Medical Prefixes/Suffixes/Combining Forms Pt.1

  1. a-
    • without, lack of
    • (ex. aphasia: lack of speech)
  2. ab-
    • away from
    • (ex. abductor: leading away from)
  3. -able
    • capable
    • (ex. viable: capable of living)
  4. acou-
    • hearing
    • (ex. acoustics: science of sound)
  5. acr-
    • extremity
    • (ex. acromegaly: large extremities)
  6. ad-
    • to, toward, near to
    • (ex. adrenal: near the kidney)
  7. -adeno
    • gland
    • (ex. adenoma: glandular tumor)
  8. -al
    • expressing relationship
    • (ex. neural: referring to nerves)
  9. -algia
    • pain
    • (ex. gastralgia: stomach pain)
  10. an-
    • without, lack of
    • (ex. anaerobic: without oxygen)
  11. ana-
    • up, back, again
    • (ex. anatomy: a cutting up)
  12. angio-
    • vessel
    • (ex. angiography: radiography of blood vessels)
  13. ante-
    • before, foward
    • (ex. antecubital: before elbow)
  14. anti-
    • against, reversed
    • (ex. antiperistalsis: reversed peristalsis)
  15. arthr-
    • joint
    • (ex. arthritis: inflammation of a joint)
  16. -ary
    • associated with
    • (ex. urinary: asspcoated with urine)
  17. -asis
    • condition, state of
    • (ex. homeostasis: state of staying the same)
  18. auto-
    • self
    • (ex. autolysis: self breakdown)
  19. bi-
    • twice, double
    • (ex. bicuspid: two cusps)
  20. bio-
    • live
    • (ex. biology: study of living)
  21. -blast
    • bud, germ
    • (ex. fibroblast: fiber-producing cell)
  22. brady-
    • slow
    • (ex. bradycardia: slow heart rate)
  23. -c
    • expressing relationship
    • (ex. cardiac: referring to the heart)
  24. carcin-
    • cancer
    • (ex. carcinogenic: causing cancer)
  25. cardio-
    • heart
    • (ex. cardiopathy: heart disease)
  26. cata-
    • down, according to
    • (ex. catabolism: breaking down)
  27. cephal-
    • head
    • (ex. cephalic: toward the head)
  28. -cele
    • hollow
    • (ex. blastocele: hollow cavity inside a blastocyst)
  29. cerebro-
    • brain
    • (ex. cerebrospinal: referring to brain and spinal cord)
  30. chol-
    • bile
    • (ex. acholic: without bile)
  31. cholecyst-
    • gallbladder
    • (ex. cholecystokinin: hormone that causes the gallbladder to contract)
  32. chondr-
    • cartilage
    • (ex. chondrocyte:cartilage cell)
  33. -cide
    • kill
    • (ex. bactericide: agent that kills bacteria)
  34. circum-
    • around, about
    • (ex. circumduction: circular movement)
  35. -clast-
    • smash, break
    • (ex. osteoclast: cell that breaks down bone)
  36. co-
    • with, together
    • (ex. coenzyme: molecule that functions with an enzyme)
  37. com-
    • with, together
    • (ex. commissure: coming together)
  38. con-
    • with, together
    • (ex. convergence: to incline together)
  39. contra-
    • against, opposite
    • (ex. contralateral: opposite side)
  40. crypto-
    • hidden
    • (ex. cryptorchidism: undescended or hidden testes)
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Medical Prefixes/Suffixes/Combining Forms Pt.1
Medical Prefixes/Suffixes/Combining Forms