4 - 1과 3-4항

  1. 정신
    mind, spirit, soul
  2. 차리다
    to set, prepare, fix
  3. 산더미
    pile, stack, heap, mountain
  4. 쌓이다
    to pile up, be stacked
  5. 살펴보다
    to examine, search, check
  6. 계획적
    premeditated, planned
  7. 효율적
    efficient, effective
  8. 비효율적
    ineffective, ineffecient
  9. 미루다
    to delay, postpone, procrastinate
  10. 포기하다
    to abandon, give up on, announce
  11. 목표를 정하다
    to set a goal
  12. 시간에 쫓기다
    to be pressed for time
  13. 시간을 관리하다
    to manage time
  14. 양로원
    nursing home
  15. 봉사활동
    voluntary service
  16. 용기
    courage, nerve, guts
  17. 살아가다
    to make a living, earn livelihood
  18. 명예
  19. 미모
    good looks, pretty features
  20. 봉사
    serve, service
  21. 재력
    wealth, financial ability/means
  22. 지혜
    wisdom, sagacity
  23. 출세
    success, advancement
  24. 학식
    learning, erudition
Card Set
4 - 1과 3-4항
4 - 1과 3-4항