History ch 32 Amer.txt

  1. Six Day War
    • (1967)
    • = Israel and Seria/Egypt
    • - Israelis use American Equiptment; Seria/Egypt use Soviet Equiptment
    • - LBJ stops Israel from capturing our allie Egypt
  2. Yom Kippur War
    • (1973)
    • = Seria and Egypt attack Israel on holy day and catch Israel by surprise
    • - we give Israel a massive resupply to not fall
  3. O.P.E.C.
    • (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Companies)
    • = announce 5% cuts off oil until Israel gives back Egyptian territories
    • - oil shock for America and other countries that buy from us
    • - US highly dependent on foreign oil
  4. Environmental Protection Agency
    • = try to figure out debate for electricity and oil
    • - republicans want to drill and try to find oil
  5. Sandra Day O'Connor
    • = first female on Supreme Court
    • and one of the finest judges on court
  6. Roe vs Wade
    = overturns state prohibition on abortion
  7. Affirmative Action
    = colleges have to set aside a number of new students for minorites
  8. Bakke Decision
    • = Outlaws use of racial quotas in administration policies
    • - Allen Bakke applies to university of CA & rejected,
    • sues university b/c minorities had lesser qualifications
    • - Supreme Court rules in favor of Bakke
  9. Gerrald Ford
    = President elected in '74

    • - Kicks off presidency w/ pardon to Nixon which creates suspicion
    • - proposes tax cut to stimulate consumer spending and got rebate of 50 bucks
    • - tried to talk out inflation with W.I.N.
  10. Jimmy Carter
    • = Democrat President ran against Ford and faces same economic problems
    • - was federal reserve board chairman
    • -believes in human rights and that influenced his decisions
    • - unwilling to take bold actions
  11. Paul Volcker
    • = gives us an immediate solution with economy
    • --> Issues a Tight Money Policy:
    • high interest rates and credit hard to get with tighter money in federal aid
    • - loud, large man
  12. Walter Mondale
    Carter's VP
  13. War Powers Act
    • - Passed by Congress in 1973
    • = President can commit troops for 60 days but must withdraw them within 30 more days,
    • if congress does not commit to an extension
    • - Pres must notify congress of decision to commit troops and Pres cannot veto their decision
    • - Reaction to Vietnam War squashing future wars by limiting pres authority
  14. Khmer Rouge
    • = Leader of Cambodia
    • - wants to destroy cities and go back to 7/8th century when agriculture was big

    - Cambodia imprisons ship crew and Ford advises marines in Thailand to free crew
  15. Panama Canal Treaties
    • by Jimmy Carter
    • = First : restores zone around Panama Canal back to Panama sovereignties
    • = Second : we give Panama Canal back to Panama
  16. Anwar Sadat
    • = Egypt's new president
    • - takes a trip to Israel to look for solution
  17. Camp David Accords
    • - Carter invites Begin and Sadat to Camp David to come to agreement
    • = Israel and Egypt sign a peace treaty in '78
    • --> Egypt gets back all territory
    • --> Egypt will repeal their war document with Israel
  18. Ayatollah Khomeini
    • = religious leader (theocracy)
    • - not welcomed by Shah
    • - lives in France
  19. Cyrus Vance
    • = Carter's Secretary of State
    • - resigns and protests because he disagrees with Carter

    • - next person in power = Zbignew Brezinski (National Security Advisor)
    • - hard line approach towards Soviets
  20. SALT 2 Treaty
    • = Russians signed but never went through
    • - would have scaled back problems with Russia
  21. Afghanistan
    • - Blocked Russia from signing salt 2
    • = becomes Russia's version of Vietnam War
  22. Carter's Response to Russians invading Afghanistan:
    • 1. US ban high technology to Soviets
    • 2. Embargoes grain export
    • 3. resumes draft registration
    • 4. boycotts 80's Summer Olympics

    • Backfires:
    • 1. Comp industries mad, 2. hurts farmers-Russia no 1 buyers, 3. worries families, 4. get sport communities, networks and sponsors mad
  23. Supply-Side Economics
    • = Trickle Down Theory: give to rich to spend on corporations to give jobs etc.
    • - exporters, farmers, smoke&stack industries hurt
    • - economy worsens under Raegan than Carter
    • - leads unto huge federal defecit
  24. Gramm - Rudman Act
    • = institutes budget ceiling to eliminate future defecits through mandatory across the board spending cuts
    • - Supreme Court declared unconstitutional

    (nonexistent after Clinton administration)
  25. Strategic Defensive Initiative
    • (Star Wars research)
    • = Anti-Missile system designed to destroy incoming missiles in outer space
  26. Glasnot
    = Political Openness in Russia

    - becomes more free and heading towards more Capitalism
  27. Perestroika
    • = Restructuring the Soviet economy
    • - try to head into markey and capital economy
  28. INF Treaty
    • (Intermediate Nuclear Forces)
    • = Bans Nuclear Intermediate Missiles with Soviets
  29. Iran-Contra Affair:
    • - Iran attacked by Iraq and Sadam Hussein
    • - Iraq had one of world's largest military powers
    • -Iran needed military hardware, held Americans hostage so we sell to Iran and make money
    • -> not authorized by Congress
    • - Colonel Oliver North handled business between Iranians and Raegan officials
    • = Profits: Send money to Nicaragua Contra's
    • - illegal scandal revealed and tried, Raegan didn't remember, Col North in jail
  30. George H W Bush
    1988 republican wins landslide
  31. Gulf War
    • = Iraq invades Kuwait and United Nations try to free Kuwait
    • - lead by General Collen Powell
    • -victory over Iraq
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History ch 32 Amer.txt
8/13/10 History Carter/Raegan