Unit 4 Fundamental Anatomical Movements

  1. Frontal Abduction
    Movement away from the midline of the body
  2. Frontal Adduction
    Movement toward the midline of the body
  3. Frontal Elevation
    Moving to a superior position at the scapula
  4. Frontal Depression
    Moving to an inferior position at the scapula
  5. Sagittal Flexion
    Decreasing the angle between two bones
  6. Sagittal Extension
    Increasing the angle between two bones
  7. Sagittal Dorsiflexion
    Moving the top of the foot toward the shin at the ankle joint
  8. Sagittal Plantarflexion
    Moving the top fo the foot away from the shin at the ankle joing
  9. Transverse Rotation
    Internal or external turning about the vertical axis of a bone
  10. Transverse Pronation
    Rotating the hand and the wrist medially from the elbow
  11. Transverse Supination
    Rotating the hand and the wrist laterally from the elbow
  12. Transverse Horizontal Adduction
    From a 90 degree abduction arm position, the humerus is flexed toward the midline of the body in the transverse plane
  13. Transverse Horizontal Abduction
    From a 90 degree adduction arm position, the humerus is extended away from the midline of the body in the transverse plan
  14. Multiplanar Circumduction
    Combination of flexion, abduction, extension, and adduction in a sequence
Card Set
Unit 4 Fundamental Anatomical Movements
Fundamental Anatomical Movements