Word list 1

  1. abase (v.)
    • lower; degrade; humiliate
    • Anna expected to have to curtsy to the king of siam, but when told to cast herself down on the ground before him, she refused to abase herself.
  2. abash (v.)
    • embarrass
    • He was not at all abashed by her open admiration.
  3. abate (v.)
    • subsidise or moderate
    • Rather than leaving immediately, they waited for the storm to abate.
  4. abbreviate (v.)
  5. abdicate (v.)
    • renounce; give up
    • When the king abdicated the throne, he surprised the country.
  6. aberrant (adj.)
    • abnormal or deviant
    • Given the aberrant nature of the data, we came to doubt the validity of the entire experiment.
  7. aberration (n.)
    abnormality; departure from the norm; mental irregularity or disorder
  8. abet (v.)
    assist or encourage, usually in doing something wrong
  9. abeyance (n.)
    • suspended action
    • The deal was held in abeyance until her arrival.
  10. abhor (v.)
    detest; hate
  11. abject (adj.)
    • wretched; lacking pride
    • On the street of New York the homeless live in abject poverty, huddling in doorways to find shelter from the wind.
  12. abjure (v.)
    renounce upon oath; disvow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure
  13. ablution (n.)
    • washing
    • The ritual washing of a priest's hands or of sacred vessels
  14. abnegation (n.)
    • renunciation; self-sacrifice
    • Renunciation of your own interests in favour of the interests of others
  15. abolish (v.)
    cancel; put to an end
  16. abominable (adj.)
    detestable; extremely displeasing; very bad
  17. abominate (v.)
    loathe; hate
  18. aboriginal (adj.)
    being the first of its kind in a region; primitive; native
  19. abortive (adj.)
    unsuccessful; fruitless
  20. abrasive (adj.)
    rubbing away; tending to grind down
  21. abridge (v.)
    condense; shorten
  22. abrogate (v.)
    • abolish; revoke formally; get rid of
    • The king intended to abrogate the decree issued by his predecessor.
  23. abscission (n.)
    • 1. removal by cutting off, as in surgery;
    • 2. separation
    • When a flower or leaf separates naturally from the parent plant, this process is called abscission or leaf fall.
  24. abscond (v.)
    depart secretly and hide
  25. absolute (adj.)
    complete; totally unlimited; certain
  26. absolve (v.)
    • pardon (an offense)
    • absolved him of his sins
  27. abstain (v.)
    refrain; withhold from participation
  28. abstemious (adj.)
    • sparing in eating and drinking; temperate (=not extreme)
    • Concerned whether her vegetarian son's abstemious diet provided him with sufficient protein, the worried mother pressed food on him.
  29. abstinence (n.)
    restraint from eating or drinking
  30. abstract (adj.)
    • theoretical; not concrete; non-representational
    • 1. Existing only in the mind; separated from embodiment
    • abstract words like 'truth' and 'justice'
    • 2. Not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature
    • a large abstract painting
    • 3. Dealing with a subject in the abstract without practical purpose or intention
    • abstract reasoning
  31. abstruse (adj.)
    • obscure (=unclear); profound; difficult to understand
    • The professor's lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them.
  32. abusive (adj.)
    coarsely insulting; physically harmful
  33. abut (v.)
    border upon; adjoin (=adjacent to one another)
  34. abysmal (adj.)
    • bottomless
    • His arrogance is exceeded only by his abysmal ignorance.
  35. abyss (n.)
    enormous chasm (=A deep opening in the earth's surface); vast; bottomless pit
  36. academic (adj.)
    • related to a school; not practical or directly useful
    • Hypothetical or theoretical and not expected to produce an immediate or practical result
    • an academic discussion
  37. accede (v.)
    agree; yield to another's wish or opinion
  38. accelerate (v.)
    move faster
  39. accessible
    easy to approach; obtainable
  40. accessory (n.)
    additional object; useful but not an essential thing
  41. acclaim (v.)
    applaud; announce with great approval
  42. acclimate (v.)
    adjust to climate or environment; adapt
  43. acclivity (n.)
    sharp upslope of a hill
  44. accolade (n.)
    • award of merit
    • In Hollywood, an "Oscar" is the highest accolade.
  45. accommodate (v.)
    oblige or help someone; adapt; adjust or bring into harmony
  46. accomplice (n.)
    partner in crime
  47. accord (n.)
  48. accost (v.)
    approach and speak first to a person
  49. accoutre (=accouter) (v.)
  50. accretion (n.)
    growth; increase
  51. accrue (v.)
    • come about by addition
    • accrued interest
    • You must pay the interest accrued on your debt as well as the principal sum.
  52. acerbic (adj.)
    bitter or sour in nature; sharp and cutting (in tone)
  53. acerbity (n.)
    bitterness of speech and temper
  54. acetic (adj.)
    • vinegary
    • The salad has an exceedingly acetic flavour.
  55. acidulous (adj.)
    • slightly sour; sharp; caustic (=Harsh or corrosive in tone)
    • sarcastic and acidulous remarks
  56. acknowledge (v.)
    recognize; admit
  57. acme (n.)
    peak; pinnacle; highest point
  58. acoustics (n.)
    science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in
  59. acquiesce (akwee'es) (v.)
    assent (=agreement); agree passively
  60. acquittal (n.)
    deliverance from a charge
  61. acrid (adj.)
    sharp; bitterly pungent
  62. acrimonious (adj.)
    bitter in words or manner
  63. acrophobia (n.)
    fear of heights
  64. actuarial (adj.)
    calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics
  65. actuate (v.)
    • motivate
    • I fail to understand what actuate you to reply to this letter so nastily.
  66. acuity (n.)
  67. acumen (n.)
    mental keenness; shrewdness shown by keen insight
  68. acute (adj.)
    quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe
  69. adage (n.)
    wise saying; proverb
  70. adamant (adj.)
    hard; inflexible
  71. adapt (v.)
    alter; modify
  72. addendum (n.)
    addition; appendix of a book
  73. addiction (n.)
    compulsive; habitual need
  74. addle (v.)
    • muddle (=confuse); drive crazy; become rotten
    • The idiotic plan is confusing enough to addle anyone.
  75. address (v.)
    direct a speech to; deal with or discuss
  76. adept (adj.)
    • expert at
    • She was adept at the fine art of irritating people.
  77. adhere (v.)
    • stick fast
    • I will adhere to this opinion until proof that I am wrong is presented.
  78. adherent (n.)
    supporter; follower
  79. adjacent (adj.)
    adjoining; neighbouring; close by
  80. adjunct (n.)
    something added or attached to another thing but not an essential part of it
  81. adjuration (n.)
    • solemn urging
    • Her adjuration to tell the truth did not change the witness' testimony.
  82. adjutant (n.)
    • staff officer assisting the commander; assistant
    • chief adjutant
  83. admonish (v.)
    • warn; reprove (=take to task)
    • When her friends questioned her religious beliefs, she admonished then, declaring that she would worship as she pleased.
  84. adorn (v.)
    • decorate
    • Wall paintings adorned her house.
  85. adroit (adj.)
    • skillful
    • Her adroit handling of the delicate situation pleased her employers.
Card Set
Word list 1
gre word list 1