
  1. 3 ways to use monoclonal antibodies in tumor therapy
    • 1) add mAb which binds tumor cell. Phagocytes bind Fc region and kill cell
    • 2) couple mAb with a toxin that kills tumor cell
    • 3) couple mAb with an enzyme that coverts a prodrug to active drug
  2. adjuvents used in tumor therapy to increase immune response
    BCG, muramyl tripeptide
  3. interferon alpha
    used in tumor treatment. works by activating signaling pathways and increasing MHCI expression
  4. interferon gamma
    released by TH1 cells. increases macrophage and NK cytotoxicity by increasing MHCI/II expression. can be used in cancer treatment
  5. TNF-alpha
    secreted by macrophages. cytotoxic to tumor cell
  6. three phases of immunosurveillance
    elimination, equilibration, and escape
  7. hyper IgM syndrome
    T-cells lack CD40L. thus, they can't induce the B-cells to make different Ig's. Result: only IgM made.
  8. ataxia telangiectasia
    reduced T-cell function and some Ig classes are deficent. Due to inability to repair DNA
  9. Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome
    X-linked. T-cells make ineffective response to antigen.
  10. If you have a problem with your B-cells, infections will mostly be caused by...
    bacteria (high grade antigens)
  11. If you have a problem with your T-cells, infections will mostly be caused by...
    fungi, virus (low grade)
  12. If you have a problem with your phagocytic cells, infections will mostly be caused by...
    bacteria of low virulence, pyogenic organisms
  13. If you have a problem with your complement cells, infections will mostly be caused by...
    pyogenic microorganisms
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