ARE-Building Systems

  1. British Thermal Unit (BTU)
    The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1 degrees F.
  2. Coefficient of heat Transmission
    the overall rate of heat flow through any combination of materials.
  3. Conductance
    the number of BTU per hour that pass through 1 sqft of material of a given thickness when temperature difference is 1 degree F.
  4. Conductivity
    the number of BTU per hour that pass through 1 sqft of material 1 inch thick when the temperature differential is 1 degree F.
  5. Dew Point
    the temperature at which water vapor in the air becomes saturated and condenses into water drops.
  6. Dry-bulb Temperature
    the temperature of the air-water mixture as measured with a standard dry-bulb thermometer.
  7. Enthalpy
    the total heat in a substance, including latent and sensible heat.
  8. Insolation
    the total solar radiation on a horizontal surface.
  9. Latent Heat
    heat that cuases a change in state and a change in temperature of a substance.
  10. Sensible Heat
    heat that cause a change in temperature, but not a change of state of a substance.
  11. Resistance
    number of hours need for 1 BTU to pass through 1 sqft of material or assembly of a given thickness when the temperature differential is 1 degree F.
  12. specific heat
    the number of BTUS (joules) required to raise the temperature of a specific material by 1 degree F. Measure of a materials capacity to store heat as compared to water.
  13. wet-bulb temperature
    the temperature of air as measured with a sling psychrometer.
  14. Convection
    transfer of heat through movement of a fluid, either gas or liquid.
  15. Evaporation
    moisture changes to a vapor
  16. Radiation
    transfer of heat energy through electromagnetic waves from one surface to a cooler surface.
  17. Conduction
    transfer of heat through direct contact between 2 objects of different temperature.
  18. Human Comfort
    • Air Temperature
    • humidity
    • air movement
    • surface temperature
    • clothing
    • ventilation
  19. lumen
    a measure of the power of light perceived by the human eye. Quality of light.
  20. candlepower (candela)
    now-obsolete unit which was used to express levels of light intensity in terms of the light emitted by a candle of specific size.
  21. footcandle
    Illuminance. Density of illumination on a surface.
  22. footlambert
    Luminance. A surface that emits 1 lumen per sqft.
  23. lumincance
    L-leaving. Emitting light, giving off light.
  24. illuminance
    il=in. Density of illumination on a surface.
  25. efficancy
    the amount of light produced by a lamp (measured in lumens), as a ratio of the amount of power consumed to produce it, (measured in watts).
  26. amplificationi
    increased intensity of sound by mechanical or electrical means.
  27. frequency
    number of pressure fluctuations or cylces occuring in 1 sec.
  28. hertz
    unit of frequency. one cycle per second = 1 Hz
  29. attenuation
    the reduction of sound
  30. reverberation
    the persistence of sound in a room after the scource has stopped producing the sound
  31. sabin
    unit of absorption
  32. noise reduction coefficient (NRC)
    sound absorption coefficient
  33. sound transmission class (STC)
    sound absorption by a material
  34. 3 ways to control sound in a space
    • reduce the level of the sound scource
    • modify absorption in the space (materials)
    • introducing background sound to mask the sound
  35. reflection
    return of sound waves from a surface.
  36. diffusion
    random distribution of sound from a surface
  37. diffraction
    bending of sound waves around an object or through an object.
  38. Ohm's Law
    • the relationship between volts (V), amps (I) and ohms (R)
    • V = I x R
    • V=voltate, I=current, R=resistance
Card Set
ARE-Building Systems
ARE - Building Systems 4.0