IGCSE Forces

  1. By which two ways can objects be made more stable?
    • a wider base
    • a lower centre of mass
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  2. How can you find the centre of mass of a symmetrical object?
    • Find where the lines of symmetry intersect
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  3. How can you find the centre of mass of an asymmetrical object?
    • Suspend it from any two points and draw vertical lines from the suspension points. The centre of mass will be where the drawn lines intersect.
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  4. What is the turning effect of a force called?
    The moment
  5. What does the turning effect of a force depend upon?
    • The size of the force
    • The perpendicular distance of the force from the pivot

    • (M = F x d)
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  6. If an object is not rotating, what does it say about the total anticlockwise moment and the total clockwise moment?
    They are balanced
  7. In a liquid, which is transmitted equally in all directions: pressure or force?
  8. What is the Pascal (Pa) the unit of?
  9. In the equation

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    what does A represent?
    The cross-sectional area (in metres squared)
  10. In which direction does centripetal force act?
    • Towards the centre of the circle
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  11. What is the force called that keeps objects moving in a circle?
    • Centripetal force
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  12. What 3 things increase the size of the centripetal force required to keep objects moving in circular motion?
    • Increased mass
    • Increased speed
    • Reduced radius
  13. What are the two conditions for a system to be in equilibrium?
    No resultant force AND no resultant turning effect
  14. Give examples of things that use hydraulics
    • Automotive braking systems
    • Earth moving equipment (diggers)
    • Fair ground rides
    • Hydraulic car jacks
    • Hydraulic press
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IGCSE Forces