- Eimeria leukarti
- Strongyloides westeri
- Strongyle egg
- Eimeria leukarti
- Strongyloides westeri
- 2 strongyle eggs
Eimeria zuernii
More pathogenic of the 11 sp of coccidian of cattle in North American
Giardia bovis
Flagellate protozoan of cattle, small intestines
Giardia bovis
Cattle, 2 posterior flagella
Giardia bovis
Cattle, ventral sucking disc and 2 nuclei
Giardia bovis
Cattle, ventral concavity and posterior flagella
Eimeria ovina
Sheep, polar cap present at one end of the cyst
Trichomonas suis
"Swine nasal trichomonad"
Trichomonas suis
"Swine nasal trichomonad"
Slide made using saline or lactated ringers solution
- Eimeria sp. of swine
- Oesophagostomum sp
Balantidium coli
Ciliated, found in cecum and colon causing "balantidosis". Mature form (trophozoite) which may cause dysentery in man and monkeys too.
Balantidium coli
Trophozoite form
- Isospora bigemina (smaller)
- Isospora ohioensis (bigger)
Coccidium of dogs, cats and foxes
Isospora bigemina
Sporulated oocysts and sporocysts
- F: Isospora felis
- R: Isospora rivolta
- T: Toxoplasma gondii
- C: Isospora cati (excreted sporulated)
- A: Sporulated Isospora felis
- B: Unsporulated Isospora felis
- C: Hookworm egg
Isospora canis
Face produced by nucleus, nucleoli and centroile rod
Fresh cyst shows thin, smooth outer cyst wall
Distorted by hypertonic flotation solutions
Trophozoites found in fresh feces, can cause severe dysentery
Balantidium coli
Usually seen in conjunction with Trichuris infection
Coccidian oocysts float readily with little distortion
Process of sporulation with coccidia occurs quickly in warm humid conditions and sporocysts can form in 24-48 hrs in feces
Pathogenicity in dogs is unknown
Development of sporocysts is proceeded by division of intact single cell of the oocyst into 4 cells
Fungal spores with oocysts
Isospora canis
Oocysts from a dog