OMM mod 2

  1. nodule in the 5th interspace on the left would suggest
    stomach acid, gastric ulcer, gastritis
  2. nodule in the 6th interspace on the right would suggest
    liver or gallbladder problem
  3. Periumbilical nodules suggest
    bladder problems
  4. lymphatic vessels can be divided into 4 groups
    • Lymphatic capillaries
    • Pre-collectors
    • Collectors
    • lymph trunks
  5. Which one of the lymphatic vessels have intrinsic muscular pumps?
    Collectors & lymphatic trunks
  6. Job of lymph nodes in movement of lymph?
    Contracts to propel fluid till they reach main collectors & lymphatic trunks that have intrinsic muscular pumps
  7. left & right iliac trunks (and numerous GI trunks) join at the cisterna chyle and pass behind the diaphragm (a potential blockage point) to become
    thoracic duct (left lymphatic duct)
  8. thoracic duct drains to..
    left subclavian vein
  9. what collects from right side of upper body/head/neck + left lobe of lung?
    right lymphatic duct
  10. 4 common lymphatic blockage pts
    Thoracic outlet, thoracic duct (diaphragm), abdomen (hip/inguinal region), popliteal
  11. Some collectors from the legs pass through...
    soleus arch
  12. All collectors from the legs pass through...
    Adductor canal hiatus (gap btwn adductor magnus & femur)
  13. lymphatic drainage of most of the lower extremity is via..
    deep lymphatic collectors (DVT)
  14. Internal rotation of the hip is the same as
    anterior translation
  15. external rotation of the hip is the same as
    posterior translocation
  16. thoracic duct passes into thoracic cavity via the
    aortic hiatus (behind diaphragm)
  17. 3 muscles can impinge thoracic duct as it passes into thoracic cavity
    Iliopsoas, quadratus lumborum, diaphragm
  18. bending over too far, short leg syndrome, scoliosis can all be causes for...
    impingement of thoracic duct
  19. lymphatic pumps are used when?
    after potential blockage pts have been treated (except in cases of cancer/chemotherapy/infection)
  20. Pure Visceral Nociception
    dull ache, poorly localized, and Midline (because every spinal level receives autonomic afferents from both sides of body)
  21. Visceral nociceptors are mostly sensitive to
  22. HEART Bainbridge effect
    stretch of atria stimulates incr speed & strength of contraction
  23. Because of connections of the endocrine system and the adrenals and thyroid, Chapman emphasized
    treating the pelvis before treating the reflex points.
  24. Treating Chapman pts
    Treat for 10-30sec, circular pattern over pt w/ finger tip or until pt cannot tolerate discomfort
  25. Gastroenteritis or abdominal cramps will not produce...
    acute symphatic changes cuz they're chronic processes
  26. chronic changes in T1-4 would suggest against
    cardiac cause of the current pain
  27. T1-T4
    Sympathetics to head and neck
  28. T1-T6
    sympathetics to the heart and lungs
  29. T5-T9 Right
    Liver, gallbladder, duodenum, and head of the pancreas
  30. T5-T9 Left
    Stomach, spleen, and tail of the pancreas
  31. T10-T11 Right
    Appendix, cecum, and ascending to mid-transverse colon
  32. T10-T11 general
    Remainder of small intestine , kidneys (R & L), upper part of the ureters (R & L), gonads (ovaries and testes)
  33. T12-L2
    Colon from mid-transverse to rectum and pelvic organs (bladder, uterus, prostate)
Card Set
OMM mod 2
OMM mod 2