mental health

  1. what are the symptoms of depression?
    • insomnia
    • low, loa
    • social isolation
    • suicidal thoughts
    • loss of interest
    • fatigue
    • headaches
    • forgetfullness
    • symptoms of psychosis
    • poor concentration
    • decreased function
    • psychomotor retardation/agitation
    • decreased self esteem
    • anxiety
    • low mood
    • anhedonia -> no pleasure
  2. what are the clinical features of generalised anxiety disorder?
    • - persistent tension, anxiety and worry over everyday events
    • - accompanied by somatic symptoms
    • - worry tends to be uncontrollable and disabling
  3. what are the clinical features of panic disorder?
    • - recurrent, sudden, unexpected and unpredictable
    • - fear (dying, going crazy, losing control)
    • - embarrassment and self-consciousness
    • - peaks within minutes
    • - fight or flight prominent
    • - fear increases as anticipates future attacks and starts to avoid situations
    • - can lead on to agoraphobia
  4. what is the triad of anxiety disorders?
    • cognitive
    • behavioural
    • physiological
  5. what is the management of GAD?
    • cognitive therapy
    • relaxation and midnfulness/attention training
    • address co-morbidity and depression if present
    • pharmacotherapy
    • refer if:
    • - diagnostic uncertainty
    • - pt fails to respond to treatment
    • - complex medical problems
    • - troublesome se's
    • - hospitalisation indicated eg inability to fn or suicide risk
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mental health
mental health