ABSITE chaper 5 infections.txt

  1. Most common immune deficiency
  2. Microflora of the stomach
    Some GPC, some yeast
  3. Microflora of the proximal small bowel
    10^5 bacteria, most GPCs
  4. microflora of the distal small bowel
    10^7 bacteria, GPC, GNR, GPRs
  5. microflora of the colon
    10^11 bacteria, some anaerobes, some GNRs, GPCs
  6. most common class of organism in the GI tract
  7. most common anaerobe in the colon
    B. fragilis
  8. Most common aerobic bacteria in the colon
    E. coli
  9. Most common bacteria causing gram-negative sepsis
    E. coli
  10. Factor released during sepsis that triggers complement and causes a coagulation cascade
  11. Metabolic derangement just prior to sepsis
  12. Most common type of organism in an abscess
    Anaerobe (in 90%)
  13. Risk of wound infection after a clean case
  14. risk of wound infection after a clean contaminated case
  15. risk of wound infection after a contaminated case
  16. risk of wound infection after a grossly contaminated case
  17. most common organism in surgical wound infections
    S. aureus
  18. Coag negative staph species
    S. epidermidis
  19. Exopolysaccharide matrix released by staph species
  20. Most common GNR in surgical infections
    E. coli
  21. Most common anaerobe in surgical infections
    B. fragilis
  22. Number of bacteria needed for a wound infection
  23. surgical infections that present <48h after procedure
    injury to bowel with leak, invasive soft tissue infection (C. perfringens or beta-hemolytic strep)
  24. most common nonsurgical infection
  25. Leading infectious cause of death after surgery
    Nosocomial pneumonia
  26. Most common organisms in ICU pneumonia
    S. aureus, Pseudomonas
  27. Most common organisms causing line infections
    S. epidermidis, S. aureus, yeast
  28. Amount of CFUs on a central line that constitutes infection
  29. common bacteria causing necrotizing soft tissue infection
    beta hemolytic Strep A
  30. common endotoxin of C. perfringens
    alpha toxin
  31. treatment of Strep A necrotizing infection
  32. findings on gram stain of C. perfringens necrotizing infection
    GPRs without WBCs
  33. Common symptoms of C. perfringens necrotizing infection
    Gas gangrene, myonecrosis
  34. Severe infection in perineal and scrotal region
    Fourniers gangrene
  35. Criteria for treating fungal infection (4)
    Positive blood cx, 2 sites other than blood, 1 site + severe sx, endophthalmitis, prolonged bacterial abx without improvement
  36. �fungus� that causes pulmonary sx, abscesses in cervical, thoracic, and abdominal areas
  37. �fungus� that causes pulmonary and CNS symptoms
  38. Fungus that causes pulmonary sx; common in Mississippi and Ohio river valleys
  39. Fungus that causes CNS sx
  40. Fungus that causes pulmonary sx; common in the southwest
  41. Common inhalant of the respiratory tract
  42. Bacteria common in Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis
    E. coli (50%), Strep (30%), Klebsiella (10%)
  43. Diagnostic criteria of SBP
    PMNs >500/cc
  44. Drug class used in short term prophylaxis for SBP
  45. Infection caused by an intra-abdominal source
    Secondary bacterial peritonitis
  46. Most common organisms in secondary bacterial peritonitis
    B. fragilis, E. coli, enterococcus
  47. Timecourse for seroconversion after HIV exposure
    6-12 wks
  48. prophylaxis for HIV exposure; can decrease seroconversion
    AZT, lamivudine
  49. Most common intestinal infection in AIDS
    CMV colitis
  50. Most common site for lymphoma in AIDS patients
    Stomach > rectum
  51. Type of lymphoma common to AIDS patients
    NHL B cell
  52. Cause of UGI bleed in AIDS patient
    Kaposi sarcoma, lymphoma
  53. Cause of LGI bleed in AIDS patient
    CMV, HSV, bacterial
  54. Normal CD4 count
  55. symptomatic CD4 count
  56. CD4 count common for opportunistic infections
  57. percent of patients infected with HCV who become chronic carriers
  58. percent of patients with HCV who develop cirrhosis
  59. percent of patients with HCV who develop HCC
  60. treatment for brown recluse spider bites
    dapsone, resection and graft for ulcers if applicable
  61. cause of acute septic arthritis
    Gonococcus, staph, H. influenzae, strep
  62. Common cause of diabetic foot infections
    Mixed staph, GNRs, anaerobes
  63. Treatment of diabetic foot infections
    Broad spectrum (unasyn, zosyn)
  64. Treatment of septic arthritis
    3rd gen cephalosporin, vancomycin until cultures return
  65. most common organism in impetigo, erysipelas, cellulitis, folliculitis
    staph, strep
  66. multiloculated furuncle
  67. bacteria common in PD catheter infections
    S. aureus, S. epidermis
  68. Treatment of PD catheter infection
    IP vancomycin, IP gentamycin, IP amphoteracin (for fungus)
  69. Risk factors for sinusitis
    NGTs, intubation, severe facial fractures
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ABSITE chaper 5 infections.txt
ABSITe ch 5 infection