Human Anatomy Chapter 11 Axial Muscle

  1. The axial muscles do all of the following except

    C) move and stabilize the pelvic and pectoral girdles
  2. The axial muscles are organized by location into how many major groups?

    C) five
  3. Specific groups within the muscles of the head and neck include

    D) all of the above
  4. With few exceptions, muscles of the head and neck originate

    B) on either the skull or the hyoid bone
  5. The epicranius is composed of which of the following?

    D) all of the above
  6. The word root gaster most nearly means

    A) belly
  7. Which of these muscles insert into the superficial fascia of the skin?

    B) muscles of facial expression
  8. The orbicularis oris muscle

    C) compresses and purses the lips
  9. Which muscle pulls the lower lip inferiorly and tenses the skin of the neck?

    C) platysma
  10. The muscle that closes the eye and produces winking, blinking, and squinting is the

    C) orbicularis oculi
  11. The muscles of facial expression are innervated by

    C) the facial nerve
  12. Which of the following is not an extrinsic eye muscle?

    C) lateral oblique
  13. Which extrinsic eye muscles elevate the eyes?

    B) superior rectus and inferior oblique
  14. All of the following are muscles of mastication except the

    D) risorius
  15. The muscles of mastication are all innervated by which cranial nerve?

    D) trigeminal
  16. Names of the extrinsic muscles of the ____________ end with the suffix -glossus.

    D) tongue
  17. The word root geni most nearly means

    A) chin
  18. Which muscles initiate swallowing and force the food inferiorly into the esophagus?

    C) the pharyngeal constrictors
  19. The dividing point for the two groups of anterior muscles of the neck is the

    C) hyoid bone
  20. Which muscle elevates the hyoid bone and depresses the mandible?

    B) digastric
  21. Unilateral contraction of the ____________ results in lateral flexion and rotation of the head to the opposite side; bilateral contraction flexes the head and neck.

    B) sternocleidomastoid
  22. The word root splenion, used in the names of two posterior neck muscles, translates to mean

    B) bandage
  23. The three large, complex groups of muscles that extend or laterally flex the vertebral column are collectively called the ____________ muscles.

    A) erector spinae
  24. The rotatores are small muscles in the ____________ group that are named for one of their actions.

    A) transversospinalis
  25. Which muscles elevate the ribs in respiration?

    B) serratus posterior superior and external intercostals
  26. Which of the following muscles reinforce the anterolateral wall of the abdomen?

    D) all of the above
  27. The region between the lower appendages, bounded by the pubic symphysis, coccyx, and ischial tuberosities, is called the

    D) perineum
  28. Muscles of the pelvic floor perform which of the following functions?

    D) all of the above
  29. All of the following are superficial muscles of the urogenital triangle except the

    B) external urethral sphincter
  30. The deep transverse perineal and external urethral sphincter are collectively called the

    A) urogenital diaphragm
  31. Which extrinsic tongue muscle is not innervated by the hypoglossal nerve?

    C) palatoglossus
  32. The most numerous facial muscles are associated with the

    C) oral region
  33. The extrinsic eye muscles are innervated by which cranial nerves?

    A) I, II, and VII
  34. Which extrinsic eye muscles are synergistic in lateromedial movements of the eye but antagonistic in elevation and depression?

    D) both pairs b and c
  35. If a person bilaterally contracts both medial rectus muscles, the eyes

    A) adduct ("cross")
  36. If a doctor asked you to contract your genioglossus muscles, you would oblige by

    A) sticking out your tongue
  37. Which action is performed by the same muscles that cause a rushing sound inside the ears by opening the auditory tubes?

    D) tensing of the soft palate
  38. Although antagonists and members of different specific groups, both of the muscles innervated by the first cervical spinal nerve via cranial nerve XII insert on the

    D) hyoid bone
  39. In one of its actions, the little ____________ muscle opposes the entire group of ____________.

    A) digastric; muscles of mastication
  40. Which of these muscles can act bilaterally to produce the same movement or unilaterally to produce opposite movements?

    D) longissimus capitis
  41. The suboccipital nerve innervates which of the following muscles?

    D) oblique and rectus muscles of the neck
  42. Which muscle is antagonistic to the unilateral action of the left sternocleidomastoid?

    B) the left splenius capitis
  43. Which muscles can act synergistically with either the sternocleidomastoids or, to a limited extent, with the external intercostals?

    D) scalenes
  44. The ____________ muscles are antagonistic to the inferior portions of the erector spinae.

    A) rectus abdominis
  45. The only muscle of mastication that retracts the mandible is the

    D) temporalis
  46. Which extensor of the neck is primarily an appendicular muscle?

    C) trapezius
  47. Which muscle originates on the petrous region of the temporal bone and is innervated by the vagus nerve (CN X)?

    A) levator veli palatini
  48. Which muscle has two bellies but is innervated by a single nerve from the cervical plexus?

    C) omohyoid
  49. All of the muscles in which of the following groups insert on a "median raphe"?

    D) all of the above
  50. The names "superior oblique" and "inferior oblique" refer to muscles of which two muscle groups?

    A) extraocular and suboccipital muscles
  51. Of the following muscles, which are located deepest in the body?

    C) transversus abdominis
  52. The adage, "C3, 4, and 5 keep you alive," refers to the vital innervation of what muscle?

    D) diaphragm
  53. Injury of the ____________ nerve prevents lateral movement of the eye and thus causes ____________ strabismus.

    B) abducens; internal
  54. What is "linea nigra" that sometimes occurs as a consequence of pregnancy?

    C) a darkened linea alba that is visible along the midline of the abdomen
  55. All of the following accurately describe hernias except

    D) although sometimes painful, hernias are never life-threatening
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Human Anatomy Chapter 11 Axial Muscle
Human Anatomy Chapter 11 Axial Muscle