MFT Theory Cards

  1. Psychodynamic Theory: What is Freud’s view of Human Nature?
    Deterministic – Bx of people is determined by unconscious motivation, biological & instinctual drivers, & psychosexual events during 1st 6 years of life
  2. Psychodynamic Theory: Focus of treatment?
    How the unconscious dynamics/motivations affect a person’s functioning
  3. Psychodynamic Theory: Goals of therapy?
    To resolve intrapsychic conflict
  4. Psychodynamic Theory: Freud’s view of anxiety?
    Anxiety develops out of conflict between the Id, Ego, & Superego, over the control of the available psychic energy.
  5. Id
    • Primary instincts (largely unconscious)
    • Pleasure Principle
    • Develop at Birth
  6. Ego
    • Governs, controls, and regulates the personality.
    • Reality Principle
  7. Superego
    • Judicial branch
    • Person’s own Moral code
    • Develop between age 4-6
  8. Reaction Formation
    a way of defending against a threatening impulse by expressing the opposite of it
  9. Sublimation
    the redirection of sexual energy into other channels
  10. Introjection
    the process of taking in and assimilating another's values
  11. Catharsis
    expressions and discharge of repressed emotions
  12. Frued's 5 Psychosexual Stages
    • Oral Stage (1st year of life)
    • Anal Stage (1-3 years)
    • Phallic Stage (4-6 years)
    • Latency Stage (7-12 years)
    • Genital Stage (12 & older)
  13. Structural Family Therapy:
    Major Theorist
    • Salvador Minuchin
    • Bravlio Montalvo
    • Harry Aponte
    • Charels Fishman
  14. Structural Family Therapy:
    Role of Therapist
    Directive, Change - Oriented, concenred with Sx in terms of family system's dynamics
  15. Structural Family Therapy:
    Asumptions regarding change
    • If you change the orgainization/structure, of the family, the Sx will be alleviated
    • Here and now, directive, concrete treatment approach
  16. Structural Family Therapy:
    Family Structure
    • How the family relates to one another
    • Alignments & Power Hierarchies
  17. Structural Family Therapy:
    • Diffuse/Enmeshment
    • Rigid/Disengagement
  18. Structural Family Therapy:
    Maladaptive Bx
    Inflexable Family Structure
  19. Structural Family Therapy:
    Therapy Goals
    • Restructure the family systems of transactional rules
    • Establish Appropriate Boundaries
    • Create an Effective Hierarchical Structure
  20. Structural Family Therapy:
    Assessment Tools
    • Interviewing
    • enactment
    • Review of the Presenting Problem
    • Mapping
  21. Structural Family Therapy:
    Primary Areas of Assessment
    • Family Structure
    • Flexibility
    • Resonance: Sensistivity w/in the family
    • IP role
    • Ecological Context: extended family, church, school, etc.
    • Developmental Stage
  22. Structural Family Therapy:
    • Joining & Accommodation
    • Relabeling & Reframing
    • Enactments
    • Boundarie Making
    • Unbalancing
    • Restructuring Techniques
  23. Communication Theory:
    • Virgina Satir
    • John Banmen
    • Jan Gerber
    • Maria Gomori
  24. Communication Theory:
    Role as Therapist
    Warm, genuine, congruent communication
  25. Communication Theory:
    • 1. People naturally tend towards positive growth
    • 2. All people possess the resources for positive growth
    • 3. Everyone person & every thing/situation impact & impated by everyone & everything else
    • 4. Therapy is a process, whcih involves interactions between therapist & clt (each person responsible for himself)
  26. Communication Theory:
    Self Esteem/Self Worth
    innate drive that is fostered or not fostered as a result of communication & early experiences by parents
  27. Communication Theory:
    8 levels of self
    physical, intellectual, emotional, sensual, interactional, contextual, nutritional, spiritual
  28. Communication Theory:
    mind, soul, body triad
    Clt's perception of his/her own body parts & the +/- feelings the clt attaches to them
  29. Communication Theory:
    development of separteness & clear identity as a result of being in touch with own feelings/values, communicate effectively
  30. Communication Theory:
    Seed Model
    Everyone has the inborn potenial that is waiting to be fulfilled
  31. Communication Theory:
    Threat & Reward Model
    Worldview that some people make rules & other's follow rules without question
  32. Communication Theory:
    Styles of Communication - Placating
    Agreeing, serving, or succuming to another out of fear, dependency, self worth
  33. Communication Theory:
    Styles of Communication - Blaming
    Accusign or pointing the finger at one another because of loneliness & low self worth
  34. Communication Theory:
    Styles of Communication - Computing
    Acting super reasonable/rational, due to underlying sense of vulnerability
  35. Communication Theory:
    Styles of Communication - Distracting
    Acting spontaneous, irrevelant, & avoiding feelings
  36. Communication Theory:
    Styles of Communication - Leveling
    Everything is congruent
  37. Communication Theory:
    View of Maladaptive Bx
    resulting from a failure to fulfill one's potential for personal growth
  38. Communication Theory:
    Thearpy Goals
    • 1. Raise Self Esteem
    • 2. Improve communication
    • 3. Growth
    • 4. Identify the family role & how they promote the Sx
  39. Communication Theory:
    Assessment Tools
    • Family Life Chronology
    • Family reconstruction (enactment)
    • Analysis of the technique used by each member to handle "different-ness"
    • Role Function Analysis
    • Self Manifestation Analysis
    • Model Analysis
  40. Communication Theory:
    Sculpting, family reconstruction, teaching/model effective communication, use of metaphors, use of drama, therapist use of self, art therapy, "I value you" statemnts, labeling assets
  41. Communication Theory:
    • 1. Family members can complete transaction, check, & ask
    • 2. Can interpret hostility
    • 3. They can see how others see them
    • 4. They can see how they see themselves
    • 5. One member can tell the other how he manifest himself
    • 6. One can tell other what he hopes, fears, expects
    • 7. When family can disagree
    • 8. When family can make choices
    • 9. When family learn from practice
    • 10. When family free themselves from harmful effects of past models
    • 11. When family can give clear messeges
  42. Humanistic Existential Therapy:
    • Maslow
    • Allport
    • Burgental
    • Frankl
    • May
    • Murray
    • Perls
    • Rogers
  43. Humanistic Existential Therapy:
    Focus of Treatment
    • Here and Now
    • Emphasizes free choice and self-awareness
  44. Humanistic Existential Therapy:
    The role of therapist
    • To be active
    • Therapy provides a clt with new experiences in a relationship between separate & free being
  45. Humanistic Existential Therapy:
    View of IP
    • People are seen as not "sick."
    • IP label is thrown out
  46. Humanistic Existential Therapy:
    How does change occur?
    Change occurs through the subjective experiences of therapy
  47. Humanistic Existential Therapy:
    • To increase awareness of how one choses to define life (assuming ownership)
    • To affirm reality & explore how one may choose to deny "what is"
    • To explore one's intentiality in the world
    • To explore one's project and priorities in life
    • To accept both +/- components of one's project, so that parts of the personality that are mostly out of awareness, can be reintergrated into the whole.
  48. Humanistic Existential Therapy:
    Bad Faith
    choosing to be unaware of an aspect of on'es experiences and at th sametime denying that one is unaware
  49. Humanistic Existential Therapy:
    One's basic goals and aim in life
  50. Humanistic Existential Therapy:
    a false belief regarding the relationship between two people, in which the concept of separateness and unique subjectivity of each individual is denied.
Card Set
MFT Theory Cards
MFT Theory