beyond 2

  1. adumbrate
    to foreshadow vaguely or intimate; to suggest or outline sketchily; to obscure or overshadow
  2. anathema
    a solemn or ecclesiastical (religious) curse; accursed or thoroughly loathed person or thing
  3. apogee
    farthest or highest point; culmination; zenith
  4. apotheosis
    deification, glorification to godliness, an exalted example, a model of excellence or perfection
  5. asperity
    severity, rigor; roughness, harshness; acrimony, irritability
  6. asseverate
    to aver, allege, assert
  7. assiduous
    diligent, hard-working, sedulous
  8. bellicose
    belligerant, pugnacious, warlike
  9. captious
    disposed to point out trivial faults, calculated to confuse or entrap in argument
  10. cavil
    to find fault without good reason
  11. celerity
    speed, alacrity; think accelerate
  12. chimera
    an illusion; originally, an imaginary fire-breathing she-monster
  13. debacle
    tout, fiasco, complete failure: My first attempt at a souffle was a total debacle.
  14. denouement
    an outcome or solution; the unraveling of a plot
  15. descry
    to discriminate or discern
  16. desuetude
    disuse: After years of desuetude, my French skills were finally put to use.
  17. dirge
    a song of grief or lamentation: We listened to te slow, funereal dirge.
  18. excoriate
    to censure scathingly, to upbraid
  19. execrate
    denounce, feel loathing for, curse, declare to be evil
  20. exegesis
    critical examination, explication
  21. expiate
    to atone or make amends for: Pia Zadora has expiated her movie career by good works and charity.
  22. extirpate
    to destroy. exterminate, cut out, exscind
  23. gainsay
    to deny, dispute, contradict, oppose
  24. heterodox
    unorthodox, heretical, iconoclastic
  25. imbroglio
    difficult or embarassing situation
  26. indefatigable
    not easily exhaustible; tireless, dogged
  27. ineluctable
    certain, inevitable
  28. inimitable
    one of a kind, peerless
  29. insouciant
    unconcerned, carefree, heedless
  30. inveterate
    deep rooted, ingrained, habitual
  31. jejune
    vapid, uninteresting, nugatory; childish, immature, puerile
  32. lubricious
    lewd, wanton, greasy, slippery
  33. minatory
    menacing, threatening (reminds you of the Minotaur, a threatening creature indeed)
  34. nonplussed
    baffled, bewildered, at a loss for what to do or think
  35. obstreperous
    noisily and stubbornly defiant, aggressively boisterous
  36. parsimonious
    cheap, miserly: A parsimonious person parses out his money with great difficulty
  37. pellucid
    transparent, easy to understand, limpid
  38. peroration
    the concluding part of a speech; flowery, rhetorical speech
  39. plangent
    pounding, thundering, resounding
  40. prolix
    long-winded, verbose; prolixity means verbosity: Mikhail Gorbachev is famous for his prolixity
  41. puissance
    power, strength; puissant means powerful, strong: The senator delivered a puissant speech to the convention.
  42. remonstrate
    to protest, object
  43. salacious
    lustful, lascivious, bawdy
  44. salutary
    remedial, wholesome, causing improvement
  45. saturnine
    gloomy, dark, sullen, morose
  46. sententious
    aphoristic or moralistic; epigrammatic; tending to moralize excessively
  47. stygian
    gloomy, dark
  48. tendentious
    biased; showing marked tendencies
  49. timorous
    timid, fearful, diffident
  50. vitiate
    to corrupt, debase, spoil, make ineffective
Card Set
beyond 2
beyond 2