Introduction to Anthropology

  1. Human Paleontology (paleoanthropology)
    Emergence of humans and their later physical evolution.
  2. Biological/Physical Anthropology
    Humans as biological organisms, dealing with emergence and evolution of humans with contemporary biological variations among human population.
  3. Primates
    Member of mammalian order, which is divided into 2 suborders: prosimians (before ape) and anthropoids (human-like).
  4. Fossil
    Hardened remains or impression of the living animals and plants from the past.
  5. Primatologists
    Studies primates.
  6. Homo sapiens
    All human populations on earth that can interbreed successfully.
  7. Human Variation
    How and why contemporary human population varies biologically.
  8. Cultural Anthropology
    Cultural variation and universal in the past and present. There are three types: Archaeology, Anthropological Linguistics, and Ethnology.
  9. Archaeology
    Seeks to reconstruct daily life and and customs of people who lives in the past and to trace and explain cultural changes. Often lack writing records and must try to reconstruct history from the remains of human culture.
  10. Prehistory
    Time before written records.
  11. Historical Archaeology
    Speciality within archaeology that studies the written remains of recent people.
  12. Anthropological Linguistic
    Study of Languages.
  13. Historical Linguistics
    How languages change over time.
  14. Sociolinguistics
    Cultural and subcultural patterns of speaking in different social contexts.
  15. Ethnology (cultural anthropology)
    How the recent cultures differ and similar.
  16. Ethnographers
    A person who sent sometimes with interviewing and observing a group of people to describe their customs.
  17. Ethnography
    A description of a society’s customary behaviors and ideas.
  18. Ethnohistorians
    Uses historical documents to study how a particular culture has changed over time.
  19. Applied/Practicing Anthropology
    Applying anthropological knowledge to achieve practical goals.
  20. Anthropology
    Study of human beings. In Greek, Anthropos stands for man or human and logos stands for study.
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Introduction to Anthropology
Anthropology chapter 1