roles/repons WING

  1. Who act for the commander in directing, controlling, coordinating and executing installation deployment to inculde base tenant unit.
    IDO (installation Deployment Officer)
  2. True or fasle the appointment for the IDO must be in writing, signed by the wing commander.
  3. _____ Develops and publishes the host installation commander's approved local guidance on deployment procedures.
  4. What information help the IDO ensures the installation meets all pre-execution and command and control deployment requirements on all received deployment tasking.
    Individual personnel tasking in support of OPLAN/CONPLAN TPFDDs and/or AFE commitments.
  5. ____ holds overall responsiblity for the management and control of the Deployment control center (DCC), personnel deployment function (PDF), and the Cargo Deployment fuction
  6. Who ensure AF component command requirements and organization structure for the tasked unit are documented on the DRMD and distribute unit deployment tasking which will include applicable portions of each supported commander's all-forces TPFDD and associated DRMD.
    Manpower office.
  7. Ture or false IPR will dcoument subordinate unit backfill requirements in DRMD and provide supporting command personnel readiness staff for sourcing.
  8. ______ produces CED orders using DCAPES fo all deployment in support of real-word contingencies, exercises and unit moves involving depolyment of personnel.
  9. True or false IDO assists the FSS commander with designation of the IPR representative to be a member of the deployment process working group, which the personnel requirements will flow from the MAJCOM to the base via DCAPES
    False the IPR assists the FSS commander
  10. Ture or false MO must ensure the IDO receive the personnel requirements to assist in the development of the deployment concept briefing and the formulation of the DSOE.
    Fase IPR
  11. What is an UDM
    Unit deployment manager is a member assigned to a unit that manages all deployment readiness and training aspect for all deployable personnel and equipment within thier unit to ensure they are deployment ready.
  12. Ture or false MO will ensure their unit taskings do not exceed thier UMD and they willl coordinate corrective action through the UDM for resolution.
    False the UDM will ensure and coordinate corrective action through the UDM for resolution.
  13. Who coordinate redeployment and reconstitution activites of returing personnel.
  14. _____ are responsible for identifying the correct unit organization identification and functional account code (FAC) within their unit/squadron that is is responsible for packaging and deploying thier respective assets.
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roles/repons WING