PMP Flashcard Quicklet - PM Framework

  1. What is a project?
    A temporary undertaking to create a unique product, service, or result
  2. What are three defining characteristics of a project?
    • Temporary. Has a beginning and an end
    • Unique. Creates a unique product, results, or services.

    Progressively elaborated. Developed in steps and continous increments
  3. What is a program?
    A group of related projects that are managed in a coordinated way to achieve those enefits and control that are not available from managing them individually.
  4. What are three defining characteristics of a program?
    Related. Group of related projects

    Coordinated. Coordinated management across constituent projects.

    Benefits and control. Benefits and control that are not available from managing the constituent projects individually
  5. What is progressive elaboration?
    A technique to develop a plan in steps as more information continues to become available. The detail and accuracy of the plan improves as it progresses with time.
  6. What characteristics do projects and operations share?
    - Constrained by limited resources

    - Need human resources

    - Need to be planned, executed, and controlled
  7. What makes projects and operations different from each other
    - Projects are temporary, whereas operations are ongoing.

    - Projects create uniue products, whereas operations perform repetitive tasks
  8. At what level of the organization are projects performed and what is the minimum number of people that must be involved in a project?
    Projects are performed at all levels of an organization and the persons involved in a project may be anywhere from one to several thousands depending on the project needs.
  9. Projects in an organization are usually performed to support which plan of the organization?
    Strategic plan
  10. What are some of the strategic considerations that play a role in authorizing projects?
    • - Customer request
    • - Legal requirement
    • - Market demand
    • - Organization's need
    • - Technological advance
  11. What is project management?
    Application of knowledge, skills, and tools and techniques to project activities in order to meet project objectives. You accomplish this by performing some processes at various stages of the project.
  12. List some tasks included in project management.
    • - Identify project requirements
    • - Establish project objectives
    • - Balance the competing demands of cost, scope, time, and quality
    • - Understand the stakeholders' needs and adapt the project plans and approaches to those needs
  13. What is a constraint?
    A restriction (or limitation) that can affect the performance of a project, and limit the options available to the project team.
  14. What are the three elements bound together in what is known as triple constraint?
    • - Cost
    • - Scope
    • - Time
  15. What is the triple constraint?
    If any of cost, scope, and time changes, at least one of the other two must change.
  16. What is the common characteristic of many project management processes that reflects progressive elaboration?
    Many processes are iterative.
  17. What is the name of the management approach that can handle even operations as projects?
    Management by project
  18. List the nine project management areas.
    • 1. Project integration management
    • 2. Project scope management
    • 3. Project time management
    • 4. Project cost management
    • 5. Project quality management
    • 6. Project human resoures management
    • 7. Project communication management
    • 8. Project risk management
    • 9 Project Procurement management
  19. For effective project management, the project management team must have the knowledge and skills from at lease five areas of expertise. What are those five areas?
    • 1. Project management body of knowledge
    • 2. knowledge, regulations, and standards of the application area to which the project belongs
    • 3. Project environment
    • 4. General management knowledge and skills
    • 5. Interpersonal skills
  20. What are some of the terms in which the application areas are usually defined?
    • - Functionality such as engineering, marketing, legal, construction, and government
    • - Technicality such as software development and QA
    • - Management specializations such as government contracting and community development
    • - Industry groups such as argiculture and financial services
  21. What is a standard?
    A document in a specific industry or profession that describes a standard way of doing something. It is established by consensus and approved by a recognized body.
  22. What is a regulation?
    A legal restriction promulgated by a government administrative agency through rulemaking and is typically supported by a threat of consequences such as a fine for not following it.
  23. What are some of the project environmental contexts?
    • - Cultural and social environment
    • - International environment: social and political
    • - Physical environment: physical surroundings including ecology and geography
  24. List some interpersonal skills
    • - Effective communication
    • - Ability to influence
    • - Leadership
    • - Motivation
    • - Conflict Management
    • - Negotiation
    • - Problem Solving
  25. Project management is performed in a broader managment context. Name some elements of this context.
    • - Project management office
    • - Portfolio management
    • - Program management
  26. What is a portfolio?
    A collection of projects, programs, and other related work, which are grouped together for effective management in order to meet the strategic business objectives of the organization.
  27. How does portfolio managment maximize the value of a portfolio?
    By including the right projects and excluding the wrong projects in timely fashion, meeting or not meeting the strategic objectives being the criterion for being right or wrong.
  28. What is a project management office?
    An entity in an organization that is responsible for supporting the centralized coordinated managment for projects in the organization.
  29. What are some of the key features of project managment offices (PMO)?
    • - Coordinting the shared resources across projects
    • - Identifying and developing project management methodology, practices and standards
    • - Suporting the projects with policies, procedures, standards, templates, and other documentation
    • - Providing centralized configuratin management for all the projects
    • - Providing mentoring platform for project managers
  30. What is a project lifecycle?
    The duration of a project from beginning to end including all the project phases
  31. What is a project Phase?
    A well defined part of the project that creates one or more deliverables
  32. What is a deliverable?
    A measurable outcome of the project work including product, service, or result
  33. Are product phases the same as process groups?
  34. What are five process groups in project management?
    • - Initiating
    • - Planning
    • - Monitoring and Controling
    • - Executing
    • - Controlling
  35. What is the schedule compression technicque that supports overlap of project phases?
    Fast tracking
  36. How does the cost very as the project progresses?
    Low at the start, reaches a maximum during the intermediate phases, and drops as a project moves toward conclusion
  37. How does the staffing level vary as the project progresses?
    Low at the start, reaches a maximum during the intermediate phases, and drops as a project moves toward conclusion
  38. How does the uncertainty (and hence the risk) vary as the project progresses?
    High at the beginning and progressively lowers as the project progresses
  39. A project phase is typically concluded with what?
    • - A review of the work performed and the deliverables created
    • - A decission on whether extra work is needed or the phase is ready to be closed
  40. Can a phase be closed whithout making the decision the next phase?
    Yes, for example, when the project is completed or canceled
  41. What the review at the end of a project phase is called
    Phase exit, Phase gate, or kill point
  42. Does a phase completion authorize the next phase?
    • No.
    • Each phase should go through its own initiation
  43. What are the stimuli for a project?
    • - Problems
    • - Opportunities
    • - Business requirements
  44. What is a product life cycle?
    A sequence of product phases whose whose names and numbers are determined by the application area and the performing organization. Generally, the project life cycle is contained in one or more of the product life cycles.
  45. What is a project stakeholder?
    An individual or an organization that is positively or negatively affected by the project.
  46. What kind of influence can project stakeholders have on the project?
    Possitive or negative
  47. What are the key stake holders of any project?
    • - Project Manager
    • - Customer
    • - User
    • - Performing organization
    • - Project team members
    • - Project management team
    • - Project sponsor
    • - Influences
    • - Project Management Office (PMO)
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PMP Flashcard Quicklet - PM Framework
PMP Exam Flashcards