chapter 5

  1. The National Fire Protection  Association (NFPA) has set a standard categorization for each type, listed in NFPA 220,   Standard on Types of Building Construction:

    WHO Never Farts from 5-1
    • • Type V: Frame (wood)
    • • Type IV: Heavy timber
    • • Type III: Ordinary
    • • Type II: Noncombustible
    • • Type I: Fire resistive
  2. The main point to remember in the perfor-mance of wood as a structural member is ______ ratio.
  3. The larger the beam, the ______ the load it can carry and the ____the beam can burn before losing its structural integrity.
    • heavier
    • longer
  4. The second-most important point to remember in wood-frame construction is the _______ used to hold the structural members together.
    connection method
  5. This type of construction involves a wood stud framing sys-tem in which the studs run continuously the full building height and there is no inherent firestop-ping provided between floors.
    Balloon Frame
  6. The hazard associated with these structures is the ability for the fire to spread ____and ____ throughout the structure without visible indication.
    • vertically
    • hor-izontally
  7. In _____ construction there can be early col-lapse of the ___ and  in these structures as the fire destroys the mass of the wood near the connec-tion points.
    • Balloon frame
    • attic
    • floors
  8. The   ______, sometimes referred to as   west-ern framing, is the most common type of new frame construction in use today.
    platform frame
  9. The platform framing method creates a _______ on each floor and an inherent ____ between each floor.
    • compartmentation
    • firestopping
  10. You can sometimes   identify platform framing construction by offset _____. .
    windows and doors
  11. Remember, in the balloon-frame construction, the doors and windows were stacked _____.
  12. The  ______   is a framing system using posts (vertical members) and beams (horizontal members) to create a load-bearing frame connected by rigid points.
    post and beam
  13. A very common and controversial construction method uses _________.
    lightweight   truss   construction
  14. Which frame is an engineered construction in which the entire structure is tied together into a unitized frame?
    The truss frame is an
  15. In the truss frame construction  which walls are load bearing and built in the typical platform-frame method.
    The stud walls
  16. Truss frame construction can be used for build-ings up to _______ .
    three stories
  17. The inte-gral part of the truss system is that each member is _______ the next.
    dependent upon
  18. A_____is basically a number of triangles put together at the desired span and height. These triangles are typ-ically fastened using a ______, which is a metal plate about _____ thick that has been stamped to make jagged teeth on one side (the thickness will vary a bit based on design requirements).
    • truss
    • gusset plate
    • 0.05 inches
  19. Defects in the wood members, such as warpage, shrinkage, and torn or lifted grain, can____ the members. The loading can cause the wood mem-bers to bend and deform. The biggest concern is the condition of the  _______  methods.
    • weaken
    • connection
  20. ________ are also called gang nailers, staple plates, or metal tooth plate connectors.
    Gusset plates
  21. The metal staple is designed to penetrate the wood from 0.25 to ____ inches, but often can be found with a penetration of less than ____ inches.
    • 0.375
    • 0.25
  22. Treating wood with phosphates and sul-fates to protect from fire caused problems. The plywood begins to deteriorate due to high ______ and tempera-tures in attics and cocklofts. This deterioration of the plywood caused it to become _____, enough to  _____ under the weight of a person walking on the roof.
    • humidity
    • brittle
    • collapse
  23. Heavy timber construction, referred to by some as______, is constructed with very large- dimension lumber. The heavy timber construction is capable of sustaining massive loads commonly found in ________.
    • mill construction
    • old industrial buildings
  24. The exterior walls of the heavy timber construc-tion are made of ______.
  25. The hazard in heavy timber structures is that the walls and ceilings are typically ______ and lack any real fire _______.
    • unfinished
    • protection
  26. _____, heavy timber or mill, construction can be found in many older factory towns, old barns, and storage buildings. .
    Type IV
  27. Type IV construction has an inherent built-in fire protection in the size of the _____ and ____. Remember that wood loses its strength by losing its _____.
    • beams and columns
    • mass
  28. _______ is composed of masonry load-bearing walls with wood-joisted floors and a wood roof.
    Ordinary construction
  29. The building materials for the load- bearing walls in ordinary construction consist of brick, _______, or both.
    concrete block
  30. The thickness of walls can vary from __ to ___ inches.
    6 to 30
  31. Ordinary construction are used for _____, hotels, motels, _______, retail buildings, and other commer-cial and light industrial purposes. They typically run ______stories tall, although there have been some built to heights of _____.
    • residences
    • office buildings
    • one to three
    • ten stories
  32. In ordinary construction the floors are constructed of wood joists and often are covered with at least ___-thick tongue-and-grooved boards.
  33. The ordinary constructed building has the load-bearing walls along the _____ part of the building.
  34. In some older ordinary construction buildings, you might see a star, a letter    S   , a channel, a circle, or another decorative device on the exterior of the building, his device called a _____.
  35. A _______, is used to spread a load between two or more struc-tural members.
  36. There are two types of spreaders
    • •   Type 1 spreader.   A rod or cable runs parallel to the joists and ties the walls together to increase the stability of either or both walls.
    • •   Type 2 spreader.   Tensile members, rod or cable, run perpendicular to the joists and tie the first three or four floor joists to the wall.
  37. _____, noncombustible, construction employs building materials that will ____ ___ fuel to the fire but that can suffer from the effects of the fire. .
    • Type II
    • not add
  38. Noncombustible  buildings often have exposed ______ and iron beams that can _____ and fail during fires.
    • steel trusses
    • elongate
  39. ______ fire-resistive building is built with steel, concrete, and other fire-resistive or fire-rated mate-rials.
    Type I
  40. ________ buildings are built with struc-tural components that will not burn and that will resist the effects of fire for a long period of time.
    Fire-resistive (type I)
  41. The typi-cal rule of thumb for the expansion of unprotected steel is_____ for every _____ at approximately ____. Because of the effects fire has on steel, it is usually covered with a ________ material. Steel fail at _____.
    • 1 inch
    • 10 feet
    • 800°F
    • fire-protective
    • 1000°F
  42. The top and bottom members of the truss are called the  ____. The inside members are called the ___ . The trusses are tied together with connecting members called ___,  and the connections are ____.
    • chords
    • web
    • ties
    • panel points
  43. The most dangerous truss is the   ______. It is easy to identify by its _____ top chord. .
    • bowstring
    • curved
  44. _________ are common in bowling alleys, skating rinks, and other large buildings requiring a long, uninterrupted span.
    Bowsting trusses
  45. The most common truss for roof construction is the ______. This truss is found in most of today’s homes and small commercial buildings.
    peaked roof truss
  46. ___________ is triangular in shape to provide the peaked roof. The trusses are placed close together— __ to __inches on center.
    • The peaked roof truss
    • 16 to 24
  47. The trusses used in Type ____ commercial structures are typically all steel.
  48. The opening between the top and bottom chords of a parallel chord truss
    Interstitial space
  49. The shortcoming of truss construction is the same as that we find with any construction method: _________
    the connectors
  50. When a lightweight wooden truss burns, it quickly loses its ____ and its structural stability
  51. A connecting member, such as a gusset plate, that holds the truss members together.
  52. Engineered lumber products include the laminated beam and engi-neered ___.
  53. The top and bottom boards of an engineered wood I-beam , referred to as the ____.
  54. The flanges of the engineered wood I beam are typically _______, whereas the web is plywood, ________or some other type of wood laminated together.
    • solid wood
    • oriented strand board (OSB),
  55. The primary hazard associated the engineered wood I beam is that it is relatively ______ and therefore more susceptible to deterioration and failure under _______.
    • lightweight
    • fire conditions
  56. The inside members of the truss is a____.
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