Day 7

  1. what are the 5 key characteristics of Dashboards?
    • Emphasis on Graphics
    • Emphasis on KPIs
    • Single Screen
    • Summary Level Data
    • Customization
  2. What are the 4 categories of Dashboards?
    • Performance Summary
    • Metrics
    • Dynamic Content
    • Dynamic Visualization
  3. What are the 3 categories of Selectors?
    • Panel
    • Metric
    • Attribute
  4. What are the 7 styles of selectors?
    • Button Bar
    • Check Boxes
    • Drop-down (Single Only)
    • Link Bar
    • Listbox
    • Radio Buttons (Single Only)
    • Slider
  5. What are the 3 single value widgets?
    • Gauge
    • Cylinder
    • Thermometer
  6. What are the 2 types of time series widgets?
    • Time Series Slider (acts as stacked area graph if >1 metric)
    • Interactive Stacked Graph (must contain >1 attribute to created stacked effect)
  7. What are characteristics of Heat Maps? (aka TreeMaps)
    • 1 or More attributes (multiple shows up as rectangles within rectangles)
    • 2 Metrics - 1 represents the size, the other represents the color (more than 2 metrics mean a dropdown will appear)
  8. How does a Bubble Graph widget work?
    • It has at least 3 metrics, which appear as X-axis, Y-axis, and size.
    • It has at least one attribute.
    • Additional Attributes can show up as time, drilling, and color coding
Card Set
Day 7
Day 7