this type of media grows most non-fastidious organisms with no advantage given to a particular organism.
this type of media is enriched for fastidious organisms.
this type of media is inhubitory.
this type of media is used as a visual aid.
this type of media is confirmatory ID for previously isolated organisms.
this is an examle of a media that is supportive and also differential
this is an example of a media that is selective and also differential
this is the process of taking bacteria from a site and growing it in a culture.
these two bacteria cannot be grown in vitro.
what three things are needed to sustain microbial metabolism?
this type of water is recommended to avoid impurities in re-hydrated powder media.
purified water
this is the original solidifying agent.
this is the most common solidifying agent
agarose dissolves at what temperature?
agarose re-solidifies at what temperature?
how much agarose should be used in solid media?
how much agarose should be used in semi-solid media?
how much agarose should be used in liquid media?
in a THIO broth what is the purpose of agarose?
- prevents convection
- prevents penetration of O2
there are partially digested protiens which function as the principal source of organic nitrogen.
this is a peptone used in basic media
this is the preferred type of whole blood because it has the correct hemolytic reaction
sheep's blood
human blood is limited for the use of what organism?
G. vaginalis
what are the two selective media that horse blood is limited to?
why is hemolyzed blood used?
increases availability of RBC-bound growth
what are the three meat and tissue infusions that are used in media?
this provides a carbohydrate additive and a carbon source
energy substrate
this helps to maintain the isotonic or physiological pH of the cell wall
sodium chloride
at what percentage is sodium chloide inhibitory
this helps to maintain H ion concentration.
buffer system
this is used as an endpoint to ID organisms.
these help to visually detect pH changes based on bacterial action
colormetric indicators
what are the colors for phenol red colormetric indicator?
- acid = yellow
- alkaline = red
what are the colors for methyl red colormetric indicators?
- acid = red
- alkaline = yellow
what are the colors for the neutral red indicator?
- acid = red
- alkaline = yellow
what are the colors for the bromcresol purple colormetric indicator?
- acid = yellow
- alkaline = purple
what are the colors for the ortho-toluidine blue colormetric indicator?
- acid = red
- alkaline = blue
what are the colors for the bromthymol blue colormetric indicator?
- acid = yellow
- alkaline = blue
what is the sulfur source for the formation of H2S gas?
sodium thiosulfate
what is the positive endpoint of an H2S indicator?
black percipitate
this promote growth of certain groups of organisms
selective agents
this retards growth of certain groups of organisms
inhibitory agents
these two terms regarding culture growth are used interchangeably
- selective agents
- inhibitory agents
what three dyes are used as GP inhibitors?
- crystal violet
- brilliant green
- basic fuchsin
what is the dye used in the MAC plate?
crystal violet
what is the dye used in the SS and BS plates?
brilliant green
what organisms are inhibited by brilliant green?
this is used in enteric media to inhibit GNC and GP organisms.
bile salts
what percent of sodium chloride is inhibitory for all organisms except streptococcus and staphylococcus?
what percent of sodium chloride is inhibitory for all organisms excep staphylococcus?
this inhibits all organisms except salmonella and vibrio
sodium selenite
what antibiotic is used to inhibit garm positive organisms?
what two antibiotics are used to inhibit gram negative organism?
what antibiotic is used to inhibit yeast
this media has peptones and is used in susceptibility testing for both fastidious and nonfastidious organisms.
trypticase soy ager (TSA)
this media has peptones and glucose and is used to speed bacterial growth rate.
trypticase soy broth (TSB)
This media has beef infusion and starch and used for susceptibility testing and mainttenance.
mueller hinton ager (MH)
this media has calf brain, beef heart, peptones and glucose, and is used for quality control.
Brain Heart Infusion Ager (BHIA)
this media is used to accelerate growth to log rate in 6-8 hours. It is the blood culture media base.
Brain-Heart Infusion Broth (BHIB)
this media contains thioglycolic acid and is used to prevent the formation oand accumulation of toxic H2O2.
Thioglycollate Medium (THIO)
in THIO pink coloration seen in the uppermost portion of the medium is caused by what?
what is the O2 indicator in Thioglycollate Medium?
this is the most frequently used broth in micro.
what are three indications for THIO?
- wound culture
- culture of small surgical hardware
- visual evaluation of organism's atmospheric need for O2
this media consists of TSA, brucella, BHI, and is enriched with 5% defibrinated sheeps blood.
Blood Agar Plate (BAP)
this plate is used in the differentiation of hemolysis
this is partial hemolysis, green zone visible due to presence of biliverdin.
Alpha Hemolysis
this is complete hemolysis, there is a visible clear zone.
beta hemolysis
this is when there is no hemolysis
Gamma hemolysis
how are hemolytic reactions enhanced in Blood Ager Media?
streptolysin-O is ______ labile.
this plate has 2% hemoglobin or isovitalex and 5% hemolyzed sheeps RBC's
Chocolate agar plate
this plate cultivates fastidious organisms needing NAD/Hemin within RBC (Neisseria, Haemophilus).
Chocolate Agar Plate (CHOC)
this media is selective for N. gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis.
Thayer Martin (TM)
this media is more selective than TM when working with mixed flora.
Modified Thayer Martin (MTM)
what is added to TM plates to inhibit proteus?
this is selective for N. Gonorrhoeae only.
New York Cityh Agar
the constituents of this plate is peptones, cornstarch, 3% HgB, horse plasma, and antibiotics
New York City Agar
what three antibiotics are added to Thayer Martin media?
- Vancomycin
- Colistin
- Nystatin
This is a gram positive selective media that has 7.5% NaCl.
Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA)
what is the pH indicator in MSA?
phenol red
what media is used as selective for staphylococcus?
Mannitol Salt Agar
this media is 95% positive for S. aureus.
This media is enriched with 5% sheeps blood and selective for GP organisms
Columbia CNA Agar
this media separates GP organisms from swarming enteric bacteria (e.g. proteus).
Columbia CNA agar
what is the biochemical agent in MAC?
what is the pH indicator in MAC?
neutral red
what are the two inhibitors in MAC?
on an MAC plate strong lactose fermenters leave a zone of percipitated bile that turns what color?
MacConkey Agar is selective for what organisms?
this media is enriched with a yeast extract and is used for the recovery of salmonella and shigella from stool samples.
Hektoen-Enteric Agar (HE)
what are the two pH indicators in HE?
- bromthymol blue
- acid fuchsin
what is the H2S indicator in Hektoen-Enteric Agar?
ferric ammonium citrate
what inhibitor is used in Hektoen-Enteric Agar?
bile salts
HE is selective for Gram _______ organisms.
what colors are fermenters on an HE plate?
what color do nonfermenters turn on an HE plate?
on an HE plate strong fermenters leave a zone of percipitated bile that is what color?
what is the pH indicator on the salmonella-shigella Agar?
neutral red
what biochemical agent do MAC, HE, and SS share?
what is the H2S indicator on Salmonella-Shigella Agar?
Ferric Citrate
what are the three inhibitors on the Salmonella-Shigella Agar?
- Bile Salts
- Brilliant Green
- Sodium Citrate
what is the H2S indicator on Xylose-Lysine-Desoxycholate Agar (XLD)?
ferric ammonium citrate
this media is used for the isolation of salmonella and shigella from other GNR.
what color are fermenters and nonfermenters on XLD?
- fermenters are yellow
- nonfermenters are colorless, red
this broth temporarily inhibits normal flora for the isolation of salmonella and shigella.
GN broth
after 6-8 hours of GN broth sample should be subcultured to what three media?
gram negative enteric media differentiates what?
fermenters from non-fermenters
this semi-solid media differentiates by utilizing or not utilizing carbohydrates.
oxidative-fermentative (O-F) basal medium
What is the pH indicator on O-F?
bromthymol blue
what are the steps to inoculate O-F tubes?
- lightly stab 2 tubes 5x
- add carbohydrate disks aseptically
- overlay one tube with mineral oil, the other stays open
- incubate at 35-37oC
in an O-F tube what interpretation is based on the production of what?
Acid (yellow)
in O-F if acid is produced ony in the open tube the result is:
in O-F if acid is produced in both tubes the result is:
in O-F if acid is produced in neither tube the result is:
this is a semi-solid medium with a cystine biochemical that is used to differentiate neisseria species.
cystine-trypticase agar (CTA)
what is the pH indicator in CTA?
phenol red
this agar has a biochemical of deoxyribonucleic acid at 0.2%.
Dnase Agar
what is the indicator in Dnase agar?
ortho-toluidine blue
the purpose of this media is to detect bacterial DNase production
DNase agar
Dnase agar is ___ positive for S. aureus.
DNase is ___ positive for S. marcescens.
what is the appearance of a positive result on DNase?
rose pink
what is the media protocol for throat cultures?
what is the media protocol for nasopharyngeal cultures?
what is the media protocol for sputum?
what is the media protocol for urine?
what is the media protocol for wound cultures?
what is the media protocol for stool?
what is the media protocol for genital cultures?
what is the media protocol for CSF?
what size glassware is used to prepare media?
twice as large
unprepared media is extremely __________.
small loads should be sterilized at what temp? for how long?
large loads should be sterilized at what temp? for how long?
at what temperature do you add blood to the mdium for CHOC?
at what temperature do you add enrichments including whole blood?
at what temperature should the medium be poured into a petri dish?
how do you eliminate bubbles in a medium?
pass flame on surface
how do you eliminate condensation on a petri dish?
lid ajar for 15-20 min
how much medium should be used to achieve a 3mm depth in a 100 mm petri dish?
how much medium should be used to achieve a 5-6mm depth in a 150mm petri dish?
what is the shelf life of media?
2 weeks to four mounths
what type f media has a longer shelf life?
what percent of prepared plates should be tested for quality control?
what is the ideal temperature for incuabtion?