
  1. Beta blockers MOA
    • inhibit B adrenergic receptors which decrease cardiac output
    • DI: amidarone, venlafaxine, bronchodilators
    • SE: bradycardia, bronchiospams, dizziness
    • **dont use in pts with asthma and may block physiologic response to hypoglycemia
  2. metoprolol
    • Lopressor, toprol
    • BB
    • 25- 200mg
    • DI: amidarone, venlafaxine, bronchodilators
    • SE: bradycardia, bronchiospams, dizziness
    • **dont use in pts with asthma and may block physiologic response to hypoglycemia
  3. Propanolol
    • inderal
    • BB
    • 80-480mg
    • DI: amidarone, venlafaxine, bronchodilators
    • SE: bradycardia, bronchiospams, dizziness
    • **dont use in pts with asthma and may block physiologic response to hypoglycemia
  4. atenolol
    • tenormin
    • BB
    • 25-100mg per day
    • DI: amidarone, venlafaxine, bronchodilators
    • SE: bradycardia, bronchiospams, dizziness
    • **dont use in pts with asthma and may block physiologic response to hypoglycemia
  5. carvedolol
    • coreg
    • BB
    • 12.5- 50 BID or 10-40 as ER
    • DI: amidarone, venlafaxine, bronchodilators
    • SE: bradycardia, bronchiospams, dizziness
    • **dont use in pts with asthma and may block physiologic response to hypoglycemia
  6. ARB MOA
    • prevents angiotensin from binding to receptors
    • DI: lithium, NSAID
    • SE: renal insuffiency, hyperkalemia, orthostatic hypotension
    • ***dont use with ACE***
  7. Irbesartan
    • Avapro
    • ARB
    • 150-300mg daily
    • DI: lithium, NSAID
    • SE: renal insuffiency, hyperkalemia, orthostatic hypotension
    • ***dont use with ACE***
  8. Valsartan
    • Diovan
    • ARB
    • 80-320 daily
    • DI: lithium, NSAID
    • SE: renal insuffiency, hyperkalemia, orthostatic hypotension
    • ***dont use with ACE***
  9. Losartan
    • Cozaar
    • ARB
    • 50-100mg daily
    • DI: lithium, NSAID
    • SE: renal insuffiency, hyperkalemia, orthostatic hypotension
    • ***dont use with ACE***
  10. Olmesartan
    • Benicar
    • ARB
    • 20-40 daily
    • DI: lithium, NSAID
    • SE: renal insuffiency, hyperkalemia, orthostatic hypotension
    • ***dont use with ACE***
  11. ACE inhibitors MOA
    • Inhibits Angiotension conversion from Angiotension I --II
    • DI: KCL sparring diuretics, NSAIDS, Lithium
    • SE: cough, renal insuffiency, hyperkalemia, angioemia
    • ***dont use with ARB***
  12. Lisinopril
    • Zestril, Privinil
    • ACE inhib
    • 10-40mg daily
    • DI: KCL sparring diuretics, NSAIDS, Lithium
    • SE: cough, renal insuffiency, hyperkalemia, angioemia
    • ***dont use with ARB***
  13. ramipril
    • altace
    • ACE inhib
    • 2.5-10 daily
    • DI: KCL sparring diuretics, NSAIDS, Lithium
    • SE: cough, renal insuffiency, hyperkalemia, angioemia
    • ***dont use with ARB***
  14. Enalapril
    • Vastotec
    • ACE inhib
    • 5-40mg in 1-2 divided doses
    • DI: KCL sparring diuretics, NSAIDS, Lithium
    • SE: cough, renal insuffiency, hyperkalemia, angioemia
    • ***dont use with ARB***
  15. Benzepril
    • Lotensin
    • ACE inhib
    • 10-40mg
    • DI: KCL sparring diuretics, NSAIDS, Lithium
    • SE: cough, renal insuffiency, hyperkalemia, angioemia
    • ***dont use with ARB***
  16. Quinapril
    • Accupril
    • ACE
    • 10-80 daily
    • DI: KCL sparring diuretics, NSAIDS, Lithium
    • SE: cough, renal insuffiency, hyperkalemia, angioemia
    • ***dont use with ARB***
  17. Calcium Channel Blocker MOA
    • block ca channels and cause relaxation of sm muscle which leads to vasodilation and dec in BP
    • 2.5- 10mg
    • DI: clipidogrel, fentanyl
    • SE: bradycardia, edema, flushing, HA
    • **dont use with heart failure**
  18. Amlodipine
    • Norvasc
    • CCB- dihydropyrine-- works on peripheral vascualture
    • 2.4-10mg
    • DI: clipidogrel, fentanyl
    • SE: bradycardia, edema, flushing, HA
    • **dont use with heart failure**
  19. Diltiazem
    • Cardizam, tiazac
    • CCB= non-dyhydropyrines- works on cardiac muscle
    • 120-540mg
    • DI: clipidogrel, fentanyl, statins
    • SE: bradycardia, edema, flushing, HA
    • **dont use with heart failure**
  20. Nifedipine
    • Procardia
    • CCB- dihydropyridines-- work on peripheral vasculature
    • 30-120mg
    • DI: clipidogrel, fentanyl, statins
    • SE: bradycardia, edema, flushing, HA
    • **dont use with heart failure**
  21. Verapimil
    • Calan, Covera, Verelan
    • CCB- non-dyhydropyridines -- work on cardiac muscle
    • 100-480mg
    • Di: digoxed, phenytoin, cyclosporin, lithium
    • SE: bradycardia, edema, flushing, HA
  22. Clonidine
    • Catapress
    • A2 agonists: stimulates a2 receptors in brain--> reducing sympathetic outflow to dec HR, CO and TPR
    • oral: 0.1-0.8
    • trans: 0.1-0.6
    • DI: many, BB, and TCA
    • SE: dizziness, drowsiness, xerostomia, constipation
  23. Doxazosin
    • Cardura
    • a1 blocker, block the a1 receptor which results in smooth musle relaxaion: vasodilation
    • 1-8 daily
    • DI: PDE5 inhibitors
    • SE: dizziness, drowsiness, sodium and fluit retentin, HA
  24. HCTZ
    • hydrouril
    • thiazide: inc amt of sodium and cl exreted in distal tubule of kidney
    • 12.5-100mg per day
    • DI: digoxen, corticosteroids, NSAIDs
    • SE: photosensitivity, sexual dysfunction
    • **may cause sulfa allergy***
  25. Furosemide
    • Lasix
    • loop diruetic: blocks absorption of Na and CL in the loop of henle
    • 20-80 daily
    • DI: corticosteroids, aminoglycosides, NSAID
    • SE: hypuricemia, hypokalemia
    • ***may react with sulfa***
  26. Spironolactone
    • Aldactone
    • Aldoserone antagonist: k sparring- competes with aldosterone at NA K exchange site of distal to inc k retention and increase na excretion
    • 25-200
    • DI: ACE, NSAID, triamterine, potassium
    • SE: hyperkalemia, gynecomastia, HA, NVD
  27. Triamterine/HCTZ
    • Diazide, Maxide
    • Potassium sparring + thiazide
    • 37.5-75, 25-50mg
    • DI: ace, NSAID, triamterine, potassium, digoxen, corticosteroids, hypokalemia, NSAID,
    • SE: hyperkalemia, gynecomastia, HA, NVD, photosenstivity, sexual dysfunction, cross react with sulfa
  28. Lisinopril/HCTZ
    • Zestoretic
    • ACE + thiazide
    • 10-20/ 12.5
  29. Valsartan/HCTZ
    • Diovan HCT
    • ARB + thiazide
    • 80-160/ 12.5-25
  30. losartan/ hctz
    • hyzaar
    • arb + thiazide
    • 50-100/ 12.5-25mg
  31. olmetartan/hctz
    • Benicar HCT
    • 20-40/ 12.5-25
  32. Amlodipine/Benzepril
    • Lotrel
    • CCB + ACE
    • 2.5-10/ 10-40
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