A complex global network created by a firm to connect with its vendors, suppliers and other third parties and its customers in order to schieve greater cost effciecies and to enhance competitiveness
Materials Management (Global Logistics)
the timely movement of raw materials, parts, and supplies into and through the firm
Physical Distribution (Global Logistics)
the movement of finsihed products from suppliers to customers
Sysytems Concept (Global Logistics)
a conpect of logistics based on the notion that materials flow activities are so complex that they can be considered only in the context of their interaction
Total- Cost concept (Global Logistics)
A decision concept that identifies and links expenidures in order to evaluate and optimize logistical activities
Trade off Concept (Global Logistics)
a decsion cocept yhat reconizes interavtions within the decision system
Supply chain management
Connnecting the value adding activities of the companys; supply sid ewith its demand side
Just in time inventory systems
Materials scheduled to arrive precisely when they are needed on the production line, miniimzies storage requirments
Land bridge
Transfer of ocean frieght among various modes of land-based transportation
Sea bridge
the transfer of freight among various modes of ocean frieght
intermodal movements
the transfer of freight from one type of transportation to another
Ocean shipping
Liner service
Bulk Service
Tramp Service
Liner ervice (Ocean shipping)
Ocean shipping characterized by regularly scheduled passage on established routes
Bulk Service (Ocean shipping)
ocean shipping provided on contract either for individual voyages or fpr prolonged periods of time
Tramp Service (Ocean shipping)
Ocean shipping via irregular routes scheduled only on demand
Transportation vesseld built to accommodate trucks that can drive on in one port and drive off at their destinations
Lighter aboard ship vessel
Barge stored on a ship and lowered at the point of destination to operate on inland waterways
Four factors for determining mode of transit
1. Transit time
3. cost
4. on-economic factors
Trasit time (transit mode determinants)
the period between departure and arrival of the shipment
predictability (transit mode determinants)
the degree of likelhood that a shipment will arrive on time and in good condition
The capability of the shipper to determine the location of the goods at any point during the shipment
straight bill of landing
the non-negotiable bill of landing usually used in prepaid transactions in which the transported goods involved are delievered to a specific individual of company
Shippers order
the negotiable bill of landing that can be bought sold or traded while the subject goods are still in trasit and that is used for letter of credit transactions
Commercial invoice
A bill for trasported goods that describes the merchandise and its toal costs and lists the addresses of the shipper and seller and delivery and payment terms
International commerce terms widely accepted terms used in quating export prices
Free on Board
FOB is the term used with the ownership/liability of goods passes from the seller to the buyer at the time the goods cross the shipping point to be delievered
Cost, Insurance and freight (CIF)
seller quates a price including insurance , all transportation, and misc charges to the point of debarkation from the vessel or aircraft
Inventory Issues ( 3 factors)
1. the order cycle time
2. desired customer service levels
3. use of inventories as a strategic tool
Order cycle time
the total time that passes between the placement of the order and the receipt of the merchandise