Ch. 6 Interest Groups Quiz

  1. The right to form interest groups and to lobby the government is protected by the

    a. right to privacy.
    b. freedom of speech.
    c. free exercise clause of the First Amendment.
    d. First Amendment right to petition the government.
    First Amendment right to petition the government.
  2. Some interest groups offer their members ___ incentives for joining, such as discounts on products, subscriptions, or group insurance

    a. material
    b. free rider
    c. purposive
    d. solidary
  3. People who enjoy the camaraderie and sense of belonging that comes from associating with a group of people who share their interests and goals are said to have a ___ incentive for joining the group.

    a. purposive
    b. solidary
    c. material
    d. pluralist
  4. Individuals who enjoy the outcome of an interest group's efforts without having to contribute are called

    a. social loafers.
    b. free loaders.
    c. free riders.
    d. creepers.
    free riders
  5. Which of the following statements about interest groups is NOT true?

    a. They help bridge the gap between citizens and government.
    b. They compete for public office.
    c. They help raise public awareness and inspire action on various issues.
    d. They serve as another check on public officials to make sure that they are carrying out their duties responsibly.
    They compete for public office.
  6. According to the pluralist theory of American democracy, politics is a contest among various

    a. political parties.
    b. interest groups.
    c. ideologies.
    d. policymakers.
    interest groups.
  7. Pluralists maintain that involving interest groups in the political process

    a. is undemocratic and fails to represent individual interests.
    b. allows a few dominant interest groups to gain control.
    c. creates a disadvantage for the many Americans not part of a special interest group.
    d. is not undemocratic because individual interests are indirectly represented through these groups.
    is not undemocratic because individual interests are indirectly represented through these groups.
  8. Compared to political parties, interest groups are more

    a. policy specialists than policy generalists.
    b. loosely organized.
    c. likely to run candidates for political office.
    d. likely to try to influence the outcome of elections.
    policy specialists than policy generalists.
  9. ___ is an umbrella organization that represents about 3 million small and large corporations and businesses.

    a. The National Grange
    b. The AFL-CIO
    c. AARP
    d. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce
    The U.S. Chamber of Commerce
  10. ___ usually support policies that benefit specific industries.

    a. Labor unions
    b. Single-issue groups
    c. Consumer groups
    d. Trade organizations
    Trade organizations
  11. Since 2000, donations from corporations to the Democratic National Committee have more than doubled, in part, because

    a. Republicans have always been viewed as unsupportive of business interests.
    b. new campaign finance laws require equitable distribution of donations.
    c. business interests have begun to support both parties to ensure that they will benefit regardless of who wins the elections.
    d. Democrats are more likely to promote a "hands-off" government policy toward businesses.
    business interests have begun to support both parties to ensure that they will benefit regardless of who wins the elections.
  12. Which of the following statements about right-to-work laws is TRUE?

    a. They ban unions from collecting dues from workers who have not joined the union.
    b. They require workers to be union members before they may work in certain trades.
    c. They prohibit unions from forming if there are fewer than 10 workers at a site.
    d. They guarantee jobs to all who are seek employment in state government.
    They ban unions from collecting dues from workers who have not joined the union.
  13. AARP is an example of a(n) ___ interest group.

    a. ideological
    b. identity
    c. single-issue
    d. consumer
  14. Some political scientists view ___ as a political faction and not a true interest group.

    a. Club for Growth
    b. MoveOn
    c. AARP
    d. the Tea Party movement
    the Tea Party movement
  15. Interest groups use many techniques, both direct and indirect, to influence government policy. Direct techniques include ___ and ___.

    a. television publicity; mass mailings
    b. rating systems; mobilizing constituents
    c. demonstrations; "issue ads"
    d. lobbying; providing election support
    lobbying; providing election support
  16. Lobbying refers to

    a. shaping public opinion through mass-media campaigns.
    b. peaceful demonstration techniques designed to make a statement about a group's interests.
    c. influencing government officials by using indirect techniques.
    d. all attempts by organizations or individuals to influence legislation or administrative decisions of government.
    all attempts by organizations or individuals to influence legislation or administrative decisions of government.
  17. Which of the following is an indirect lobbying technique used by interest groups to influence public policy?

    a. offering expert testimony before congressional committees that supports the expert's position
    b. providing expertise and research results to legislators for important policy decisions
    c. providing legal advice to assist legislators in drafting legislation
    d. rating legislators according to their votes on issues important to a group's goals and interests
    rating legislators according to their votes on issues important to a group's goals and interests.
  18. A ___ is a committee that is established by a corporation, labor union, or special interest group to raise funds and make campaign contributions on the establishing organization's behalf.

    a. Professional Interest Group
    b. 527
    c. Public Sector Union
    d. Political Action Committee (PAC)
    Political Action Committee (PAC)
  19. Groups that air issue ads are referred to as

    a. "soft money packagers."
    b. "PACs."
    c. "527s."
    d. "lobbyists."
  20. Interest groups can influence the outcome of litigation by

    a. mobilizing constituents.
    b. using rating systems.
    c. filing an amicus curiae brief.
    d. bundling campaign contributions.
    filing an amicus curiae brief.
  21. In spite of legislation and regulations designed to reduce the ___ syndrome, it is common for those who leave positions with the federal government to become lobbyists or consultants for the private-interest groups they helped to regulate.

    a. "democratic doorway"
    b. "revolving door"
    c. "trapdoor"
    d. "political portal"
    "revolving door"
  22. Which of the following is NOT a major provision of the Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1946?

    a. Lobbyists must report their clients, the issues on which they lobbied, and the agency or chamber of Congress they contacted.
    b. Any groups or persons registering must identify their employer, salary, amount and purpose of expenses, and duration of employment.
    c. Every registered lobbyist must make quarterly reports on his or her activities.
    d. Anyone violating the act can be fined up to $10,000 and be imprisoned for up to five years.
    Lobbyists must report their clients, the issues on which they lobbied, and the agency or chamber of Congress they contacted.
  23. The ___ requires lobbyists to report their clients, the issues on which they lobbied, and the agency or chamber of Congress they contacted.

    a. Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1946
    b. Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995
    c. Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007
    d. Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002
    Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995
  24. ___ are exempt from the provisions of the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.

    a. Tax-exempt organizations and organizations that engage in grassroots lobbying
    b. Organizations that spend at least $10,000 per quarter on lobbying activities
    c. Those spending 20% of their time lobbying members of Congress
    d. Individuals paid $2,500 in a six-month period for their lobbying efforts
    Tax-exempt organizations and organizations that engage in grassroots lobbying
  25. Which of the following provisions was NOT included in the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007?

    a. the further restriction on Congress receiving gifts and travel from lobbyists
    b. the requirement that lobbyists disclose the names of each Congressperson they contact
    c. the specification that all bundled campaign contributions must be reported
    d. the required disclosure of lawmakers' requests for earmarks in legislation
    the requirement that lobbyists disclose the names of each Congress person they contact
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Ch. 6 Interest Groups Quiz
Ch. 6