sign is positive when the patient experiences RLQ pain with deep palpation of the LLQ?
Rovsing's sign
What sign is positive when the supine patient experiences pain when the R leg is flexed at the hip and knee and the hip is externally and internally rotated?
Obturator sign
What are the degradation products that result from the metabolism of epinephrine and norepinephrine?
Metaneprine and normetanephrine
What does the Schilling test assess?
Pernicious anemia
Distended neck veins and cold clammy skin in a patient with recent stab wound in the chest
pericardial tamponade
Jones criteria for rheumatic fever
- Major- MECCS: Migratory polyarthralgia, Erythema marginatum, Chorea, Carditis, subcutaneous nodules
- Minor- PRAEFH: Prolonged PR interval, Rising titer of antistrep Abs, Arthralgia, Elevated ESR & CRP, Fever, Hx of acute RH
What is the difference between the morning stiffness seen in RA vs. that seen in OA?
- RA: lasts longer than 1 hr
- OA: lasts less than 15 mins
Match: RA and OA
cervical spondylosis
C1-C2 subluxation
- cervical spondylosis: OA
- C1-C2 subluxation: RA
What are Herberden's nodes?
bony enlargements of the DIP joints, seen in OA
7 yo boy with enuresis- which drug used to treat?
Desmopressin (DDVAP)
Tx for sleep terrors?
Lorazepam (Ativan)
Tx of pediatric overactive bladder
Hyoscyamine (Levsin)
As part of long-term tx of DM type I pt, HgbA1C level should be maintained at?
between 6-7%
What is the rapid test for mono?
Heterophil antibody test
What is the tx for EBV
Acetaminophen, supportive treatment
What type of injury causes pain over the posterior tibialis muscle body?
Shin splint
What is Osgood-Schlatter disease?
injury occurring at insertion of the patellar tendon on the tibial tuberosity in a younger age group
most common cause of chronic anterior knee pain, more commonly seen in females
Patellofemoral pain syndrome
In what situation would you see clue cells?
Gardnerella vaginalis
Describe the vaginal d/c in Gardnerella vaginalis infections.
Grayish, unpleasant, fishy odor
Mobile flagellated protozoa on a normal saline preparation
Trichomonas presentation
dysuria, vulvovaginal pruritis, frothy clear to white d/c
Rho-GAM indications
unsensitized Rh-negative patient who has had a spontaneous or induced abortion, ectopic pregnancy, or at the time of amniocentesis. Also indicated at 28 weeks gestation and within 72 hours of delivery of an Rh-positive infant
Which animal is the major cause of human rabies in the US?
onset of mid-lower abd pain, spasmodic, cramping that radiates to the back or inner thighs1-2 years after onset of menarche. begins on day 1 or 2 of menstruation.
primary dysmenorrhea
pain that starts 1-2 weeks before onset of menses and is relieved at the onset of menstrual flow or shortly thereafter
Therapeutic agent for acute influenza?
Zanamivir (Relenza)
responsible for acid secretion and intrinsic factor
Parietal cells
responsible for secretion of proteolytic proenzymes pepsinogen I and II
Chief cells
secrete mucous and pepsinogen II
mucous cells
which cells secrete gastrin?
Which drug is associated with macular damage, rash, and diarrhea?
Blood being put back into the R side of the body with increased jugular pulsation in the neck, along with a palpable venous pulse in the liver
tricuspid insufficiency
A palpable cord is commonly found in patients with _?
A complication of UC, presents with diarrhea, fever, tachycardia, and leukocytosis
Toxic megacolon
Stasis dermatitis and LE edema is commonly seen in patients with _?
Venous insufficiency
A sign of acute ischemia secondary to arterial embolism
common in children 1-2 years of age, presents with crampy abdominal pain, vomiting and currant jelly stool
Plethora (ruddy complexion), engorged retinal veins, splenomegaly, increased Hgb and Hct
Polycythemia vera
Cheilosis in?
Iron deficiency anemia
What is an early manifestation of Alzheimer's disease?
Memory deficit
Important measure in the prevention of epiglottitis?
H. influenza vaccine
What is the initial appropriate IV drug therapy for a patient in status epilepticus?
Lorazepam (Ativan)
What is the diagnostic test for Cushing's?
Dexamethasone suppression test
Presentation of mesenteric ischemia
Severe abdominal pain, often refractory to analgesics; severe pain, with gradually increasing intensity, combined with a relatively normal abdominal exam.
What does finger-to-nose testing measure?
Cerebellar function
What test is the single most useful in diagnosing multiple sclerosis?
A patient with an upper motor lesion would exhibit _?
What is Hirschsprung's disease?
It is due to failure in the cephalocaudal migration of the parasympathetic myenteric nerve cells into the distal bowel. The aganglionic bowel produces functional obstruction because the bowel fails to relax in response to distention.
What is Wilson's disease?
A protein deficiency that impairs copper excretion, which results in copper toxicity and oxidant damage.
Behavioral problems, trouble concentration, sunflower cataracts, Kayser-fleischer rings, hepatitis, autonomic disurbances, movement disorders
Wilson disease
What type of headache is strictly unilateral orbital, supraorbital, or temporal pain lasting 15-180 minutes, explosive excruciating pain, one attack every other day to eight attacks per day?
Cluster headache
Mean age occurrence for glioblastoma
56-60 years
A first seizure during adulthood is always suggestive of _.
A brain tumor
Which disorder typically presents as quadraplegia and pseudobulbar palsy, sometimes confusion, dysarthria, and/or disturbance of conjugate gaze
central pontine myelinolysis
Predisposing factors include underlying medical illness or nutritional deficiency, most cases are associated with rapid correction of hyponatremia or with hyperosmolar states.
Central pontine myelinolysis
Most common initial presenting symptom of primary biliary cirrhosis?
Hypoadrenalism is characterized by what lab abnormalities?
Hyperkalemia, hyponatremia, and hypoglycemia
The most accurate measurement of adequate thyroxine replacement in a hypothyroid patient is
Indications for insertion of IVC filter (2)
- 1. active bleeding that precludes anticoagulation
- 2. recurrent venous thrombosis despite intensive anticoagulation
sudden change in mental status with fever and tachycardia out of proportion to fever, and GI, cardiac, or CNS symptoms
Thyroid Storm
Hypertension, low T waves, hypernatremia, hypokalemia, low plasma rennin levels, female, 30-50 years old
First-line drugs for painful nephropathy
Antidepressants: tricyclics, SNRIs; anti-epileptics
cutaneous flushing, diarrhea, and bronchoconstriction
carcinoid syndrome
mainstay of treatment for inflammatory bowel disease
sulfasalazine and other 5-ASA agents
on x-ray: bilateral hilar adenopathy and diffuse reticular infiltrates
Which class of drugs have been proven to lower mortality and should be instituted for all patients having an MI (unless contraindications exist)?
beta blockers
carotid pulse with quick upstroke and wide pulse pressure
aortic stenosis
leading cause of chronic renal failure
diabetes mellitus
What is the most consistent physical examination finding associated with a hydrocele?
Non-tender scrotal mass that transilluminates
What is the most common hypercoaguable state?
Factor V Leiden
source of fibrinogen, factor VIII, and vWF. Ideal for supplying fibrinogen to the volume-sensitive patient
In the treatment of hyponatremia without the presence of seizures, plasma sodium should be raised no more than...?
0.5 to 1 mEq/L/hour
When examining urine sediment, what might indicate contamination?
squamous epithelial cells
angina at rest with a cyclic pattern, episodes more common in the early morning hours
Prinzmetal's (variant) angina
Initial therapy of idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura
what valve is a common site of endocarditis in IV drug users?
What is the treatment of choice for polycythemia vera?
a gram-negative intracellular diplococcus transmitted during sex. highest incidence in 15-29 year-olds
Nisseria gonorrhoeae
incubation period of nisseria gonorrhoeae
2-8 days after exposure
men experience burning on urination, serous or milky discharge, then 1-3 days later the urethral pain is more pronounced and the d/c becomes yellow, creamy, profuse, and occasionally tinged with blood
Nisseria gonorrhoeae
natural hx: may progress to involve prostate, epididymus and periurethral glands with acute, painful inflammation; may progress to chronic infection resulting in prostatitis and urethral strictures
Nisseria gonorrhoeae
women often experience no sx, or may develop dysuria, urinary frequency and urgency, and a purulent urethral d/c. vaginitis and cervicitis are common
a cause of PID and infertility, as well as perpetual transmission of the pathogen
asymptomatic gonorrhea
gonococcal bactermia is associated with
peripheral skin lesions or septic arthritis of the knee, ankle, or wrist
In a patient with gonorrheal conjunctivitis, there is purulent, copious d/c, usually unilateral. It is caused by direct inoculation. If it is not treated adequately, what is the patient at risk for?
global rupture
Current tx of choice for gonorrhea
IM ceftriaxone or oral cefixime
All partners of gonorrhea patients must be treated. Concurrent tx against what organism is also recommended?
Chlamydia sp.
caused by Chlamydia, starts with a vesicular or ulcerative lesion. Spreads to lymph nodes causing inguinal buboes, may fuse and break down, resulting in multiple draining sinuses and scarring. Anorectal disease causes tenesmus, d/c, and fistulae
Lymphgranuloma venereum
In males, what is the most common cause of postgonoccal urethritis?
chlamydia sp.
this d/c is less painful than gonococcal urethritis, and usually is watery
chlamydia sp
females- sx of chlamydia infection
often asymptomatic, may develop cervicitis, salpingitis, or PID
leading cause of infertility
The gram stain for chlamydia will be _
What tests will help confirm the presence of chlamydia?
Complement fixation test, immunofluorescence, ELISA, or DNA probes
Tx of chlamydia, tx of chlamydia in pregnant women
Azithromycin, doxycycline, erythromycin; erythromycin for pregnant women
a flagellated protozoan that infects the vagina, Skene's gland, and lower urinary tract of females and the GU tract of males
Trichomonas sp.
STD that produces pruritis, and a malodorous, frothy yellow-green d/c, diffuse vaginal erythema, and red macular lesions on the cervix
lab findings in trichomonas
wet mount reveals motile flagellates
tx for trichomonas
Metronidazole, in a single 2-g dose, may need to be repeated if infection does not clear. Treat partners.
invades the cutaneous and mucosal epithelium, proliferate and cause warts. local growths commonly regress, but it persists and lesions frequently recur
What causes the most common, benign epithelial tumor of the larynx?
HPV serotype 11
HPV types 6 and 11 cause lesions in the squamous epithelium of the external genitalia and perianal area. What are these lesions called?
condylomata acuminata
Which virus(es) is/are implicated in intraepithelial cervical dysplasia, neoplasia, and invasive carcinoma?
HPV 16, 18, and others
For which HPV types is a vaccine available?
6, 11, 16, 18
Hyperplastic prickle cells with excess keratin are found where?
in skin warts
Where might you see koilocytotic or vacuolated squamous epithelial cells in clumps?
on a Pap smear- indicated cervical warts
Humans are its only resevoir. Transmission is via close contact and inoculation into the mucosal surface or through cracks in the skin. It is inactivated at room temperature or by drying. What is it?
Which HSV type is transmitted through sexual contact or from the mother's genital tract during delivery?
HSV type 2
Where does HSV remain latent in the human body? Specifically where for each type?
in the dorsal root ganglia, HSV1: trigeminal nerve, HSV2: sacral root ganglia
Constitutional sx are unlikely in the recurrence of this lesion. Its recurrence is heralded by burning or stinging. Neuralgia may also occur.
Where is the typical location of HSV 1 recurrence?
vermillion border
Where is the typical location for recurrence of HSV type 2?
the genital area, including the penile shaft, labia, perianal area, and buttocks
How often does HSV1 recur? When is maximum shedding? How long will recurrences last?
Recurs twice a year, maximum shedding during first 24 hours of recurrence, number of episodes decreases with time
How many episodes of recurrence will a patient with HSV2 have?
50% will have 10-20 per year
multinucleated giant cells on a Tzanck smear, antibodies identified in the serum by PCR techniques
tx for hsv? tx for patients with frequent outbreaks? how to treat keratitis?
local wound care and supportive tx with antivirals; foscarnet for immunocompromised, trifluridine for keratitis
grayish-white vaginal d/c, presence of vaginal epithelial clue cells, vaginal pH higher than 4.5, positive "whiff" test, decreased numbers of lactobacilli, increased bacteria count, consisting mainly of short rods observed on wet mount
bacterial vaginosis
What is the most frequent cause of vaginal discharge in the U.S.?
Bacterial vaginosis
previously called nonspecific vaginitis or Gardnerella vaginitis
bacterial vaginosis
Why is vaginal pH increased in bacterial vaginosis? What is responsible for the characteristic fishy odor?
The decline in lactobacilli, which produce lactic acid, a key component in the maintenance of the normally low vaginal pH, results in increased vaginal pH. That increase in pH allows for the overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria, which apparently coat epithelial cells ("clue cells") and produce a grayish-white vaginal discharge. The metabolites from anaerobic bacteria are rich in amines responsible for the characteristic fishy odor.
What are the Amsel criteria?
P.W.D.C. According to these criteria, bacterial vaginosis is present if three of the following findings are present: (1) elevated vaginal pH (>4.5), (2) positive amine odor when vaginal fluid is mixed with 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH)—the so-called "whiff" test, (3) presence of clue cells (squamous epithelial cells covered with adherent bacteria) in a saline (wet mount) preparation of the vaginal fluid, and (4) homogenous vaginal discharge.
tx for bacterial vaginosis
metronidazole or clindamycin
What accounts for most cases of SBO?
intra-abdominal adhesions related to prior abdominal surgery
How do you confirm a diagnosis of SBO?
abdominal series
What finding on x-ray is most specific for SBO?
the triad of dilated small bowel loops (>3 cm in diameter), air-fluid levels seen on upright films, and a paucity of air in the colon
edematous, expanding, erythematous, warm plaque with or without vesicles of bullae; lower leg frequently involved; pain chills and fever are commonly present; septicemia may develop
common pathogens of cellulitis
gram + cocci, especially group A beta-hemolytic strepto cocci and S. aureus
in healthy persons, what is the most common portal of entry for lower leg cullulitis?
toe web intertrigo with fissuring
mild cases of cellulitis tx
dicloxacillin or cephalexin
in the tx of acne, antibiotics are combined with what to decrease antimicrobial resistance?
benzoyl peroxide
Hearing is mediated by which CN?
an atypical antipsychotic drug, 5HT receptor antagonist, reduced incidence of extrapyrimidal side effects compared to the classical neuroleptics, possibly greater efficacy for reducing the negative sx of schizophrenia, also high affinity for dopamine receptors
Clozapine (Clozaril)
What BP finding on PE will you find in a patient with coarctation of the aorta?
BP greater in UE than in LE
Naphazoline is a _ and is used for _
vasoconstrictor (anti-histamine and mast-cell stabilizer), allergic conjunctivitis
What test specifically visualizes the eighth nerve (acoustic and balance nerve)?
MRI with gadolinium
In infants over the age of 6 mos, a practicioner will want to screen for strabismus in order to prevent what?
What part of the eye provides central vision acuity?
the macula
What anti-psychotic drug is associated with increased mortality in elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis?
used for Psychotic disorders (schizophrenia),* dementia of the elderly, bipolar disorder, mania, Tourette disorder, autism
Rhinosinusitis can damage the olfactory _
What medication used in the treatment of CAD is associated with tolerance?
What heart murmur is likely to radiate into the axilla
Mitral insufficiency (regurgitation) (backflow points to axilla)
A patient presents within 1 hour of ingested 30 tablets of diazepam (valium). what is the most appropriate treatment?
gastric lavage
In children, tympanostomy tube placement has been proven to _.
Improve hearing
Which class of drugs is considered to be the standard therapy in the management of chronic heart failure in an asymptomatic patient?
ACE inhibitors
In an alcoholic, what will you find on assessment of the MCV?
Increased MCV
Lyme is caused by what kind of organism?
Treatment of Lyme disease in men and non-pregnant women
- D.A.C.E.
- 1. Doxycycline
- 2. Amoxicillin
- 3. cefuroxime axetil
- 4. erythromycin
For children, what is the treatment for Lyme disease?
- 1. Amoxicillin
- 2. Erythromycin or cefuroxime if penicillin allergy
MRSA tx: for an abcess; for outpatients; infection with hemolytic streptococci; hospitalized patients?
Surgical drainage of any abscesses should be performed. For those in whom outpatient treatment is appropriate, TMP-SMZ, doxycycline, minocycline, and clindamycin are all appropriate agents. However, treatment failure may result from inducible clindamycin resistance. If infection with -hemolytic streptococci is considered likely, cephalexin may be added. Hospitalized patients may be treated with vancomycin or linezolid.
what is HAART?
It is the combination of at least three ARV drugs that attack different parts of HIV or stop the virus from entering blood cells
If a patient with TIA is presenting with weakness and heaviness of the contralateral arm, leg, or face, singly or in any combination, where is the lesion?
carotid territory
If a patient with TIA presents with transient monocular blindness (amaurosis fugax), where is the lesion?
ophthalmic artery (the first branch of the internal carotid artery)
treatment for early ectopic pregnancy in a stable patient
Initial treatment of choice in a 10-week pregnant patient for hyperthyroidism?
A dendritic ulcer is noted on fluorescein staining. What is the diagnosis?
Viral keratitis: HSV is a common cause
Which bones are most commonly affected in an adult patient with osteomyelitis?
Vertebral spine
Asymptomatic patient with elevated serum calcium. next test to order?
Serum albumin- 50% of Ca is bound to it
Kussmaul's sign is most often caused by what?
severe R-sided heart failure, frequent in patients with constrictive pericarditis or RV infarction
How is the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis confirmed?
elevated sweat chloride test or demonstration of a genotype consistent with cystic fibrosis
In infants the eyes should move in parallel without deviation by the age of _.
6 mos
Lung findings in emphysema
midline trachea, diffuse hyperresonant to percussion, decreased tactile fremitus, distant heart sounds due to hyperinflation of the lungs
What are the surgical indications for chronic pancreatitis?
severe pain refractory to analgesics and alcohol abstinence
If a woman has a normal 28-day cycle what tissue and hormonal phase occurs during the last 14 days?
Secretory luteal phase under the influence of estrogen and progesterone
on peripheral blood smear: lymphocytosis, atypical large lymphocytes, darker-staining, vacuolated, foamy cytoplasm, dark chromatin in the nuclus
a history of cryptorchidism repaired after age 2, predisposes the patient to what?
testicular cancer
Rhabdomyolysis is a serious complication of seizures and hyperthermia related to drug abuse. What test would best help manage a patient with these sx?
Serum creatinine kinase
Which gout medication helps to increase the excretion of uric acid and is also not effective in patients with chronic renal disease?
Which gout drug is best to lower serum urate in overproducers, stone formers, and patients with advanced renal failure?
A gout drug, xanthine oxidase inhibitor used to prevent the formation of uric acid
What drug is used for patients who have tophaceous deposits in the skin and is used in the acute rather than the chronic setting of gout?
What will you see on EKG of a patient with acute pericarditis?
diffuse ST segment elevation
When does the Moro reflex start to disappear?
5-6 mos of age
When does the grasp reflex start to disappear?
2-3 mos of age
When does the tonic neck reflex begin to disappear?
6-7 mos
The injection of hyaluronic acid has been approved for treatment of patients with what conditions?
OA and RA
a fracture along the length of the radius with injury to the distal radioulnar joint
fracture of the proximal ulna with anterior dislocation of the radial head
fracture of the distal radius with dorsal displacement of the radial head
fracture of the distal radius with ventral displacement of the radial head
DM type 2 patient- neovascularization on optho exam. What is it and what is the most likley complication?
Proliferative retinopathy, vitreous hemorrhage
characterized by a medium-pitched, mid-systolic murmur that decreases with squatting and increases with straining
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
When patients with active severed IBD use antidiarrheals, what might happen?
toxic megacolon
Methotrexate is used to treat Crohn's. What might be a serious consequence?
Bone marrow suppression
long-term use of steroids may have what affect on the eye?
pain is noted on straightening the knee after flexing both the hip and the knee- what sign is this?
children rising to stand by rolling over prone and pushing off the floor with arms while legs remain extended- what sign and what condition is this seen in?
Gower's, muscular dystrophy
What area of the abdomen will pain from the bladder, uterus, or colon go?
Where will pain from the stomach, duodenum, or pancreas go
pain from the small intestine, appendix, or proximal colon causes pain where
Adverse effects of thiazides
hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, hyponatremia
Treatment for chronic bacterial prostatitis
fluoroquinolones or bactrim- they penetrate the prostate
narrow complex tachycardia, short P-R interval, delta wave on EKG? What is treatment?
WPW, radiofrequency catheter ablation- no digoxin or CCB
Enlargement of mucus glands and goblet cell hypertrophy in the large airways results in what?
chronic bronchitis
destruction of the gas-exchanging structures in the lung
abnormal absorption of sodium and reduced rate of chloride secretion leads to thickening of the mucus and increase in adhesion of the mucus in what condition?
cystic fibrosis
A single revaccination for a person over age 65 is recommended if it has been more than how many years since he received his first vaccination?
For an osteoporotic fracture, what treatment has the potential to cause analgesia of the fracture site with its use?