All about Scotch

  1. Scotch Whiskey
    • Distilled and aged for a least 3 years in Scotland
    • May be bottled in other countries
    • Malt
    • from malted barley
    • smokey flavor
    • aged up to 15 years
    • Grain
    • malted and unmalted grains (usually corn)
    • aged 6-8 years
    • used for blending
  2. Blended Scotch
    • A combination of up to 50 different malt whiskies + grain whisky
    • (variety of scotches)
    • Makes up over 90% of market
  3. Single-Malt Scotch
    Produced and bottles in a single distillery without being blended
  4. Scotch Brands
    • 7 Dewars- blended scotch
    • 10 Chivas12- blended scotch
    • 12 Glenlivet12- single-malt scotch
    • 12 JW blk- blended scotch
    • 9 JW red- blended scotch
    • 12 Macallan12
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All about Scotch
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