All about Whiskey/Bourbon

  1. Whiskey
    • "water of life"
    • fermented mash of cereal grains, such as barley, corn, oats, rye, and wheat
    • Generally produced in countries that grow these grains...
    • Canada, Ireland, Scotland, US
  2. Straight Whiskey
    • Made from at least 51% grain
    • Aged in oak barrels for 2 years
    • 80-160 proof

    • May be combined only if from same distillery and same distilling time
    • May only be diluted with water

    Bourbon, Tennessee, Rye
  3. Blended Whiskey
    • A combination of 2 or more (20% +)
    • 100 proof straight whiskies
    • Blended with neutral spirits, grain spirits, or light whiskies
  4. Bourbon
    • All american Corn-bbased whiskey
    • Name is from Bourbon County Kentucky
    • Based on mash -grain that is crushed, added to hot water, fermented
    • Sweet mash- fermented from scratch
    • Sour mash- combined new batch of sweet mash with residue from previous fermentaion (labled sour mash)
  5. Straight Bourbon
    • Distilled from a mash of 51%-79% corn
    • -any higher and it's concidered a corn whiskey
    • Aged in aok barrels for at least 2 years
    • Distilled to over 160 proof
    • Bottled no more than 125 proof
    • Only be dilluted with water
  6. Tennessee Whiskey
    • Similar to bourbon
    • Made from mash of at least 51% single grain
    • Different than bourbon is: filtered through vats of sugar-maple charcoal
    • Sweet characteristic
  7. Rye
    • American Whiskey
    • Similar taste to rich bourbon
    • Spicy flavor
    • Wheat and barley are commonly used
    • At least 51% rye in U.S.
  8. Canadian Whiskey
    • Produced in Cananda
    • Made from rye, corn, barley, and/or wheat
    • Wood aged at least 3 years
    • Smoother and lighter that it's cousins rye and bourbon
  9. Irish Whiskey
    • Made from barley, corn, rye, wheat, oats
    • Triple-distilled (extra smooth)
    • Aged in casks at least 4 years
  10. Scotch Whiskey
    • Distilled and ages at least 3 years in Scotland
    • May be bottled in other countries
    • Malt
    • -from malted barley
    • -smokey flavor
    • -aged up to 15 years
    • Grain
    • -malted barley and unmalted grains (usually corn)
    • -aged 6-8 years
    • -used for blending
  11. Whiskey/ Bourbon Brands
    • 7 Jim Beam- bourbon
    • 9 Bulliet- bourbon
    • 8 Canadian Club- canadian whiskey
    • 9 Crown Royal- canadian whiskey
    • 12 Crown Royal Rsv.-
    • 9 Jack Daniels- tennessee whiskey
    • 9 Jamesons- irsh whiskey
    • 10 Knob Creek-bourbon
    • 9 Makers Mark-bourbon
    • 8 Seagram's 7- blended whiskey
    • 9 Woodford Resv.- bourbon
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All about Whiskey/Bourbon
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