Critical Reasoning

  1. Types - Major
    Find the assumption - missing logic gap

    Draw a conclusion - answer is close to text (sounds boring)

    Strengthen the conclusion

    Weaken the conclusion
  2. Question Types - Minor
    • Restate the conclusion
    • Evaluate the conclusion

    • Analyze the arguement structure
    • Mimic the arguement

    • Explain an event or discrepancy
    • Provides an example
    • Resolve a problem
  3. "Except" questions
    Rephrase "except" into the question, insert the word "NOT"

    "Which one does NOT explain event X?"
  4. Answer Choice w Boundary & Extreme words
    A correct answer choice must be 100% true

    • Extreme words - make the arguement very broad or far reaching
    • - large or ridicously small difference
    • - use conclusion and the question to elimiate the choice
    • - Ex: always, never, all, none, never

    • Boundary - limit the scope
    • - include in diagram (underline or capitalize)
  5. CR structure
    • PREMISE + (Assumptions) = Conclusion
    • (stated info) + (unstated, necessary to reach conclusion) = (main point)
  6. Finding the assumption
    Necessary, but not sufficient...this will make the conclusion somewhat likely to be true

    • Negated assumption - if the assumption is NOT reasonable, makes the arguement sound nonsensical
    • ~ answer choice is almost certainly correct
  7. Types of assumption

    (1 of 4)
    • Serve as a "logic gap" => tend to be fact based or provide background info
    • P + _ => C
  8. Types of assumption (2 of 4)
    Establish the premise

    reflects the opinion or claims=> occur in the way the arguement will assume it will

    • P1 + P2 => C
    • ---
    • A
  9. Types of assumption (3 of 4)
    Eliminate alt paths to reach a given conclusion

    ~ only one correct assumption in the answer choice

    X --> Z (not Y)
  10. Types of assumption (4 of 4)
    Cause & effect => eliminate casualty in the other direction

    X --> Z because Z # X
  11. Draw a conclusion
Card Set
Critical Reasoning
CR principles