ear and eye

  1. blepharoptosis
    • blephar/o/ptosis
    • eyelid/cv/drooping
  2. conjunctivitis
    • conjunctiv/itis
    • conjunctiva/inflam of
  3. iridic
    • irid/ic
    • iris/pert to
  4. keratisis
    • kerat/itis
    • cornea/inflam of
  5. lacrimal
    • lacrim/al
    • tears/pert to
  6. ophthalmaologist
    • ophthalm/o/log/ist
    • eye/cv/study/specialist in
  7. optometrist
    • opt/o/metr/ist
    • vision/cv/measure/specialist in
  8. papilledma
    • papill/edema
    • optic disc/swelling of
  9. pupillary
    • pupill/ary
    • pupil/pert to
  10. retinopathy
    • retin/o/pathy
    • retina/cv/disease of
  11. corneoscleral
    • corne/o/scler/al
    • cornera/cv/sclera/pert to
  12. glaucoma
    • glauc/oma
    • gray/tumor of
  13. nyctalopia
    • nyct/al/opia
    • night/blindness/vision
  14. photophobia
    • phot/o/phobia
    • light/cv/fear of (sensitivity to)
  15. acoustic
    • acous/tic
    • hearing/pert to
  16. audiogram
    • audi/o/gram
    • hearing/cv/record of
  17. cochlear
    • cochle/ar
    • cochlea/pert to
  18. myringotomy
    • myring/o/tomy
    • eardrum/cv/incision into
  19. otopyorrhea
    • ot/o/py/o/rrhea
    • ear/cv/pus/cv/discharge of
  20. stapedectomy
    • staped/ectomy
    • stapes/exicision of
  21. tympanoplasty
    • tympan/o/plasty
    • ear drum/cv/surgical repair of
  22. hyperacusis
    • hyper/acusis
    • excessive (sensitivity)/ hearing
  23. otoscope
    • ot/o/scope
    • ear/cv/instrument for visual exam
  24. cerumenal
    • cerumen/al
    • earwax/pert to
  25. otitis
    • ot/itis
    • ear/inflam of
Card Set
ear and eye
ear and eye