Biomolecules Part 2

  1. adhesion
    the attractive force between unlike substances
  2. ATP
    an enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate
  3. amino acids
    a carboxylic acid with an amino group; one of the 20 monomers that form proteins
  4. cohesion
    the attraction of like molecules to each other
  5. capillarity
    the reaction of a liquid surface with a solid; capillarity allows water to creep up in the interior of a narrow vessel.
  6. condensation
    a chemical reaction, also called dehydration synthesis, in which one molecule of water is produced
  7. Carbs
    an organic compound present in the cells of all living things and a major organic nutrient for humans
  8. disaccharide
    a double sugar formed from two monosaccharides
  9. functional group
    a structural building block that determines the characteristics of a chemical compound
  10. Fatty Acids
    a monomer that is part of most lipids
  11. hydrogen bond
    a weak chemical bond between the hydrogen atom in one molecule and an negatively-charged region of another molecule
  12. hydrolosis
    the splitting of a molecule through reaction with water
  13. hydrophobic
    referring to the molecular repulsion of water
  14. hydrophilic
    referring to the molecular attraction to water
  15. monomer
    a repeated, single molecule unit in a polymer
  16. macromolecules
    a very large organic molecule composed of many smaller molecules
  17. monosaccharide
    a simple sugar such as fructose or clucose
  18. nucleic acids
    an organic molecule DNA or RNA that stores and carries important info for cell function
  19. nucleotides
    a monomer of DNA and RNA consisting of a nitrogen base, a sugar, and a phosphate group.
  20. polarity
    the positive or negative state in which a body reacts to a magnetic, electric, or other field.
  21. polymer
    a compound consisting of repeated linked monomers
  22. polysaccharide
    a complex carb composed of 3 or more monosaccharides
  23. proteins
    an organic compound composed of one or more chains or polypeptides which in turn are formed from amino acids
  24. peptide
    a covalent bond between two amino acids
  25. phospholipid
    a complex lipid having two fatty acids joined by a molecule of glycerol
  26. lipids
    a kind of organic compound that is insoluble in water such as fats and steroids
  27. steroid
    a lipid in which the molecule is composed of four carbon rings
  28. wax
    a lipid that protects animals and helps water from entering your ear
  29. RNA/DNA
    a nucleic acid composed of a single strand and distinguished from DNA by containing ribose and urcil
Card Set
Biomolecules Part 2
Ch. 3