TOUR2001 - test one

  1. Psychographics
    attempt to classify consumers in terms of psychological variables such as personality, values and lifestyles
  2. Aspects typically considered in psychographics include:
    • Personality traits and the concept of self
    • Values systems
    • Attitudes toward experiences and brands
    • Lifestyles - acitvites, interests and opinions
  3. What is the use of psychographics in tourism?
    Predicting how tourist and leisure participants will behave
  4. What is the objective of psychographics
    to assess consumers' lifestyles so that meaningful conxumer typoligies can be identified
  5. How can psychographics increase the effectiveness of marketing?
    • targeting the approprate audience
    • focusing hte message on their needs
    • sleecting the appropriate media
  6. Personality: Freudian theory
    personality stems from conflict between the desire to satisfy physical needs and the necessity to function as a responsible member of society
  7. Freudian theory personalities
    • Id - immediate gratification (pleasure) - primitave
    • Superego - social moral and ethical inhibitions (conscience)
    • Ego - mediates between id and superego - considers consequences
  8. How is freudian theory useful to marketers?
    • appeal to Id - ads emphasisng the pleasure and self indulgent aspects of product or service offerings
    • appeal to superego - emphasising social amenities, ehtics, tradition
    • appeal to ego - free offers as well as employing leisure, freedom, escape, and fantasy appeals ("its ok to take some time off, you deserve it")
  9. Traits theorys' 5 personality traits:
    • Extroversion - outisde oriented (interraction with others)
    • Emotional stability - the degree of consitency/inconsistency (aka neurotocism)
    • Agreeableness - being friendly rahter than reserved
    • Consientiousness - being dependable and commited, taking intiative
    • Openness to experience - new ideas and change
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TOUR2001 - test one
Lecture Three