Drugs 8:18:10

  1. Epinephrine C & T
    • Sympathomimetic
    • Adrenalin
  2. Epinephrine Description
    • Catecholamine
    • ^ tropic properties, systemic vascular resistance, systolic BP, vital capacity, tidal vol
    • May reduce pulmonary congestion
    • Decreases airway resistance & automaticity
  3. Epi Indications (2)
    • Cardiac arrest
    • Severe allergic reactions
  4. Epi contraindications (3)
    • Narrow Angle Glaucoma
    • Hemmoragic, Traumatic or Cardiac shock
    • Labor
  5. Epi Precautions
  6. Epi Dosages
    • Arrest-- 1mg 1:10 IV 3-5 mins (ET 2-2.5 1:1) NO MAX
    • Allergy-- 0.3-0.5 mg 1:1 sub q 5-15 min as needed 0.5-1 1:10 IV if sub q ineffective
  7. Magnesium Sulphate C & T
    • Electrolyte
    • Magnesium
  8. Magnesium Sulphate Description
    • Electrolyte acts as CCB, CNS depressant & anticonvulsant
    • Depresses function of smooth, skeletal & cardiac muscles
  9. Magnesium Sulphate Indications (3)
    • Refractory V-Fib & pulseless V-Tach
    • AMI
    • Eclamptic Seizures
  10. Magnesium Sulphate Contraindications (5)
    • Heartblock
    • Myocardial Damage
    • Shock
    • Persistent Hypertension
    • Hypocalcemia
  11. Magnesium Sulphate Precautions (2)
    • Other CNS depressants
    • Neuromuscular blocking agents
  12. Magnesium Sulphate Dosages
    • V-Fib/Tach -- 1-2 g IV over 2 mins
    • Torsade de pointes -- 1-2 g IV followed by infusion of 0.5-1 g/hr IV
    • AMI -- 1-2 g IV over 5-30 mins
    • Eclampsia -- 2-4g IV/IM
    • Asthma -- 1-2 g IV drip
  13. Dopamine C & T
    • Sympathomimetic
    • Inotropin
  14. Dopamine Description
    • Natl catecholamine ^ cardiac output w/o ^ myocardial O2 consumption
    • Maintains renal & mesenteric blood flow while inducing vasoconstriction & ^ systolic BP
  15. Dopamine Indications (2)
    • Nonhypovolemic hypotension
    • Cardiogenic shock
  16. Dopamine Contraindications (3)
    • Tachydysrhythmias
    • V-Fib
    • Pheochromocytoma
  17. Dopamine Precautions
    Ensure adequate fluid resuscitation of the hypovolemic pt
  18. Dopamine dosages
    2-5 mcg/kg/min up to 20 mcg/kg/min, titrated to effect
  19. Methylprednisolone C & T
    • Corticosteroid/ Antiiflammatory
    • Solu-medrol
  20. Methylprednisolone Description
    • Synthetic adrenal corticosteroid used for inflammation, mgmt of allergic reactions & in some cases shock
    • Sometimes used for treatment of spinal cord inj
  21. Methylprednisolone Indications (4)
    • Spinal Cord Inj
    • Asthma
    • Severe Anaphylaxis
    • COPD
  22. Methylprednisolone Contraindications
    None in emergency setting
  23. Methylprednisolone Precautions
    Only a single dose should be given in prehospital setting
  24. Methylprednisolone Dosages
    • Asthma/COPD/Anaphylaxis -- 125-250 mg IV/IM
    • Spinal Cord Inj -- 30 mg/kg IV over 15 min, aft 45min an infusion of 5.4 mg/kg/hr
  25. Atropine C & T
    • Parasympatholytic
    • Atropine
  26. Atropine Description
    • Blocks vagal effects on HR
    • ^ myocardial O2 demand
    • Decrease airway secretions
  27. Atropine Indications
    • Hemodynamically significant Bradycardia
    • Bradyasystolic Arrest
    • Organophosphate Poisoning
  28. Atropine Contraindications
    None in EMS setting
  29. Atropine Precautions (2)
    • AMI
    • Glaucoma
  30. Atropine Dosages
    • Symptomatic Bradycardia--0.5mg IV/1mg ET 3-5 mins to 3 mg
    • Asystole--1mg IV/ 2mg ET 3-5 min to 3 mg
    • Poisoning--2-5 mg IV/IM/IO to 15 min
  31. Furosemide C & T
    • Diuretic
    • Lasix
  32. Furosemide Description
    • Rapid acting potent diuretic & antihypertensive
    • Inhibits Na reabsorption by kidneys
    • Reduces venous return & cardiac workload
  33. Furosemide Indications (2)
    • CHF
    • Pulmonary Edema
  34. Furosemide Contraindications (3)
    • Fluid & electrolyte depleted states
    • Hepatic coma
    • Pregnancy
  35. Furosemide Precautions (8)
    • Infants
    • Elderly
    • Hepatic Impairment
    • Nephrotic Syndrome
    • Cardiogenic Shock assoc w/ MI
    • Gout
    • Pts receiving digitalis
    • K depleting steroids
  36. Furosemide Dosage
    40-120 mg slow IV
  37. Butorphanol C & T
    • Snythetic Narcotic Analgesic
    • Stadol
  38. Butorphanol Description
    • Centrally acting synthetic narcotic analgesic
    • 5x more potent than morphine
    • Schedule IV Narc
  39. Butorphanol Indications
  40. Butorphanol Contraindications (2)
    • Head Inj
    • Undiagnosed Abd pain
  41. Butorphanol Precautions
  42. Butorphanol Dosage
    1 mg IV or 3-4 mg IM
  43. Nalbuphine C & T
    • Narcotic Analgesic
    • Nubain
  44. Nalbuphine Description
    Equivalent to morphine w/o ^ resp depression w/ higher doses
  45. Nalbuphine Indications
  46. Nalbuphine Contraindications
    Undiagnosed Head or abd inj
  47. Nalbuphine Precautions
  48. Nalbuphine Dosages
    5 mg IV/IM/sub q repeat 2mg dose as needed to 20 mg
  49. Lopressor C & T
    • Beta Blocker
    • Metoprolol
  50. We use Interferon to treat ____?
  51. Haloperidol C & T
    • Antipsychotic
    • Haldol
  52. Haloperidol Indications
    Acute Psychotic Episodes
  53. Haloperidol Contraindications (6)
    • Parkinson's
    • Seizure Disorders
    • Coma
    • Alcohol Depression
    • CNS depression
    • Thyrotoxicosis
  54. Haloperidol Precautions
    Anticonvulsant, Anticoagulant or Lithium Therapy
  55. Haloperidol Dosages
    2-5 mg IM
  56. What allergies must we be cautioned by with atrovent?
    Soybean & nut allergies
  57. Rectal valium is called ____?
  58. What is the C & G for Ultram?
    • Analgesic
    • Tramadol
  59. Ketorolac C & T
    • Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory (NSAID)
    • Torado
  60. Ketorlac description
    Injectable NSAID that exhibits analgesic, anti-inflammatory, & antipyretic properties w/o sedative effects
  61. Ketorlac indications
    Mild or moderate pain
  62. Etomidate C & T
    • Hypnotic
    • Amidate
  63. Etomidte Description
    Ultra short acting nonbarbituate hypnotic
  64. Etomidate Indications (1)
    Sedation for RSI
  65. Etomidate Contraindications
  66. Etomidate Precautions (3)
    • Hypotension
    • Asthma
    • Cardiovascular Disease
  67. Etomidate Dosage
    0.1-0.3 mg/kg IV over 15-30 secs
  68. Phenytoin C & T
    • Anticonvulsant
    • Dilantin
  69. Phenytoin Description
    • Related to phenobarbital that reduces spread of elec discharges in motor cortex & inhibits seizures
    • Antidysrhythmic props counter effects of digitalis
  70. Phenytoin Indications (3)
    • Seizures
    • Status Epilepticus
    • Cardiac dysrhythmias secondary to digitalis toxicity
  71. Phenytoin Contraindications (3)
    • Sinus Bradycardia
    • Heart Block
    • Adams-Stokes syndrome
  72. Phenytoin Precautions
  73. Phenytoin Dosages
    • Seizure/Status Epilepticus -- 10-15 mg/kg slow IV
    • Dysrhythmia -- 100 mg slow IV (over 5 min) to a max of 1000 mg
  74. What is propofol's C & T?
    • Hypnotic
    • Deprivan
  75. What are 3 indications for propofol?
    • General Anesthesia
    • Mechanically Ventilated Adults
    • Procedural sedation
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Drugs 8:18:10
drugs 8/18/10