Chapter 3 ADA workbook Communication Skills.txt

  1. Kate Elliott
    Chapter 3 ADA workbook Communication Skills: Telephone techniques.
  2. Exercies
    • 1. List the elements of the communication process that are linked together to complete the exchange of information.
    • The process of communication includes reading, writing,
    • speaking, and listening. During the process, five elements
    • link together to complete the exchange of information
    • between the sender and the receiver:
    • ¥ The sender has an idea that must be shared w/ another person or group.
    • ¥ The idea is translated into a message.
    • ¥ The message is placed on a medium or channel.
    • ¥ The medium is sent by various channels and is received by the receiver.
    • ¥ The receiver reacts to the message and provides feedback.

    • 2. Verbal messages can be divieded into TWO catagories. Name each catagorey and give two examples.
    • Verbal messages (messages using words) can be divided
    • into two categories: spoken and written. Spoken verbal
    • messages may be delivered face to face or transferred
    • electronically (by telephone, voice mail, or video conferencing). Written communication includes letters, memos, faxes, e-mails, newsletters, and several other forms of printed information.
  3. 3.What positive nonverbal messages can be sent from a member of the dental health care to the patient.? List the THREE examples given in the book.
    • EX 1.Smiles always communicate a + thought. used to ease a patient's apprehension, send a friendly greeting to a child, or acknowledge the arrival of a patient.
    • Smiles can even be ÒseenÓ over the telephone because they change the tone of your voice. When you are busy on the telephone or are involved in a professional conversation with another team member, a quick wave or smile acknowledges that you will be with the patient as soon as possible.
    • EX 2. Touch can convey a message of warmth, reassurance, understanding, & caring. Patients will recognize the message when they are lightly touched or patted on the shoulder, back of the hand, or arm. Although some patients will welcome the gesture, others will not. Use this method cautiously.
    • EX 3. Sincerity Patients can recognize sincerity when members of the dental healthcare team remove barriers. Barriers can take the form of desks and other objects that come between the team member and the patient. For example, during
    • a consultation, when the dentist sits behind a desk, he or she is unable to convey openness. If the desk is removed, patients may feel as though they are on the same level as the dentist and that one is not superior to the other. This allows patients to participate in the conversation on an equal status with the dentist.
  4. 4. Interpersonal communication takes place when the sender and the receiver are exchanging information in real time. Match the type of transfer (typical to a dental practice ) w/ the following statements.
    • ** Patient to Dental healthcare team. **Dental healthcare team to patient
    • **Team member to Team member **Professional to professional
  5. A. Administrative assistant is instructed to call the pharmacy ______.
    • Team member to Team member
    • B. Patient calls to schedule an appointment for her children.
    • Patient to Dental healthcare team
    • C. Hygienist gives oral hygiene instructions to patient.
    • Dental healthcare team to patient Office staff meeting is held.
    • D. Administrative assistant schedules patientÕs appointment .
    • Dental healthcare team to patient
    • E. Patient has a question concerning her statement.
    • Patient to Dental healthcare team
    • F. Patient inquires about the types of dental insurance accepted.
    • Patient to Dental healthcare team
    • G. Dentist consults with a specialist concerning the diagnosis and treatment plan of a patient. Professional to professional
    • H. Administrative assistant reviews financial arrangements with a patient. Dental healthcare team to patient
    • I. Employee is given performace review. Team member to Team member
  6. 5. Identify the type of barrier to effective communication that may take place in the following situations.
    • A. ÒMr. Franklin, you are scheduled for a filling. (Admin. Assist.) Credibility
    • B. ÒI am not sure, but I think you should feel all right when the doctor is finished today.Ó (Administrative assistant) Credibility
    • C.ÓI donÕt understand why the dentist wants to fix a baby tooth.Ó (patient) Preconceived ideas.
    • D.ÒI donÕt think you will want to have the treatment if your insurance company does not pay.Ó (Administrative assistant) Preconceived ideas.
  7. 6. ALL of the above
  8. 7. 3 Rings
  9. 8. use good listening skills?
  10. 9. D. You have an emergency
  11. 10. Privacy rule
    • ¥ Take appropriate and reasonable steps to keep a
    • patient's personal health information (PHI) private.
    • ¥ Do not discuss PHI with anyone other than the
    • patient [unless authorization has been given by the
    • patient and is on file in the patient record].
    • ¥ Share PHI only with authorized healthcare providers.
    • ¥ Follow the patient's request for notification.
    • ¥ Does the patient wish to be called somewhere other than at home?
    • ¥ Has the patient requested that information be sent in an envelope and not on a postcard?
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Chapter 3 ADA workbook Communication Skills.txt
irsc kate work book busy work!!!!