Isoproterenol (heart)
sympathomimetic; produces bronchodilation by relaxing smooth mm. through beta-2 stimulation; increases HR by cardiac beta-1 stimulation
Phenylephrine (heart)
sympathomimetic; acts on alpha receptors to contract vascular smooth mm. and increase BP
Phentolamine (heart, eye)
alpha-1 antagonist to cause vasodilation of vascular smooth mm. and decrease BP; miosis- radial antagonist
Propranolol (heart)
non-selective beta blocker; competitive antagonist; causes decreased cardiac output (decreases HR)
Physostigmine (eye)
indirect agonist; anticholinesterase blocker; prolongs the effects of Ach; miosis
Amphetamine (eye)
indirect-acting radial agonist; increases release of dopamine, NE, serotonin; inhibits re-uptake of dopamine and NE pre-synaptically; mydriasis
Cocaine (eye)
indirect radial agonist; blocks pre-synaptic re-uptake of dopamine, NE, and serotonin, prolonging their effects; potentiates actions of released NE; mydriasis
Morphine (eye)
enhances activity in oculomotor nucleus of brain; miosis when given systemically
Atropine (heart, eye)
anti-muscarinic; surmountable/competitive antagonist of Ach; increases HR by blocking vagal activity (which usually causes SA node to decrease pacemaker firing); sphincter antagonist --> mydriasis
Epinephrine (heart)
direct agonist of alpha and beta receptor (more-so beta);vasodilation to skeletal mm. by beta-2 receptor stimulation; vasoconstriction to viscera and skin by alpha-1 receptor stimulation; relax smooth muscles of bronchi; increases HR
Norepinephrine (heart, eye)
direct agonist of adrenergic receptors; peripheral vasoconstriction by alpha-1 stimulation; increased HR by beta-1 stimulation; radial agonist --> mydriasis
Acetylcholine (heart, eye)
direct agonist of muscarinic receptors; muscarinic receptors in heart linked to K+ channels by G-protein --> increased pacemaker firing and increased HR; sphincter agonist --> miosis
[Optional] Xylazine
alpha-2 agonist; pre-synaptic negative feedback of NE release by mimicking NE; low specificity; analgesic-sedative
[Optional] Yohimbine
alpha-2 (and alpha-1 and other receptors at higher doses) antagonist; low specificity; mydriasis; vasodilator; reverses xylazine
[Optional] Acepromazine
blocks dopaminergic receptors in the CNS, causing neuroleptic and anti-emetic effects; blocks alpha-adrenergic receptors, lowering BP by blocking NE; low specificity