Gov 3

  1. 4 Agents of Socialization
    • 1. Family
    • 2. Social Groups
    • 3. Education
    • 4. Political Conditions
  2. 3 Issues when Polling
    • 1. Sample who was asked the question
    • 2. Wording
    • 3. Source who funded it
  3. 4 ways that Voters decide how to vote
    • 1. Issues
    • 2. Economy
    • 3. Candidate Characteristics
    • 4. Party Loyalty
  4. 6 Roles of Parties
    • 1. Polling
    • 2. Broadcast Media
    • 3. Phone Banks
    • 4. Direct Mail
    • 5. Public Relations Staff
    • 6. Internet
  5. 5 Stratiges of Interest Groups
    • 1. Lobbying
    • 2. Access
    • 3. Litigation
    • 4. Going Public
    • 5. Electoral Politics
  6. 3 techniques for implementing Public Policy
    • 1. Promotional Techniques
    • Grants, Contracting, Licensing
    • 2. Regulatory Techniques
    • Criminal Penalties, Regulatory Taxation, Expropriation
    • 3. Redistributive Techniques
    • Fiscal, Monetary
  7. 4 Roles Nation States Play
    • 1. Napoleonic
    • 2. Holy Alliance
    • 3. Balance of Power
    • 4. Economic Expansion
  8. 6 Instruments of Foreign Policy
    • 1. Diplomacy
    • 2. United Nations
    • 3. The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
    • 4. Economic Aid
    • 5. Collective Security (NATO)
    • 6. Military Deterrence
  9. The way that we count Votes
    1. Majority System - 50% plus 1

    2. Plurality System - who ever gets the most percentage

    3. Proportional System - if you get 15% of the votes than you get a seat
  10. Progressive Taxation
    wealthier families get taxed more, creating an excess of money which is redistributed to the people (based on income- the bracket system)
  11. Regressive Taxation
    Everyone is tax the same percentage so poorer families are paying a greater percentage of there income
Card Set
Gov 3
last test for government