90% is type 1 collagen with high tensile strength and high flexibility
TEM: fibrils look banded, and fibers look like collections of fibrils
LM: red or pink stain with eosin in H/E and look wavy and unbranched
Production of collagen
Fibroblasts -> procollagen (triplet polypeptide chain) rich in hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine
-procollagen secreted by exocytosis to extracellular space, peptidases cleave terminal ends of molec to form tropocollagen
tropocollagen self-assembles into fibrils which become fibers
other collagens
type 2 and 3 collagen are other types of fibrillar collagen
type 4 collagen is nonfibrillar collagen in the basal lamina
Elastic fibers
composed of elastin rich in desmosine and isodesmosine, fibrillin, and other glycoproteins
-has little hydroxyproline and no hydroxylysine
-elastin = gives elasticity, fibrillin acts as structural and organizing element, desmosine and isodesmosine bind adjacent elastin molec together to allow stretch and recoil
Elastic fiber stains
orcein - dark brown
resorcin- fuchsin: purple/black
aldehyde fuchsin - purple
verhoeff's stain - black
Dense CT
dominated by type 1 collagen made by fibroblasts with fewer cells than loose CT
-mechanically links other tissues or supports other tissues
Dense CT ECM
major tissue component = fibrous with little ground substance
fibroblasts = elongated
some elastic fibers produced but less than collagen
Dense regular CT
- location: tendons/ligs
- -Type 1 collagen fibers = aligned to run in same direction
tissue = poorly vascularized and appears white
Dense irreg CT
location: dermis of skin and organ capsules
layers of collagen, each layer has fibers in same dir but oblique to other layers
vitamin C deficiency leads to reduced collagen 1 synthesis (dense irreg CT)
common in periodontal lig anchoring teeth in bone sockets -> loose teeth
reticular CT composition and functions
composition: type 3 collagen fibers
- functions: delicate framework to allow cells and fluid to move within an organ
- -supports blood vessel walls and forms supporting network around fat cells/nerve fibers/ and skeletal and
- smooth musc fibers
Reticular CT location
1) forms stroma of bone marrow, liver, and lymphatic organs except thymus
2) associated with basal lamina of epithelia, around blood vessels, muscles, nerve fibers, in loose and dense CT and around adipose cells
Reticular fibers
type 3 collagen produced by reticular cells in lymph. organs by same method as type 1 collagen by fibroblasts
fibrils form small, delicate bundles (string bag) to organize tissue of organs while allowing interchange of cells/fluid
TEM: type 3 fibers look like type 1 but very thin
LM: stained by silver salts, fibers = thin and highly branched
-type 3 collagen also stained by periodic acid schiff technique for carbs
Ehlers-Danlos Type 4 Syndrome
insufficient synthesis of type 3 collagen (prominent in aorta and intestines) can lead to rupture
Elastic CT
this CT domintaed by elastic fibers to provide stretch and elasticity
components: fibroblasts or smooth musc cells dominate, ECM is dominated by elastic fibers
Fiber organization: elastic fibers as loose branching, bundled network, or fenestrated laminae or lamellae (sheets with holes)
recognizing elastic CT
mixed with loose and dense irreg CT in skin (long, thin, branching fibers)
must use special stains for elastin fibers
in vessels- one or more thin layers in in arteries and large veins
Marfan's syndrome
for elastic CT
mutations in gene for microfibrillar component affects large blood vessels.
normally thick aortic wall gets thin and can rupture
Adipose CT
well vascularized and dominant cell = unilocular adipocyte
ECM: reticular fibers secreted by adipocytes with little ground substance
defects in leptin pathway
in adipose CT
adipose tissue secretes leptin that goes to hypothalamus where it regulates food intake and metabolism
problems in pathway may lead to obesity